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  1. Hi everybody, I'll start to publish my creations here in this forum. Today I show off this modelling. Replaces the circus hotel of Las Venturas by a cinema based on a real life building. The cinema screen is a resource called: Loki's Cinema Experience, you can find it in the mta community. Please contact me by Discord: Andrewss2#2404. UNIQUE DISCORD!!!!. Images:
  2. n consigo configurar acl alguem me ajuda prfv necessito de ajuda pois n consigo configurar os cargos certinhos ex queria q o moderador edite somente os grupos de bases mas n consigo pois n consigo limitar isso ex moderador consegue se auto upar para dono(console) caso alguem saiba como resolve eu agredeceria mt de coraçao 2 dias tentando fazer isso
  3. Polski Truckerski Serwer Polski Truckerski Serwer to najdłużej istniejący serwer o tematyce truck, który pozwoli wcielić Ci się w rolę nie tylko kierowcy ciężarówki, ale też da możliwość stać się pracownikiem służb porządkowych. Od ponad dwunastu lat zapewniamy rozrywkę dla fanów pojazdów ciężarowych na platformie Multi Theft Auto. Przez cały ten okres serwer miał zaszczyt gościć blisko sto tysięcy osób, które postanowiły sprawdzić na co Nas stać. Wiele osób nadal jest częścią społeczności PTS, dzięki czemu mamy satysfakcję z ciągłej pracy. Tyle słowem wstępu, zapraszam do dalszej części, aby poznać serwer z bliska. Początki bywają trudne – Jako nowi członkowie społeczności serwerowej, będziecie mieć dostęp do podstawowej grupy Truckerów. Ten etap Waszej kariery jest obowiązkowy i ważny dla waszego serwerowego rozwoju. Dzięki pracy jako kierowca różnego rodzaju pojazdów ciężarowych zdobędziesz wymagane doświadczenie, poznasz serwer od środka i będziesz mógł cieszyć się z gry w naszej społeczności. Po zapoznaniu się z zasadami rozgrywki, masz trzy opcje. Możesz wozić towary jako trucker, postarać się o przyjęcie do jednej z firm na serwerze, bądź też spróbować swoich sił w jednej z trzech frakcji. Jeżeli znudzi Ci się praca jako szara myszka w firmie/frakcji, możesz postarać się o zakup firmy, bądź też stworzyć nową. Po zatrudnieniu w firmie, dzięki panelowi firmowemu, szef ma możliwość zobaczenia ile kursów wykonałeś, oraz jaką kwotą zasiliłeś wspólne konto. Wypłatę za swoją pracę otrzymujesz w systemie cotygodniowym. Na serwerze mamy też system podatków i opłat dla firm, przez co każda z nich może zbankrutować lub może zostać wylicytowana właśnie przez Ciebie! Firmy rozwijają się za pomocą systemu poziomów, a maksymalnym poziomem który mogą osiągnąć jest 10. Na serwerze do dyspozycji graczy aktualnie są trzy frakcje takie jak: Inspekcja Transportu Drogowego – Waszą główną misją w tej frakcji jest pilnowanie innych uczestników w ruchu drogowym. Mierzenie prędkości, sprawdzanie masy pojazdu, reagowanie na wykroczenia. Pogotowie – Leczenie innych osób to Wasz główny cel. Jeżeli dojdzie do wypadku, otrzymacie powiadomienie, iż dany gracz potrzebuje Waszej pomocy. Sprawa wygląda prosto, otrzymujecie zgłoszenie, jedziecie do wypadku i przy pomocy panelu frakcyjnego leczycie danego gracza. Pomoc Drogowa – Jak sama nazwa mówi, Waszym zadaniem będzie sprawna naprawa pojazdów innych graczy. System zgłoszeń jest dość prosty. Otrzymujecie zgłoszenie, prosicie gracza o wpłatę wymaganej kwoty na konto frakcji, po czym udajecie się na miejsce naprawy i przy pomocy spray’a naprawiacie pojazd. Dla osób, które większą frajdę mają z jazdy pojazdami ciężarowymi, nasz serwer ma rozbudowaną ofertę dostępnych miejsc pracy. Każda z firm ma Wam coś innego do zaoferowania, a najwięcej informacji o nich znajdziecie na naszym forum, więc zachęcamy do odwiedzin. Dla urozmaicenia rozgrywki na serwerze jest kilka systemów. Między innymi: System paliw – są trzy rodzaje paliw na serwerze. Diesel, benzyna oraz gaz. Zbiorniki w pojazdach są różnej wielkości, od 20 litrów, aż do 900 litrów. Każdy z pojazdów ma różne spalanie, więc trzeba być ostrożnym i bacznie obserwować stan naszego baku, a w razie potrzeby uzupełnić paliwo na jednej z dostępnych stacji. Ceny na stacjach są różne i zmieniają się co kilka dni, więc czasem dobrze zapytać innych kierowców przez CB Radio gdzie w danym czasie jest najtaniej. System głodu – Prosty system