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Everything posted by Tut

  1. As this does not seem like an advert nor a scripting question I'll give this a lock.
  2. Tut

    Problem with lags.

    If you're not part of the server Staff team, the above would not apply to you. Under Advanced MTA settings, try setting the debug mode to Graphics. This should disable custom mods. Otherwise the best you can do is reach out to their Staff and ask if they can add a toggle for disabling mods.
  3. Hi @Nakka Lindu This is your 3rd post on the same question. Please click your profile and locate your posts if you don't know where they went when we move them for you. https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/128397-quero-remover-esta-tarja-do-radar-fica-aparecendo-em-cada-lugar-que-eu-vou-pelo-mapa-print-httpsprntscvtykb9/
  4. Thread's moved to the Resources section, as that's the only place we allow sales of gamemodes/resources.
  5. Tut

    [Help] Yate GTA V

    Hi, Vehicles have their collision embedded in their DFF file. If your boat is a world object, you can instead load the collision separately using engineLoadCol. Because vehicle collisions are real time, it's not ideal to use vehicles for larger boats as when players interact with them, they'll do weird jumps and pushes. As GTA 5 Yacht is huge, you would be better off replacing a world object as the collision is then static. The world object can be attached to a vehicle if you want to retain boat handling.
  6. As it is resolved I'll give it a lock. In the future please use the Portuguese forum! https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/97-portuguese-português/
  7. I'm thinking they attached a santa hat using bone attach function. This is pretty common in servers during Winter season
  8. Tut


    Are you trying to log in to a server that you're playing on, else please elaborate your question.
  9. Hi, Try adding alpha transparency flag through engineReplaceModel and it might resolve the rendering issue. You may try using DXT1 texture compression for the branches if the above doesn't work out. One last solution in mind is replacing the branches ONLY with an object that has IDE flag 68, e.g ID 17524. For a full list, CTRL F 68 in this thread
  10. Tut

    Problem with lags.

    Yes you can resolve it. GTA vehicle models are around 150kb or 2000 triangle meshes. GTA traffic system is fairly optimised to not render vehicles from far and only around 16 within the players camera IIRC. That said you would have a maximum of around 24k triangles loaded in your location from vehicles alone. Now imagine what 30mb/420k triangles does to your game. Please get rid of the mod and find models that are less than 1mb at least. If you do have a 3D Modeler on your team you can ask that he optimizes the DFF, TXD and collision mods. This can easily produce great results without destroying the mesh completely.
  11. You already have a thread on this issue! https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/128397-quero-remover-esta-tarja-do-radar-fica-aparecendo-em-cada-lugar-que-eu-vou-pelo-mapa-print-httpsprntscvtykb9/
  12. Thread moved to the Scripting section, as it's a code related question not client support inquiry
  13. Hi and welcome to the forums @Breabin_ Thread moved to the Romanian support section for best results. Your duplicate has been merged to provide more context. .asi files can be ignored unless you start seeing graphical or performance issues - if you do, simply search for .asi extension in your GTA SA installation and delete those.
  14. Thread moved to the Scripting section for best results. The Server Support section is for receiving help/guidance with server specific inquiries
  15. Thread moved to the Portuguese scripting section for best results
  16. Thread moved to the Portuguese scripting section for best results
  17. Tut

    ENB Problem

    Hi, If your server has a shader, please toggle that off. The ENB vehicle reflection tends to interfere with other shaders, typically car reflections in a server causing this graphical glitch. You may also try toggling off the ENB reflection to resolve it.
  18. Thread moved to the Scripting section. The Scripting Tutorials section is only for tutorials aimed to give guidance on a subject.
  19. Thread moved to the Scripting section for best results
  20. Thread moved to the Portuguese forum for best results. Do note that the Scripting Tutorials section is located in the International forum and hence posts there must be kept English
  21. Perhaps the Server Staff will know how to get rid of the message. If you search around you might find a Discord or site hosted by the Server.
  22. Hi, From what I understand it's giving a heads up that the Nightly version of MTA has better memory usage. Memory may be an issue on the server you're playing on, so it would make sense that they are recommending you to update your MTA. https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/
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