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Everything posted by orappa

  1. orappa

    sound files

    Can't you just run Sound Recorder in the background?
  2. You have to edit the file called mtaserver.conf and then run the MTAServer0.3.1.exe. Then you'll be presented with a black window which will occasionally present you with status messages.
  3. Yeah, but they ask questions in (vague) English. If you can understand some of the words in a sentence, you can usually guess what it's saying.
  4. I can't understand why people have trouble with this, yet they find it perfectly easy to find the forum and register. What can be done to make this more obvious? It's already at the top of the homepage in large(ish) text.
  5. It does not protect COMPLETELY because they can spoof / block the packets to make it look as if they haven't lost health.
  6. Hmmm... seems more like "filler" to me, but I'll watch the RealPlayer version (and then immediately uninstall RP *unclean!*)
  7. Lol Is your friend at your house connecting through your internet connection? If so, he will be using the same IP as you, which MTA doesn't allow.
  8. You will NEVER stop cheaters. You can only try to cut down the number of people who cheat, especially the n00bs who download trainers and don't have a clue how they work.
  9. It's all very well saying that, but what if people hack MTA so that it overwrites the files with cheat data?
  10. But at least eAi's now aware of such issues and can decide if he considers them worthy of fixing in future versions.
  11. But the cheater could change the archive. It's extremely simple to revert the attributes back again. Anyway, the cheater wouldn't need to necessarily modify it whilst it was running.
  12. Yeah, GTA 3:MTA uses an ancient core way older than the good ole Queen Mother (RIP), so you'd be advised to wait for MTA 0.4 which combines both GTA 3 and VC. Admittedly, the first time I played it, I spent about 20 mins trying to get past the damn credits
  13. Screenshots are good enough for me. I don't want too much revealed because I'd gain a lot more satisfaction from finding it all out by myself when they release 0.4 officially.
  14. Game modes = scripts. He means extra features as in extra options and stats, etc. He doesn't want any new game mode ideas because they could easily fill 30 pages of this topic. However, you could try posting it here: http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=2744
  15. Yeah... I'm not quite sure how we got onto that subject. Anyway, I glanced up at the title of the topic and I think that we've exhausted all possible conversation regarding the 100 player server. So therefore a lock is requested
  16. I'm not sure if we can be sure of that, as scientific theory has loads of gaping holes in it. And they often discover things that render previous theories useless.
  17. They haven't discovered anything faster... yet.
  18. Don't they use fibre-optic cabling in most places now?
  19. Yeah, I'd feel pretty humiliated if I was on the dev team and had to admit to everyone that we'd made a mistake and the feature that everyone was looking forward to had to be taken out. Not to mention that the fans would be annoyed (to say the least) as well, so keeping stuff secret is in everyone's interests.
  20. I got the impression that Nick was somewhat pushed into doing it
  21. Google's my best friend: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodte ... eview.mspx
  22. I like having an empty road in front of me, as I can go faster without some stupid AI driver pulling out in front of me and causing me to damage my vehicle
  23. Game modes = scripts. He means extra features as in extra options and stats, etc.
  24. There's a technical release (or whatever they call it) available from Microsoft which is basically a beta. Sorry, I would post the link, but I'm feeling indescribably lazy at the moment
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