symulujący głód naszej postaci, co jakiś czas poziom HP postaci będzie spadać. Jeżeli poziom HP spadnie do stanu 0% oczywiście dojdzie do zgonu, ale bez obaw. Wasza postać odrodzi się w najbliższym szpitalu, w którym jest możliwość wykupienia leczenia. System zmęczenia – Każdy kierowca kiedyś się zmęczy, dlatego musicie uważać na poziom zmęczenia. Jeżeli Wasz poziom zmęczenia będzie większy, niż 30% będziecie mogli go zredukować po przez wypicie kawy na stacji, czy też szybkiej drzemki w jednym z wielu hoteli dostępnych na serwerze. System ViaToll – Dokładniej mówiąc system płatnych autostrad, na całej mapie San Andreas rozstawione są bramki, które pobierają „impulsy”. Są one rozmieszczone na autostradach. Kupno takich impulsów wiąże się z kosztem $25. Więcej nie będę zdradzał, odwiedź nasz serwer i przekonaj się co jeszcze mamy dla Was. Jeżeli kręci Cię tematyka ciężarówek i masz ochotę poznać coś nowego, nie będziesz rozczarowany. Klimat jaki u nas panuje przekona Cię do pozostania z nami na dłużej. Adres forum: www.truckers.com.pl Discord: discord.truckers.com.pl Adres serwera: mta.truckers.com.pl:22003 Nasz FP: https://www.facebook.com/PolskiTruckerskiSerwer/
  4. Hi, im trying to prevent player from putting off crate, please help me if you know how to fix it. thats how crate is attached to fork: [lua] skrzynieGraczy[client] = createObject(obiekty[praca].idObiektu, 0, 0, 0) setElementCollisionsEnabled(skrzynieGraczy[client],false) setElementFrozen(skrzynieGraczy[client],true) stopObject(skrzynieGraczy[client]) attachElements(skrzynieGraczy[client],wozkiGraczy[client],0,0.5,0.3,0,0,0) [/lua] Here is video that showing my problem: https://gyazo.com/ff5ab17194ce5a99b0c8f972ce20c5fc
  5. Estava configurando um script de samu que ao cair o player inicia uma animação e pode ser curado pelo samu, porem ele pode abrir paineis como f1, f2, f3 e etc, queria saber como posso cancelar isso, quando ele cair bloquear ele de usar esses paineis. Por favor me ajudem. hpMin = 20 Tempo = {} ColMedic = {} function getPlayerFromPartialName(name) local name = name and name:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""):lower() or nil if name then for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local name_ = getPlayerName(player):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""):lower() if name_:find(name, 1, true) then return player end end end end function ChecarVida() for i, player in pairs (getElementsByType("player")) do if not getElementData(player, "PlayerCaido") then local conta = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) if getElementHealth(player) >= 1 then if getElementHealth(player) <= hpMin then removePedFromVehicle(player) setElementData(player, "PlayerCaido", true) setElementFrozen(player, true) setPedAnimation(player, "CRACK", "crckdeth3", -1, false, true, false) setTimer(function() if getElementData(player, "PlayerCaido") then killPlayer(player) end end, 240000, 1) end end else setPedAnimation(player, "CRACK", "crckdeth3", -1, false, true, false) end end end setTimer(ChecarVida, 200, 0) function ChecarVidaA() for i, player in pairs (getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData(player, "PlayerCaido") then local conta = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) if getElementHealth(player) >= 31 then setElementData(player, "PlayerCaido", false) setPedAnimation(player, false) setElementFrozen(player, false ) end end end end setTimer(ChecarVidaA, 200, 0) function SetarCaidoComHS() player = source if not getElementData(player, "PlayerCaido") then removePedFromVehicle(player) setElementHealth(player, 20) setElementData(player, "PlayerCaido", true) setPedAnimation(player, "CRACK", "crckdeth3", -1, false, true, false) setTimer(function() if getElementData(player, "PlayerCaido") then killPlayer(player) end end, 240000, 1) end end addEvent("OnHS", true) addEventHandler("OnHS", getRootElement(), SetarCaidoComHS) function curar_jogador ( thePlayer, comando, nick ) if nick then if getPlayerFromPartialName ( nick ) then local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "CB") ) then local player_a_ser_curado = getPlayerFromPartialName ( nick ) local samux, samuy, samuz = getElementPosition ( thePlayer ) local