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Tut last won the day on November 26

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About Tut

  • Birthday 27/05/1998

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  • Lead Global Moderator


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    Art, wildlife, agriculture

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  1. Sounds like it is encrypted, which is not something we offer help with here
  2. They probably intend players to use the models they provide and won't allow customization in that regard. Doesn't sound like something we can help you with.
  3. These are night lights and sometimes multiple buildings share 1 light model, so removing the object is not always the best solution, but you can try removing it by enabling collision patches in map editor settings. There's also a quick guide to removing nonselectable objects here
  4. Tut


    SAMP maps can be used on MTA just fine if converted to Lua map or .map, and if the dff/txd/col mods are added to a model resource. Here's how to extract SAMP mods
  5. Using IES lights as lightmapping
  6. The picture in your most recent comment doesn't load, but I just wanted to clarify we never removed you from the server - our Automod remove one of your messages and muted you for 24 hours, but had this been seen/reported to us it would have been reverted. So you are fine. As far as the game ban go, try bumping your question in the discord channel. If you need to see the message that you tried sending which got caught by Automod then please ping me on discord. For any further inquiries into your situation you're also welcome to ask in the Discord channel where you initially asked about this issue. As for a FAQ on false positives, I don't believe this would be needed, but you are welcome to ask and provide your reasons in Discord and one of the more technical guys might reply
  7. Our teams mostly use Discord if there is something you would like their opinion on, https://discord.com/invite/mtasa
  8. @EinDev We don't ban users from our discord for asking about their ban. As you haven't included your Discord info I cannot look into how your situation was handled. But I can tell you that when a user asks about their ban, we type out a command that prompts our bot to send you a link and explanation to why we don't accept appeals anymore. If they choose to argue this further then we may apply a temporary mute. Also, it is worth noting that our Automod automatically blocks any attempts at appealing bans along with applying a temporary mute and an explanation to our no-appeals policy. It's expected that people read this message upon getting muted and if they repeat then we may escalate to a longer mute, warning or removal from the server.
  9. We use automatic moderation for words and phrases that match those people would use when appealing a ban. As I can see you are aware we do not provide support for bans any longer and that is the reason for these filters
  10. Reinstalling the operating system is the only advice we can offer for your situation, as these types of bans are programmed to expire once you perform those changes. Waiting until your local computer shops reopen would be your best option, alternatively wait for someone to reply their advice here, or ask a friend or family member who you trust to have sufficient knowledge in the area. Tomshardware is also a great source of tech support
  11. trazx

    hello tut


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. trazx


      and the game kicking me. for this reason: H/W SPOOFER MADE PERMANENT SYSTEM CHANGES (IN THE PAST?) RESET OS 


    3. trazx


      im not using h..w spo..ofer in my computer and reseted the os. not working 


    4. trazx


      my serial is 2901BAE2A884C0D7F3DECF07F3665042


  12. Using vertex colors to replicate shadowmaps
  13. lvc

    hi tut, meu serial F5E70DAD8C4A2AE3D6B1533D8027DDB2 erro cd-47 razao nenhuma

  14. Shadowmapping - overlayed decal shadows
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