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Everything posted by Blokker_1999

  1. For your information : we used to have a POTD. But since we didn't get enough quality pics we stopped it.
  2. We are working on an update And it is not up to you guys to decide what we should do
  3. 0.4.5 has been worked on for a couple of weeks and the progress bar (indicative, not binding) says 55%, Blue has been under development for almost 14 months now and the progress bar says 65% (again indicative, not binding).
  4. This poll/topic is useless --closed-- The problem is just that there is no news about GTA:C, you can't make a choice if you don't know all the facts.
  5. Tthe schedule as it is now is that we would release Blue before the release of SA, hunt down initial bugs and then start working on SA. I doubt there will be time for GTA3. Maybe after SA if there still is someone interested in GTA3 then.
  6. We disabled remote avatars due to problems we had with resizing them. It created long loading times since the board required the ava to be loaded before displaying the page. We then switched to uploading avatars. It was a good system and worked verry well until the server probs. We now have a server with higher security levels which prohibit the uploading of avatars so we lost all options to display avatars but we are working on a solution.
  7. unless you haven't noticed : no one has an avatar!
  8. 500kb is a lot for a small .gif and don't forget about the dialup ppl
  9. two probs - it's illegal since it is © protected material - it's file size is HUGE You have till tomorow to remove it urself, or i will
  10. Due to some unforseen problems the site was down in the past 24 hours. The forum has suffered some major downtime as well. At this moment we are recovering as much as we can. But it will take some days before we are completly up and running again. Most pages are off line at the moment and will be for some more time. The forums are up and running and a download mirror can be found at gonnaplay.com
  11. We tried to implement RC vehicles some versions ago but removed them prior to the public release since back then they caused stability problems.
  12. we know some ppl have problems uploading it from there hard drive, for me it worked fine, therefore i do not see why we should not give the possibility to other ppl. I do not know why it fails from time to time.
  13. make sure you type in the filename correctly. Best way to do it is by browsing to it, rightclicking on it and selecting "copy image location" and then paste the content of your clipboard in the text area.
  14. ii got a brand new PStwo. One of those damn small ones. SA disc works fine, but i got problems with another game i bought with it. Gonna try to swap the game next week
  15. i'm waiting for the PSTwo (the smaller version) gets released on 2/11 here.
  16. The IP belongs to the private range. Every IP within the 10.*.*.* is an internal IP, is a loopback interface (your own IP) and the 192.168.*.* range is also reserved for private use. Any IP in these ranges can never be public. You probably have a home network or connect to the internet trough a router..
  17. btw, this question has been asked and answered in the past. Running of a webhost is impossible. As the name says : a webhost is to host websites. What you need to run MTA is shell access to a Linux server. And that's expensive.
  18. I'm sorry but only n00bs say that kind of stuff. MTA is clean, there is no need for any spyware. MTA has been picked up in the past by a virusscanner as well, yet it is not a virus. And just as said before, we use some technologys that look similar to the way viri and spyware uses.
  19. Blokker_1999


    when you get banned for a valid reason (and if you can't control ur IRC client i call it a valid reason) then you should respect that. Usually ppl get unbanned on our IRC channel a couple of minutes later. Of course if you start flooding the person that banned you then you are doing the wrong thing and a ban will stay a lot longer.
  20. talking doesn't always work either. some ppl don't take hints.
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