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Everything posted by orappa

  1. Don't you need Oli's script too?
  2. Guessing is pointless because you have no evidence to base it on except for: But even that doesn't tell you a great deal about the final file size(s).
  3. I liked it. The length didn't bother me as I thought the humour broke it up nicely. One correction: the sites are http://www.mtavc.com for VC and http://www.multitheftauto.com for GTA3 (although they both take you to the same place). http://www.gta3mta.tk was the original site when MTA came out AGES ago and hence it's got kind of messed up with the newer content (if you visit it, you'll see what I mean).
  4. The admin utility is a separate program and so you will need to alt + tab out of the game in order to use it.
  5. http://www.mtablue.info They should put a link to this on the homepage.
  6. Type localhost into the IP box on the client to connect to yourself.
  7. Despite not usually giving out release dates, the team have stated that they hope to release Blue before SA comes out for PC in June. Therefore they are unlikely to spend a lot of their finite time syncing unnecessary things like the beach ball. They may decide to sync it in a later release though.
  8. Admittedly PHPBB is currently behind the competition in terms of features, but that's because their 2.2 release was delayed to a 2005 release. Sometimes it takes ages to post a topic but that doesn't happen very often. When they modded the forum to add the spam section as a subsection of General (not possible in PHPBB 2.0.x by default but a feature built into 2.2), I did notice a lot of lag in that particular section but this appears to have been fixed now. The General section is still slightly slower than the other sections but not significantly.
  9. I just said that further above And it was said about 3 times previously on the other pages.
  10. Yes, but it's not like GTA3 / VC so you could not make a "simple client like MTA" with it.
  11. orappa

    2pac bios

    2pac Shakur is a rapper who was shot to death several years ago (if I recall correctly).
  12. The only problem is that we don't know for sure that 0.4.5 will be released in a few months. I mean, they forgot to update the progress bar and it jumped from 55% to 90% so it's hard to say if 90% is an accurate representation of the current level of progress (i.e. it could be more). On the other hand, it may stay at 90% for ages like 0.4 did.
  13. orappa

    SP2 sucks

    I'd recommend that before installing SP2, you run a virus scan, spyware scan and close all other applications. I did this on 3 machines and didn't have any problems. I even installed and used the beta of SP2 without problems. The only genuine problem is with Prescott processors that can fail to boot into Windows.
  14. orappa

    Happy New Year

    Oh... I didn't notice that the second one was a bump.
  15. Yeah, one with in-game footage would be nice. The other one was more like a slideshow.
  16. orappa

    Happy New Year

    Why are there two Happy New Year topics? Did I miss a year without realising it or something?
  17. Isn't it lobby-based though, rather than "drop-in" like MTA?
  18. orappa

    Half-Life 2

    I like Half-Life 2 but I'm really not keen on Steam at all.
  19. Assuming that it's even physically possible, I doubt demand would be sufficient to make it worthwhile. Plus it has its own rudimentary multiplayer.
  20. Yeah... Giant Software or something like that. That probably explains why it's good then.
  21. Didn't they spend 7 months on 0.4? If so, late February will be 7 months since its release (assuming that they started on 0.4.5 immediately).
  22. Risky... 0.4 stayed at 90% for ages (2-3 months).
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