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Everything posted by Tut

  1. Thread moved to the Spanish language forum for best results.
  2. Tut


    Thread moved to Ban Appeal section. Temporary bans cannot be appealed, please see forum note at the top. Additionally check this thread on how to appeal global bans.
  3. Closing thread as its goal is met.
  4. Thread's moved to the Portuguese language forum for best results. Please add more details surrounding the error you're receiving for others to help you.
  5. Thread moved to the Portuguese language forum where it is best suited.
  6. The post is directed at the Arabic community. Please see A. General Forum Rules https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/12275-forum-rules/
  7. Thread moved to the Arabic language forum where it is better suited.
  8. Lengthy thread title has been shortened. Please avoid too many capital letters!
  9. Hi MTA ended support for Windows XP and Windows Vista last year. You would have to upgrade your operation system in order to play MTA.
  10. Please see if this guide helps. If not, I believe it's not a world object.
  11. Thread moved to the Resources forum, as this is the only international forum section, where users are able to sell or buy resources at. Community regulations & guidelines
  12. Knowing what type of shaders you're trying to create, your knowledge with HLSL/Lua programming would help others cater the right advice for you.
  13. Thread locked as this forum cannot be used for advertising. Please use Looking for staff forum instead, and make sure that you read the rules for that particular forum!
  14. I'm sure this exists on our community page - please give it a few searches https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources
  15. Gravedig post removed. Please create a thread in the correct forum for receiving programming help: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/127-programação-em-lua/
  16. Do you have any reference of what you're looking for? Adding siren lights alone is as simple as using setVehicleSirens. Beware that not all vehicle ID's support sirens. If that becomes a problem you may have to create a custom 3D sound player. Custom lightbars I imagine can be modded world objects and then attached to vehicles, or you can embed the models inside of the vehicle DFF. The community resources site and forum resources board would be a great place to look. There are lightbar resources for sale in this forum so that's worth a try.
  17. Thread moved to the Resources forum, as this is for releasing, requesting and selling resources. Please have a look in Community Regulations & Guidelines if in doubt! Good luck with your resource
  18. Thread moved to the Portuguese language forum for best results. I believe you'll be using setWeaponProperty, but I cannot give more help than that.
  19. Thread moved to the Portuguese language forum for best results
  20. Support for Vista and XP was dropped last year. For any inquiries on MTA client I suggest asking in Client Support forum.
  21. Thread moved to the Portuguese language forum.
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