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Hi! Following the community discussion in our forums, we have created an official Discord server quite a while ago, as an alternative (and maybe a full replacement in the future) to our current IRC channels. We kept it in under the radar while we were fine tuning things, but we believe we can now present it to you guys. All MTA players and fans are welcome to join our Discord server (though please behave while you are in there ). You can join it by using this link: What is Discord? Discord is a hybrid of IRC, an Instant Messenger and a Voice Chat software. It incorporates the most important features of these elements into a handy and multiplatform app which you can run on your desktops, smartphones or tablets. Why is it cool? Compared to IRC, it offers a built-in chat history buffer, so even if you are offline, you can still catch up with what happened in the channels then. IRC also offers that, but only through an IRC Bouncer that you either need to pay for, or have someone host it for you. It also has a modern look and features such as URL embedding (regular websites, but also pictures and videos), handy syntax colouring for pasted code snippets, emojis (also custom ones), chat messages reactions, Steam integration and more. What can I find while I am there? We currently have some channels created, including: #general - for general MTA and offtopic chats #scripting - for Lua scripting-related queries #support - for any problems related to MTA:SA client or server #announcements - for all important messages from us as well as some others. We are still thinking of how to put our Discord server into its full potential, so we may add more channels soon. Can I have Discord app installed and/or running on several of my devices concurrently? Can I use more than one server? Sure, absolutely. It will sync the messages automatically. And yes, you can add more servers than just our one. How do I join it? Hey, we have mentioned that already. Just click the link below and follow the instructions: I have a suggestion about the Discord... Okay, let us know. As usual, we are open for suggestions. Just post in this topic or hit us up directly on Discord. Hope to see you there! -- MTA Team
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discord_webhooks is a resource with which you can send messages to Discord server channels using Webhooks. Your messages can be simple text strings or they can contain complex Embed objects according to the Discord API. All you need to do is use the exported functions explained in the project's documentation on GitHub. The resource comes with a test/example script that demonstrates how it works and how you can get the most out of it. You can send messages with pretty formats like this one: You can even use an Embed Builder like this one to design your embed messages and export them in the JSON format. Embed Objects in JSON can be converted to Lua table(s) using fromJSON and will be fully usable with this resource! GitHub Repository (Download & Documentation): Community Page (Download): For support/questions please access my main thread: Enjoy!!
Servidor Mta San Andreas Gamemode De Verona RolePlay Es a Base De DownTown Contiene MYSQL Plantilla Del Servidor De Discord Verona RolePlay Link De La Plantilla: Link De la Gamemode:
Gamemode Servidor MTA: Gamemode Compton Roleplay con base de chicago roleplay y otra en downtown SQLLITE y la otra version tiene MYSQL Planilla Del Servidor Compton RolePlay:
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- compton roleplay
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Siema chciałbym wam opowiedzieć trochę o nowo poswtałym serwerze rp czyli Serer ma: - Rozbudowane skrypty - Miłą administrację - Miłych graczy - Rozbudowany system napadów - Dużo wolnych miejsc w frakcjach(podania po starcie bendą) Link do discorda:
1. We create an application in 2. We copy the application id: 3. Now we are making the script (start with creating a .lua file) --// discord_c.lua local app_id = "your_app_key_here" function ConnectRPC() setDiscordApplicationID(app_id) if isDiscordRichPresenceConnected() then local name = getPlayerName(localPlayer) iprint("RPC: Discord RPC is now connected") setDiscordRichPresenceAsset("your_app_logo_string", "Yey, this is my app logo") setDiscordRichPresenceButton(1, "Join Discord", "url_here") setDiscordRichPresenceButton(2, "Connect Server", "url_here") --// NOTE: you can show only 2 buttons setDiscordRichPresenceState("Playing") setDiscordRichPresenceDetails("Playing as: " else iprint("RPC: Discord RPC failed to connect") end end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, ConnectRPC) --// Now, we reset the rpc details so the status will not be bugged addEventHandler("onClientResourceStop", resourceRoot, function() resetDiscordRichPresenceData() end) 4. So, we have our discord_c.lua file and now we need to create the meta.xml <meta> <info author="YourName" description="YourResourceDescription" type="YourScriptType", version="1.0" /> <script src="discord_c.lua" type="client" cache="false" /> </meta> 5. In the console you can now type refresh and after start theResourceName
