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Everything posted by orappa

  1. Just do a Google search for them. Those were the first two relevant links.
  2. What's the point in this topic? I really don't understand what difference it makes.
  3. Do you think they're not trying to fix the crashes? Or did they just put them in for fun? Some weapons aren't synced with the current core. Wait for Blue. Wait for Blue. It's not their number one priority to make you happy. It's not like you pay them anything or do anything for them.
  4. Client: http://www.gtanetwork.it/zone/pafiledb. ... le&id=1547 Win32 server: http://www.gamearena.com.au/files/details/html/9406 Download these at your own risk, btw.
  5. Here's a better link : http://babelfish.altavista.com/
  6. orappa


    Er... Google translator?
  7. But what about the windows? You'd just see static images through the window and it wouldn't look as if you were moving. You can only tell that you are moving if you look at stationary objects slipping past you.
  8. I've got 750K cable. They're upgrading me to either 1 MB or 1.5 MB (I can't remember which) at no extra cost, which is great. The only problem is that they upgrade the service instead of reducing the price, so people who can't afford broadband are pretty much stuck with 56k.
  9. Considering that Blue apparently syncs all vehicles, the bus will definitely be included if this is the case. I don't know whether it would be included in DM though, as they chose to take it out of 0.4.
  10. orappa

    Happy New Year

    They said they'd like to release it before SA is released for PC in June.
  11. It's not lag from latency or packet loss or anything network-related. It's due to the way that they read / write game data (apparently), a fix for which they discovered during the development of 0.4 but did not include presumably because of compatibility / stability reasons.
  12. No man People want this version to be perfect Yes... the Duke Nukem Forever team want their game to be perfect too
  13. If they're balanced, I don't see why people would remove them.
  14. What, you mean kind of like a signal beacon? That'd be great for team games.
  15. I think Bump said that the Portland map's using the same system as before, and it'd only be the new map using classes.
  16. I think it is possible because you get thrown off motorbikes and the distance you get thrown is proportional to the speed you are travelling.
  17. It would be good if they put that into 0.4.5 because it would work well with MTAMA game modes.
  18. Well, I meant that they'd probably fix the regular crash that occurs every 30-60 mins because that's the one that crops up the most and is hence likely to have the most error reports.
  19. Yeah, everyone gets that. They're trying to fix it in the next version (0.4.5).
  20. The flooding you mentioned is a known exploit. It's not impossible to solve, but the last 3 versions of MTA have used the same core. Cheaters can just use their old cheats with minor modifications, and so a lot of cheats have built up in that time. I think eAi (one of the developers) said that there's virtually no protection at all in the current version of MTA and that the new core (Blue), designed from the ground up, will be on a par with those of other multiplayer games.
  21. You haven't really said what the problem is, so I'm not sure how to help you. A lot of people seem to have trouble downloading MTA, I'm not sure why, so here's a direct link: http://www.gonnaplay.com/download.php?f=22&m=1 You can also get it from other places like FilePlanet, FileFront and Jolt.co.uk. As to your last question, if I understand you correctly, there is no login system like some other games have so you do not need to sign up for an account in order to play.
  22. If it doesn't, it'd be dead easy to add the feature in a mod.
  23. I thought it would be similar to the current passenger system whereby you'd press a hotkey when you were near the car to enter the "glue position", and then you'd press enter to get out of it. I'm not sure how you'd get back to the ground though. I suppose you could stand in the same position, "un-glued", and you'd fall off as the vehicle gained speed.
  24. Yeah, I know what you mean. I had more fun in deathmatch in 0.3 than 0.4, but I couldn't put my finger on the reasons why. I think it's small things really - the problems you mentioned above, combined with the extra crashes and some of the stranger changes such as removing the "getting in a vehicle" animation, which makes it difficult to tell if you are in the process of being jacked. However, the Error Reporting Tool has given me high hopes that the crashes, at least, will be addressed in 0.4.5. MrBump also posted a topic asking for ramp suggestions for stunt mode, so this at least shows that they are putting some extra work into Vice City this time.
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