curadox, curadoy, curadoz = getElementPosition ( player_a_ser_curado ) local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( samux, samuy, samuz, curadox, curadoy, curadoz ) if player_a_ser_curado == thePlayer then outputChatBox("#bebebeVocê não pode se curar!",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) return end if ( dist > 3 ) then outputChatBox("#bebebeChegue mais perto do jogador!", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif ( dist < 3 )then setPedAnimation( thePlayer, "MEDIC", "CPR", 4500, true, false, false, false) setTimer ( function() setElementHealth ( player_a_ser_curado, 100 ) setPedAnimation(player_a_ser_curado, false) setElementFrozen( player_a_ser_curado, false ) setElementData(player_a_ser_curado,"PlayerCaido",false) end, 4500, 1 ) end end end end end addCommandHandler ( "curar", curar_jogador ) hpMin = 20 Tempo = {} ColMedic = {} function getPlayerFromPartialName(name) local name = name and name:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""):lower() or nil if name then for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local name_ = getPlayerName(player):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""):lower() if name_:find(name, 1, true) then return player end end end end function ChecarVida() for i, player in pairs (getElementsByType("player")) do if not getElementData(player, "PlayerCaido") then local conta = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) if getElementHealth(player) >= 1 then if getElementHealth(player) <= hpMin then removePedFromVehicle(player) setElementData(player, "PlayerCaido", true) setElementFrozen(player, true) setPedAnimation(player, "CRACK", "crckdeth3", -1, false, true, false) setTimer(function() if getElementData(player, "PlayerCaido") then killPlayer(player) end end, 240000, 1) end end else setPedAnimation(player, "CRACK", "crckdeth3", -1, false, true, false) end end end setTimer(ChecarVida, 200, 0) function ChecarVidaA() for i, player in pairs (getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData(player, "PlayerCaido") then local conta = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) if getElementHealth(player) >= 31 then setElementData(player, "PlayerCaido", false) setPedAnimation(player, false) setElementFrozen(player, false ) end end end end setTimer(ChecarVidaA, 200, 0) function SetarCaidoComHS() player = source if not getElementData(player, "PlayerCaido") then removePedFromVehicle(player) setElementHealth(player, 20) setElementData(player, "PlayerCaido", true) setPedAnimation(player, "CRACK", "crckdeth3", -1, false, true, false) setTimer(function() if getElementData(player, "PlayerCaido") then killPlayer(player) end end, 240000, 1) end end addEvent("OnHS", true) addEventHandler("OnHS", getRootElement(), SetarCaidoComHS) function curar_jogador ( thePlayer, comando, nick ) if nick then if getPlayerFromPartialName ( nick ) then local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "CB") ) then local player_a_ser_curado = getPlayerFromPartialName ( nick ) local samux, samuy, samuz = getElementPosition ( thePlayer ) local curadox, curadoy, curadoz = getElementPosition ( player_a_ser_curado ) local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( samux, samuy, samuz, curadox, curadoy, curadoz ) if player_a_ser_curado == thePlayer then outputChatBox("#bebebeVocê não pode se curar!",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) return end if ( dist > 3 ) then outputChatBox("#bebebeChegue mais perto do jogador!", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif ( dist < 3 )then setPedAnimation( thePlayer, "MEDIC", "CPR", 4500, true, false, false, false) setTimer ( function() setElementHealth ( player_a_ser_curado, 100 ) setPedAnimation(player_a_ser_curado, false) setElementFrozen( player_a_ser_curado, false ) setElementData(player_a_ser_curado,"PlayerCaido",false) end, 4500, 1 ) end end end end end addCommandHandler ( "curar", curar_jogador ) hpMin = 20 Tempo = {} ColMedic = {} function getPlayerFromPartialName(name) local name = name and name:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""):lower() or nil if name then for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local name_ = getPlayerName(player):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""):lower() if name_:find(name, 1, true) then return player end end end end function ChecarVida() for i, player in pairs (getElementsByType("player")) do if not getElementData(player, "PlayerCaido") then local conta = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) if getElementHealth(player) >= 1 then if getElementHealth(player) <= hpMin then removePedFromVehicle(player) setElementData(player, "PlayerCaido", true) setElementFrozen(player, true) setPedAnimation(player, "CRACK", "crckdeth3", -1, false, true, false) setTimer(function() if getElementData(player, "PlayerCaido") then killPlayer(player) end end, 240000, 1) end end else setPedAnimation(player, "CRACK", "crckdeth3", -1, false, true, false) end end end setTimer(ChecarVida, 200, 0) function ChecarVidaA() for i, player in pairs (getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData(player, "PlayerCaido") then local conta = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) if getElementHealth(player) >= 31 then setElementData(player, "PlayerCaido", false) setPedAnimation(player, false) setElementFrozen(player, false ) end end end end setTimer(ChecarVidaA, 200, 0) function SetarCaidoComHS() player = source if not getElementData(player, "PlayerCaido") then removePedFromVehicle(player) setElementHealth(player, 20) setElementData(player, "PlayerCaido", true) setPedAnimation(player, "CRACK", "crckdeth3", -1, false, true, false) setTimer(function() if getElementData(player, "PlayerCaido") then killPlayer(player) end end, 240000, 1) end end addEvent("OnHS", true) addEventHandler("OnHS", getRootElement(), SetarCaidoComHS) function curar_jogador ( thePlayer, comando, nick ) if nick then if getPlayerFromPartialName ( nick ) then local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "CB") ) then local player_a_ser_curado = getPlayerFromPartialName ( nick ) local samux, samuy, samuz = getElementPosition ( thePlayer ) local curadox, curadoy, curadoz = getElementPosition ( player_a_ser_curado ) local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( samux, samuy, samuz, curadox, curadoy, curadoz ) if player_a_ser_curado == thePlayer then outputChatBox("#bebebeVocê não pode se curar!",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) return end if ( dist > 3 ) then outputChatBox("#bebebeChegue mais perto do jogador!", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif ( dist < 3 )then setPedAnimation( thePlayer, "MEDIC", "CPR", 4500, true, false, false, false) setTimer ( function() setElementHealth ( player_a_ser_curado, 100 ) setPedAnimation(player_a_ser_curado, false) setElementFrozen( player_a_ser_curado, false ) setElementData(player_a_ser_curado,"PlayerCaido",false) end, 4500, 1 ) end end end end end addCommandHandler ( "curar", curar_jogador )
  6. Vanku14

    Car shop

    Hello guys i am doing roleplay mta server right now but o cant find a car shop can someone give me a link for carshop who is working please
  7. VIDEO https://youtu.be/EbqnoqMldZk Es algo que mucha gente ya sabe , Pero para los nuevos que no entienden mucho de los scripts Les va a servir de mucha ayuda !
  8. Em alguns meses eu estava jogando SA-MP e coloquei um mod de um veículo pesado no jogo e o som dos veiculos sumiram do nada e depois de alguns dias jogando o MTA o som dos veiculos também sumiram (dentro de uns 3 dias no max) e eu tentei resolver esse bug e como não consegui deixei de lado e essa semana eu estava pesquisando a forma de resolver mas infelizmente não achei nada. No SA-MP o som todo dos veiculos sumiram , já o MTA eu consigo escutar derrapagens e o som some enquanto estou dentro dele , quando eu saio do veiculo o som aparece de acordo com a posição que fico perto do veiculo , eu troquei os sons do GTA por sons modificados e depois coloquei os sons originais e já mexi nas configurações do MTA e não deu em nada. E recentemente eu estava jogando MTA normalmente e percebi que eu não estava conseguindo escutar a rádio modificada dos servidores e isso não é erro de algum servidor porque todo dia eu jogava nele e coloquei um script de rádio em meu servidor e meu amigo conseguia escutar e eu não. Não sei se deu pra vocês entenderem mas espero que consigam me ajudar.
