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Everything posted by Blokker_1999

  1. it is intended to replace GS chan over time, but it's just that closing in one place and opening in another isn't the best solution (as we have found out in the past)
  2. As of yesterday we have been using a new IRC server. This server is totally under our control and is not part of an external network. We are running Unreal IRCD with services. This means we use the same nickserv/chanserv as our old server and not the authserv system from GameSurge. Unfortunatly we were not able to recover the old databases. The benefits of our own server: -No more netsplits -Better control over what happens -Automatic mode +x for every users -Automatic joining of #mta So come and visit us on irc.multitheftauto.com . You can find us in #mta. Please obey the rules and remember that #mta is not a help channel. We will also maintain the gamesurge channel.
  3. some people push it to far, try to see how far they can go and when they get banned they act like they did nothing wrong. This is not how the world works. When you brake the rules or try to find out how far you can bend them (and yes, we are flexible) we have the right to use the countermeassures we have at hand.
  4. ppl are not losing interest because of things like these.
  5. GTA San Andreas has reached the gold status. This means development has finished and Rockstar North has snd the final edition to Take2Interactive for final testing and publishing. This means that the game is still on schedule for it's release date. GTA:SA has been rated M for Mature and will be released by the end of the month. On a footnote there is no confirmation from Rockstar or T2I about the gold status.
  6. Blokker_1999

    MTA:AC Project

    anti cheat systems require integration in server and client. This can not be done by none teammembers. The next core will support better anti cheat measurments and will be available for VC when it initially launches. A GTA3 version is still planned at this moment but only after the release of Blue will we decide if we continue work on the GTA3 version.
  7. The developers of netscape were fired at AOL. AOL moved the source to the mozilla project. They started the mozilla foundation and kept the project going. But to compete with IE and Opera they needed something light instead of the Heave mozilla suite. So they started ripping it apart in Firefox (firebird first) and Thunderbird (mail client). Netscape was also the first popular browser. It came at the right time. MS and Bill Gates were not interested in the net back then. Gates even said that the net would be dead after 5 years. But when the net started picking up popularity they needed to do something so they created a clone of NS but they didn't put many effort in it till after Win95.
  8. well, it CAN run xp, but xp and OTHER things, it cant. believe me. i know. I've used XP on a 7000 with 128 on multiple machines now and it is do-able. As long as you don't install to much.
  9. There's more. IE is taking over it's features like a popup blocker and a download manager. FF also has a search box in the top right and a you can add a lot more plugins. Since you never used tabbed browsing you need to learn to work with it. I find it more convinient then IE that fills ur task bar. Also it's not only browser hi-jacks and spyware. IE is also responsible for a lot of viri and other malware. In my eyes IE isn't any good. it has always been a clone from Netscape-Mozilla-Firefox to me. It's insecure and an excuse for MS. There is only one kind of ppl that can safely use IE on the net. Ppl that know what they are doing and don't visit many websites. I don't trust my dad with IE and i myself prefer tabbed browsing, cross platform usage and a decent popup blocker.
  10. ransom, i hope you got a good virus scanner IE is unsafe and is a clone from Netscape. It runs behind on features and is large and you need to update almost every week. Also if you use the IE ocx or whatever in ur own created software you are still vulnerable. The same as when you use MyIE2 And every modern PC can run XP. You need about 500 to 700MHz and a minimum of 128MB ram.
  11. Some of you may have noticed the litle img on top of our site I think most of you know firefox by now for those who don't: Firefox is a lightweigt, fast webbrowser and can be compared to IE. But FF is more secure then IE. Where there is a new security problem with IE every week, only one small problem has been detected in FF so far and it was fixed before it was known to the public. FF is free and fast. It's open source and available on all popular platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac, ... ). Join 4 million other ppl and download FF today by clicking here
  12. trough a cron job that checks if it still runs and if not restarts it.
  13. Blokker_1999

    gta 5

    if T2I referred to SA as GTA5 that means that internally GTA:VC is considered GTA4
  14. It's not a glitch, it's how GTA was designed to work. They did not intend MP gameplay so there was no need for the walls to block explosions cause it doesn't affect SP.
  15. Blokker_1999

    gta 5

    Ooutback, slothman, it's not that what you think counts, it what has been officialy said that counts and officialy GTA:SA was reffered to as GTA-5 before it was named SA
  16. talking bout old .... we stopped it after it was putting havy loads on our server.
  17. it looks like no one knows there MTA history There is MP code in GTA3. It is even said that the ppl at R* North played DM altough that was never comfirmed. If you use the menu editor from GTA3 then you will fiind the MP menu. R* removed it because Sony reminded them that there exclusive contract prohibited them to add extra functionality to the game. Was this code ever used by MTA? No it was not. There is nothing we can do with it. Our first release was a modded version of the GTA3 admin console. When IJs looked at the source he saw the mem addys for the previous and current car and he just synced those. GTA3:MTA 0.3b left most of the original VB code behind and since MTA:VC 0.1 we don't use any code from someone else anymore. And as far as i know the MP component from GTA3 is not present in VC.
  18. Blokker_1999

    gta 5

    here you go: http://mtavc.com/archive.php?nummer=120 http://www.gamespot.com/ps2/adventure/g ... 77590.html i'm still searching for the press release
  19. Blokker_1999

    gta 5

    GTA SA was reffered to as GTA5 before the name SA was made public. Both in a press foncference as in the official press release from T2I
  20. Blokker_1999

    gta 5

    GTA5 was the name of San Andreas before it was named SA.
  21. Ur friend was smart with paying the money, it could have cost him a whole lot more. Visiting a site is not illegal, taking it down is. The site behind the link was designed for the latter. And the cancellatoin of PV Privé had nothing to do with this attempt. It went away. The abuse stopped And there is already a workaround for it. BTW, you know how much i invested in my IT equipment the past years?
  22. I have removed the link. During the past 2 days the website of the dutch government is under attack and unreachable. This site is responsible for those illegal actions. Furthoremore a group of "hackers" has claimed that there 15 members alone are responsibel for those attacks (and not the ppl that use that site) The reason for the attack is not directly because of the anti piracy policy from the government but because the dutch government is cutting back on social security. The link/site has nothing to do with educational purposes. You have to select ur inet speed there and then it opens a new page full of frames that keep refreshing themselves. These frames are going to the website of the dutch government and BREIN.
  23. Now think . 1.8MB for a image of less then 100x100 is crazy. It's absurd! Also It's not 1.8MB but 1.8MB x n° of posts made! And where do you draw the line? What if tomorow i put up an ava of 20MB and a sig of 100MB and made it so that you would have to download the entire imgs before you could even see the first post? And yes, we should think about a 56k6 users. There are still a lot of them out there. Not everyone can afford BB and BB isn't available everywhere.
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