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Everything posted by Blokker_1999

  1. MS didn't make it ... They just bought the company that did and relabeled it as Microsoft Software.
  2. Using a modified client is de facto harmless. Unless you combine it with other mods and that is prohibited by the EULA.
  3. if you use number 1 and 2 together it is technically impossible for a modified client to be created and spreaded. also do not forget that paragraph 3 prohibits the usage of this client with any other mods so even if you use a modified client it is still useless by the EULA
  4. wtf do you mean with this. Most web servers are run on Linux or BSD and are using the open source Apache server software since Apache is the most secure and most versatile web server out there.
  5. i use ctrl+F4 to close a window and alt+F4 to close a program, never used the alt+z before so didn't know it.
  6. funny, our css server is hosted on win32 noob but, debian pwns hard. (aka XandrOS (rebuild) ) http://www.theregister.co.uk/security/s ... _vs_linux/
  7. you cant, MTA does not work with proxys.
  8. The only reason other mods use main.scm is because they do not know how to load a different file, but they also started with an empty file. There is a file size limit on the .scm file and our mta.scm is so full that we hit that limit. We have found a way to baypass this problem in Blue. We still use the .scm functions in Blue but we don't use it the same way as we do today.
  9. since you are running Fedora Core, use the yum tool, that's what it's for, download packages and resolve dependencies
  10. Due to flooding we had to reduce session time. That is why it happens.
  11. we have a search button ya know ... http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=8775
  12. From what i know the main.scm handles all events in the game, this goes from entering a vehicle, driving in the water, shooting someone, ... . As you can see we had to rework a lot of those things to make multilayer possible.
  13. You missed your que. I on the other hand was on time
  14. guess what. me and kfc never use modified client or cheats on a public server, but you just dont get it. You don't get it, you used one of those pics on this forum to prove that IJs also cheats while you forgot to check when or where those screenies were taken.
  15. Some pics have been circulating the web and MSN about IJs being a cheater. We take these charges seriously and we do not like this campaign against the team. The jpg file going around has 5 images. These images were taken on a private server during a test. These images are not recent. The team has never and will never use cheats or a modified client on a public server. When playing in public we use the same client as anyone else. Those familiar with MTA will immidiatly see that there is no cheat in pic 4 and 5.. The forth image is a jump of a ladder at low speed. The fifth image is a glitch. I have seen it happen before. In fact i've been on that tail myself. In fact the last 2 pics don't even show IJs and the second cheat pic also has no name
  16. Blue is already more then a year old
  17. For some reason the forum pruning system does not apply on threads that have been moved. Therefore it is not possible to auto delete those. But every now and then i clean it up.
  18. A simple mod won't do it. GTA only remember what is happening in a certain radius around you. From the moment a car goes out of this "bubble" all data about it is lost.
  19. you can't go above 26 in VC. Even if you hacked both client and server. The client is designed to work with only 26 players since anything above it creates instability problems.
  20. Blokker_1999

    for shame

    GTA has become a console series which is ported to PC. Consoles don't offer mod support and the deal with sony prohibits adding features.
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