  9. local gate = createObject(980, 1001.5, -1096.9000244141, 25.60000038147, 0, 0, 110) local marker = createMarker(1001.5, -1096.9000244141, 25.60000038147, "cylinder", 8, 0, 0, 0, 0) function moveGate(thePlayer) if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. nomeAcc, aclGetGroup("TDF")) then moveObject(gate, 3000, 1001.5, -1096.9000244141, 20) end end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker, moveGate) function move_back_gate() moveObject(gate, 3000, 1001.5, -1096.9000244141, 25.60000038147) end addEventHandler("onMarkerLeave", marker, move_back_gate) I think its all ok with this code, but... ERROR. I wrongly have deleted a wrong line on my code, thats all ok now guys, i think. local nomeAcc = getAccountName (getPlayerAccount (source))
  10. Estou tendo um problema com otimização de um script, tenho um script de TXD compartilhada, que muda a txd da viatura para todos por meio de um triggerClientEvent em serverside em todo mundo com o "root" quando o cara digita um comando, porem fiz uns testes e todos os 35 players que estavam online no momento do teste tiveram uma queda de FPS bem grande no momento que a textura foi trocada para todos quando eu dei o comando de trocar na minha viatura, tem algum metodo de otimizar isso ou resolver essa queda de fps? (Utilizo applyShader de uma imagem PNG trocando a imagem da txd original assim alterando ela)
  11. Hi guys, this is my first topic and I hope to get my answer soon :D The question I had was, can the cmd be entered into MTA:SA Server through Discord Bot? for example: Inside the discord: !kill <playerid> Then inside the MTA:SA: function kill(player) { setElementHealth(player, 0) } I just wanted to know if this is done or not. In that case, I'm glad you taught me a solution :D
  12. Olá, estou a precisar de ajuda neste script. Eu não sei como resolver isto de alguem puder ajudar agradecia. Este é o erro: WARNING: [SCRIPTS]/san_accounts/Szerver.lua:84: dbPoll failed; Field 'admin' doesn't have a default value Código: function onRegisterClick(player, username, password2) --, email) if isTimer(timer2) then exports.san_infobox:addNotification(player,"Estamos com uma quantidade grande de pessoas tentando registrar ao mesmo tempo, tenha paciência","error") return end timer2 = setTimer(function() end, 3000, 1) local password = md5(password2) local registerQuery = dbPoll(dbQuery(connection, "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE username LIKE '".. tostring(username) .."' or mtaserial = '".. getPlayerSerial(player) .."'"), -1) local accountAdded = addAccount(tostring(username),tostring(password2)) if ( accountAdded ) then outputChatBox ( "Obrigado por registrar " .. getPlayerName(player) .. "", player ) for _, row in ipairs(registerQuery) do if row["username"] == username then exports.san_infobox:addNotification(player,"O nome de usuário está ocupado!","error") return end if row["mtaserial"] == getPlayerSerial(player) and not serials[getPlayerSerial(player)] then exports.san_infobox:addNotification(player,"Este serial já está conectado a uma conta!","error") return end end local registerInsert = dbQuery(connection, "INSERT INTO accounts SET username = ?, password = ?, mtaserial = ?, ip = ?, regdate = NOW(), lastlogin = NOW()", username, password, getPlayerSerial(player), getPlayerIP(player)) local result, num, insertID = dbPoll(registerInsert, -1) if insertID then exports.san_infobox:addNotification(player,"Registro bem sucedido! Agora você pode entrar!","success") setElementData(player, "acc:id", insertID) triggerClientEvent(player, "login:setPlayerPanelState", player, "login") end else exports.san_infobox:addNotification(player,"Este usuario ja existe!","error") outputChatBox ( "Este usuario ja existe!", player ) return end end addEvent("onRegisterClick", true) addEventHandler("onRegisterClick", root, onRegisterClick) Sublinhei a laranja a linha que está a dar erro.
