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    • Hi. Small heads up that version 1.5 is out, and work has already begun towards version 1.6. The gamemode is currently discounted - Find all information in the Discord provided Thank you.
    • See: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/FindRotation3D
    • hey, i am trying to make my custom radar, i used HUD mask shader in order to apply a circle shader to map, now my problem is how can i calculate the blips correct position on the map? it should be depend on the map zoom level, uvpostion and uvrotation, i also want to skip rendering the blips that are out of the map texture rendering part   local radarConfig = { x = 250, y = 1080 / 2, width = 300, height = 300, defaultZoom = 13, } local currentZoom = radarConfig.defaultZoom -- Start with a default zoom level local targetZoom = currentZoom -- Initialize target zoom to the current zoom function getElementSpeed(theElement, unit) -- Check arguments for errors assert(isElement(theElement), "Bad argument 1 @ getElementSpeed (element expected, got " .. type(theElement) .. ")") local elementType = getElementType(theElement) assert(elementType == "player" or elementType == "ped" or elementType == "object" or elementType == "vehicle" or elementType == "projectile", "Invalid element type @ getElementSpeed (player/ped/object/vehicle/projectile expected, got " .. elementType .. ")") assert((unit == nil or type(unit) == "string" or type(unit) == "number") and (unit == nil or (tonumber(unit) and (tonumber(unit) == 0 or tonumber(unit) == 1 or tonumber(unit) == 2)) or unit == "m/s" or unit == "km/h" or unit == "mph"), "Bad argument 2 @ getElementSpeed (invalid speed unit)") -- Default to m/s if no unit specified and 'ignore' argument type if the string contains a number unit = unit == nil and 0 or ((not tonumber(unit)) and unit or tonumber(unit)) -- Setup our multiplier to convert the velocity to the specified unit local mult = (unit == 0 or unit == "m/s") and 50 or ((unit == 1 or unit == "km/h") and 180 or 111.84681456) -- Return the speed by calculating the length of the velocity vector, after converting the velocity to the specified unit return (Vector3(getElementVelocity(theElement)) * mult).length end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() hudMaskShader = dxCreateShader("hud_mask.fx") maskTexture = dxCreateTexture("images/circle_mask.png") radarTexture = dxCreateTexture("images/map.png") -- Check everything is ok bAllValid = hudMaskShader and radarTexture and maskTexture if not bAllValid then outputChatBox( "Could not create some things. Please use debugscript 3" ) else dxSetShaderValue( hudMaskShader, "sPicTexture", radarTexture ) dxSetShaderValue( hudMaskShader, "sMaskTexture", maskTexture ) end end ) addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function() if not bAllValid then return end drawRadar() end ) function drawRadar() -- -- Transform world x,y into -0.5 to 0.5 -- local x, y = getElementPosition(localPlayer) x = (x) / 6000 y = (y) / -6000 dxSetShaderValue(hudMaskShader, "gUVPosition", x, y) -- -- Zoom -- local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if vehicle and getElementSpeed(vehicle, "m/s") > 20 then targetZoom = radarConfig.defaultZoom - 5 else targetZoom = radarConfig.defaultZoom end -- Smoothly transition to the target zoom level currentZoom = currentZoom + (targetZoom - currentZoom) * 0.05 -- Adjust the 0.1 value for speed of transition -- Set the shader value with the current zoom local scaleValue = 1 / currentZoom dxSetShaderValue(hudMaskShader, "gUVScale", scaleValue, scaleValue) -- -- Rotate to camera direction - OPTIONAL -- local _, _, camrot = getElementRotation(getCamera()) dxSetShaderValue(hudMaskShader, "gUVRotAngle", math.rad(-camrot)) -- -- Draw the radar map -- dxDrawImage(radarConfig.x, radarConfig.y, radarConfig.width, radarConfig.height, hudMaskShader, 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 230)) for i, blip in pairs(getElementsByType("blip")) do drawRadarBlip(blip) end end function drawRadarBlip(elm) -- this is where i am stuck end  
    • Good evening, Community! I need some help calculating an element's rotation based on the following matrix calculation: 'Point_B' is basically the point of which our player or vehicle element is facing towards, we draw a green "+" to show point_B's position on screen. Using processLineOfSight, we are able to show exactly where we're pointing to in the 3D world. The problem is, or what I would really like achieve in this example snippet is, rotating our test object (AK-47) so that it is pointing directly at "Point_B".    -- client.lua -- OOP true setElementPosition( localPlayer, -281.52420, 1539.13477, 75.35938 ) -- Test location local theObject = createObject( 355, -281.52420, 1539.13477, 75.35938, 0, 0, 0 ) -- Test object (AK-47) addEventHandler( "onClientRender", root, function ( ) -- CALCULATE "POINT_A" / "POINT_B" ---------------------------------------- local matrix = localPlayer:getMatrix( 0, 0, 0 ) local point_A = matrix:transformPosition( 0, 0, 0 ) local point_B = matrix:transformPosition( 0, 500, 0 ) local hit, x, y, z, element = processLineOfSight( point_A, point_B, true, true, true, false, false, false, false, true, localPlayer ) local hit_start = Vector3( x, y, z ) local point_B = hit and hit_start or point_B local scr = Vector2( getScreenFromWorldPosition( point_B ) ) ---------------------------------------- -- CALCULATE OBJECT ROTATION: -- Point at which I've lost my brain-cells ----------------------------------- local rotX, rotY, rotZ = math.random( 0, 360 ), math.random( 0, 360 ), math.random( 0, 360 ) -- current position of the final brain cell setElementRotation( theObject, rotX, rotY, rotZ ) -- rotate Test object (AK-47) to point to: "Point_B" ---------------------------------------- -- DRAW GREEN TARGET POINT AT: "Point_B" ---------------------------------------- if ( scr.length > 0 ) then dxDrawText( "+", scr - Vector2 ( 0, 0 ), 0, 0, tocolor ( 0, 255, 0, 255 ), 2, "default" ) end end )  
    • By showing the cursor: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/ShowCursor Though setCameraMatrix might also be possible, but you will have to reset the camera.

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