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Everything posted by orappa

  1. The intention is that Blue will be released before SA comes to the PC.
  2. http://www.gamespot.com/news/2004/12/14 ... 15014.html I don't like the sound of that...
  3. Choose 0.4.1 from the Version subsection under Multi Theft Auto on the left-hand side of the window.
  4. I have no idea what I'm getting. I find it far more fun not to know beforehand, but I can guarantee it's not as expensive as a graphics card or hard drive (neither of which I need anyway).
  5. In response to Question 1, I can't ever recall the MTA team giving out info like that (that's not to say that they won't though). Try GTAForums - they have a section dedicated to modding / editing: http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?s=47 ... owforum=89 In response to the unrelated Question 2, you can play on the internet. It's hard to diagnose your problem though as you haven't really given enough information.
  6. All areas in VC are accessible, but GTA3:MTA currently only supports the Portland map. With the next release of MTA (0.4.5), they plan to include an extra map (Shoreside Vale) and fix some of the bugs.
  7. orappa


    Where are you getting server addresses from? You can currently get them from 2 sources: This site - http://www.game-monitor.com/search.php? ... er=players The All Seeing Eye server browser - http://www.udpsoft.com/eye2/index.html The "timed out" message could also mean that you haven't allowed MTA internet access via your firewall (if you have one).
  8. I'm not sure by any means but i thought the laser was just a red circle image.... rather than a beam. So people would see a very small red circle, not really worth syncing is it? Well, you might not be able to see where it comes from, but it gives you a chance to run and makes sniping more difficult.
  9. I'm not sure what the team would think about that... It'd be good to get an official response.
  10. Plus you're bound to get a biased response on the MTA forums. If we preferred GTA:C, we'd be on the GTA:C forums.
  11. Why should I have to make an effort to translate what he said because he didn't express himself fully?
  12. He didn't state that at all.
  13. You'd be able to create a mod to do that. I doubt it would be included in Blue by default.
  14. Where no-one will see it, you mean?
  15. orappa

    website help

    In response to your first question, try this: http://www.zend.com/tips/tips.php?id=246&single=1
  16. There's this thing known as "progress". It's the reason why we're not sitting in caves wearing animal skins any more. Look back to the first MTA and then to 0.4.1. MTA has come on in leaps and bounds. The fact of the matter is that we know very little about 0.4.5 and so can't make any judgements as to potential usage patterns until we know more. I know that they've received several thousand bug reports from the error reporting tool and have spotted several patterns. I also know that some people were put off by the bugs in 0.4 / 0.4.1 and hence bug fixes alone may boost the fanbase. They may also choose to combat some of the glitches that people use and address some of the criticisms aimed at 0.4.x. Actually, in Tribes games, the most popular mode is CTF, not TDM. In Battlefield, you don't really get a choice as it's basically one mode, CS is basically variations on one theme, and in my experience, CTF is more popular in UT. I haven't played any of the other games. What I'm saying is that GTA's gameplay has a lot of potential online, and it's not going to reach its potential if people just rip off game modes from other games. So if it's "one hell of a fun ride", why can't it ever become "super popular"?
  17. That's what's happening now. The current release is Beta 0.4.1. If you want to help, download the Error Reporting Tool. This sends details of errors directly to the MTA team so that they can spot patterns. They're trying to fix a lot of these bugs in 0.4.5 with the help of this tool.
  18. orappa


    When you connect to a server, it will automatically select whichever game the server is running. There is no need to set it manually.
  19. Where are you getting all of these figures from? "Most" people prefer TDM do they? And what are you talking about - GTA3 and VC are two of the best-selling games of all time. Together they've sold over 20 million copies (for all formats combined).
  20. The trouble is, support for T1 and T2 is limited because, when Dynamix were shut down by Sierra (bastards), they somehow managed to "lose" the source code. This means that the often-requested T1 dedicated Linux server can never be coded and that they could not remove the authentication when playing online. It seems that Gamespy have lost interest now. Would it be wrong to download a CD-key in order to get a free game working?
  21. 0.4.5 I'd presume. I'd be very surprised if it didn't.
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