  13. testdoor = createObject(1499, 1580.03149, -1631.73987, 13.38281) bindKey(source, "e", "down", function() local currentFreezeStatus = isElementFrozen ( testdoor ) if currentFreezeStatus then setElementFrozen ( testdoor, not currentFreezeStatus ) outputChatBox("You have closed the door!",255,255,255) else setElementFrozen ( testdoor, currentFreezeStatus ) outputChatBox("You have opened the door!",255,255,255) end end) its showing an error bad argument @ 'bindkey' [expected player argument 1, but nil]
  14. Hi friends, I have a small problem In the console it gives this warning Bad argument @ 'setElementModel' [Expected element at argument 1, got number '100'] Which corresponds to the following line setElementModel (tonumber(getElementData(accSys:getPlayerAcc(thePlayer), "cSkin"))) cods ---- admin duty skin ---- addCommandHandler("a209", function ( thePlayer, command ) if tonumber(getElementData(accSys:getPlayerAcc(thePlayer), "pAdmin")) < 10 then return false end setElementData(accSys:getPlayerAcc(thePlayer), "dSkin", 209) setElementModel (thePlayer, 209) end) --- admin off skin ---- addCommandHandler("o209", function ( thePlayer, command ) if tonumber(getElementData(accSys:getPlayerAcc(thePlayer), "pAdmin")) < 10 then return false end setElementModel (tonumber(getElementData(accSys:getPlayerAcc(thePlayer), "cSkin"))) end) in part of ---- admin duty skin ---- There is no problem in the ---- admin duty skin ---- part but In the second part, --- admin off skin ----, when I order, Warning comes The second part must set the player model from the part of cSkin But it does not and gives high warning Sorry for the bad English language Please help me, my only hope is you
  15. Versão = 1.5.8-release-20860.0.0.000 Tempo = Sat Apr 24 15:06:02 2021 Módulo = D:\jogos\GTA San Andreas\gta_sa.exe Código = 0xC0000005 Offset = 0x003C91CC EAX=212B4C68 EBX=212B4C58 ECX=0177FA78 EDX=001AC31C ESI=0000000000 EDI=000000001 EBP=0177FC2 8 ESP=0177FA58 EIP=007C91CC FLG=00210202 CS=0023 DS=002B SS=002B ES=002B FS=0053 GS=002B https://pastebin.mtasa.com/999993530
  16. tem algo errado aqui rapaziada? have something wrong in the script? local x,y,z,dim,inter,rot = unpack(fromJSON(v.pos)); Erro no Console WARNING: fv_bank\server.lua:33: Bad argument @ 'fromJSON' [Expected string at argument 1, got nil] [2021-04-23 14:41:42] ERROR: fv_bank\server.lua:33: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table expected, got nil) [2021-04-23 14:41:48] WARNING: fv_bank\server.lua:33: Bad argument @ 'fromJSON' [Expected string at argument 1, got nil] [DUP x3] [2021-04-23 14:41:48] ERROR: fv_bank\server.lua:33: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table expected, got nil) [DUP x3](editado)
  17. Hello, is there any plugin or anything to add SAMP 0.3.7 objects to MTA SA Map Editor? SAMP Constructor is a bit complex and hard for me, so I use MTA Map Editor because it's so easy. I don't want it to replace any objects, just add SAMP objects in MTA Map editor, any solutions? Thank you.
  18. Kopyalanabilir adreslerimiz; Discord: https://discord.gg/Uqh3ZQh4XS Sunucu İP: mtasa://
  19. Quando eu vou abrir o mta ele n abre simplesmente fica carreando infinitamente e fecha, o meu gta san funciona normal e so o mta q n abre me ajuda pfvv
  20. Anyone can send me a working yt mp3 converter API? Or how to create one, to play music from youtube on my server?
  21. could someone help me? I start the MTA, it loads more, the screen does not appear, I have reinstalled it too and it did not work, what can it be? https://pastebin.mtasa.com/455823672 I don't know if that can help I followed that step too https://upload.mtasa.com/u/846096373/Logfile.PML_ it doesn't show any error screens either, I've used malwerebytes, I've reinstalled C ++ and nothing, I can't even play GTA SA I click to start and it won't open, I downloaded the original rockstar games launcher, I've also tried with others from internet and does not work https://imgur.com/a/JpKHSnN I don't know if that can help because it's in Portuguese too, I pulled the PC log on the error my nick in Discord Ismael cu de barro#9414 after this screen nothing happens anymore https://imgur.com/ZBy8WUd
  22. Como fasso para tirar o chat T na tela de login Do Meu servidor, Pois no login se O user tiver letra t ele abre o chat E solta binds sozin E tambem Fica apertando os outros paineis Por exemplo O painel de estilo de andar na Letra U se o user ou senha Tiver u ele fica abrindo o painel Alguem Pode me falar como proceder?
  23. Hello Guys , I'm ScoomaAli From Morocco , Today i want to show you my new project , FiveM Backup In Mta This is a screen from it
  24. Hola, me regalan Algún Sistema de Facciones Para MTA Como LSPD Y etc, Solo eso Le Falta Ami Sever Por favor?
  25. There's a server named FineMTA and I can not connect to it, but can to other servers. I tried to reinstall MTA, with original and cracked GTA:SA, but it's the same problem. My friend sent me his mods files but nothing changed. We talked with the admins and developers of the server but they had no idea what is the problem. Here is a picture of it: https://imgur.com/a/TJEikVU And here is an MTA diagnostic about my client, but I don't think it's the problem: https://pastebin.mtasa.com/506877440
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