Simple, he wants to finish what his father started in 1991. There is no reason to go to war. Bush just wants the oil in Iraq because the oil fields in the USA are getting empty. Since he can't pump in Alaske he has to go somewhere else.
The Bush Administration has yet to produce good and strong evidence that there are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. The repport Powwel presentet in the UN was full of flaws and was partitially written in 91 by a college student. Bush says he fights in the name of democratie but when Belgium and France placed a veto in the NATO he said that they had to fellow the majorety of the countries. New bush doesn't have that majority in the UN Security Counsil and then he says that that isn't important (go figure).
analists agree that Nord Korea poses a bigger threat than Iraq because they already have nukes, but Bush doesn't want war with NK, he wants it with Iraq because he knows that his soldiers will survive that one because Iraq has no weapons off mass destruction.
Bush gives himeself the right to a war because Saddam is in breach of UN resolutions since 1998 when he removode UNSCOM from Iraq. The only reason UNSCOM had to leave Iraq was because they were ordered by the white house to start a conflict so the USA could invade Iraq. (this comes from the leaders of UNSCOM thereself) Another countrie is in violation of UN resoltions since 1963, but this country is getting billions of dollars in support, i am talking about Israel. So why has Israel the wright to occupie country and muder people and even receiving funds of the USA while Iraq troubles no-one?
I say no to war!