Introdução O conteúdo deste tópico será separado por seções, ensinando passo-a-passo cada detalhe - desde criar um BOT no site do Discord Developers, até finalmente ligá-lo e executar os comandos, que serão enviados para o seu servidor MTA. Siga todos os passos para que tudo dê certo. Configurando o ambiente Bom, para que nós possamos iniciar, é necessário instalar duas coisas no seu computador: Node.js e Visual Studio Code. Só um adendo: não é estritamente necessário usar o VSCode, estou apenas sugerindo-o, e também é a IDE que irei utilizar neste tutorial. Após instalá-los, seguiremos a próxima seção. Como criar um BOT no Discord Developers Acesse este link: - se você não estiver com uma sessão do Discord aberta no navegador, faça o login para que você possa acessar as funcionalidades desse site. Provavelmente, após entrar numa sessão, uma página como esta irá surgir: Ignore as minhas aplicações. O seu estará vazio - eu acho. Para iniciarmos a criação de uma nova aplicação, clique no botão que está no canto superior direito: Escolha o nome que desejar, isso não importa muito para este tutorial. Uma vez criada, uma outra página aparecerá, com mais informações. Primeiramente, vá até a aba Bot. O botão fica ao lado esquerdo: Agora, para que criemos de fato o BOT, clique no botão ao lado direito: Um pop-up irá aparecer, basta clicar em Yes, do it! Mais uma vez, irá carregar, na mesma aba, mais informações, agora sobre o seu BOT. Não compartilhe nada do que estiver escrito na página, com ênfase no seu token, que faz o seu BOT ficar online. Agora, voltemos para a aba principal: Nessa aba, você possui o Client ID da sua aplicação. Esse ID não é o token, você não precisa se preocupar caso compartilhe com alguém: Copie-o e acesse este link para que possamos dar continuidade: Nesse site, nós podemos gerar o link de convite, no qual você irá precisar para adicionar o BOT no seu servidor do Discord. Cole o ID que você copiou neste campo: Também, selecione a permissão de administrador, que fica logo acima: Feito todos os passos, copie o link, abra uma nova aba no seu navegador e acesse o link gerado. Ele é parecido com este: Assim que você acessar, selecione o servidor no qual você quer adicionar o BOT e confirme tudo o que é pedido. Caso você tenha feito corretamente, o seu BOT já está no seu servidor. Vamos a próxima seção. Clonando o repositório do BOT Optei por criar um repositório no GitHub para que fique mais fácil este tutorial. Se você não sabe o que é clonar, apenas clique no botão de baixar, ao invés de clonar. Ele é assim: Clique em Download ZIP. Uma vez que temos o repositório no computador, descompacte-o na área de trabalho mesmo. Feito isso, uma pasta será criada. Agora, abriremos o VSCode. Siga estas instruções: Você irá selecionar a sub-pasta, que está dentro do pasta descompactada. Preste atenção ao selecionar. Há uma outra pasta dentro daquela que extraímos, abra a pasta correta. O resultado deve ser este: Ignore os ícones, fonte, cor de fundo. São extensões que eu uso. Vamos a próxima seção. Como instalar os pacotes da aplicação Ainda no VSCode, pressione CTRL + ' (aspas simples). O terminal irá abrir. Com ele aberto, digite o comando npm install. Os pacotes serão instalados - uma nova pasta e arquivo serão gerados. Não se preocupe com isso, não faz parte deste tutorial. Próxima seção! Como habilitar o Modo Desenvolvedor no Discord Para que nós possamos avançar a próxima seção, nós precisamos habilitar o modo desenvolvedor, para obter os IDs de canais, servidor, usuário, cargos e outros. É simples. Acesse as configurações da sua conta, clique na aba Aparência, desça tudo e irá se deparar com isto: O meu já está ativado. Caso o seu não esteja, ative-o. Next... Configurando as variáveis do BOT Agora que nós já podemos copiar o ID de alguns elementos do Discord, iremos configurar os arquivos que estão dentro da pasta config, abra-a. Os arquivos são estes: Primeiramente, crie um canal no seu servidor do Discord e copie o ID dele. Basta clicar com o botão direito em cima e copiá-lo. Abra o arquivo channel.js e apenas altere o valor que está lá. Salve o arquivo e abra o próximo, guild.js. Para eu não me estender muito, você fará os mesmos passos acima, copiando o ID e substituindo. Para copiar o ID do seu servidor, basta clicar com o botão direito em cima do nome dele. Já no arquivo mta.js, você deve alterar as informações de acordo com o seu servidor. Veja a explicação abaixo. ip - do seu servidor. httpPort - a porta HTTP do seu servidor, você pode consultá-la aqui neste site. username - crie um usuário no seu servidor e dê permissões administrativas para ele. password - a senha que você colocou no usuário. ATENÇÃO: USE UM USUÁRIO E SENHA QUE NÃO SEJA FÁCIL DE DESCOBRIR, LOGO NÃO COMPARTILHE COM NINGUÉM. Em relação ao outro arquivo, prefix.js, é apenas o prefixo que você usará nos comandos, altere se quiser. O arquivo token.js fala por si só, você irá pegar o token de acesso do seu BOT, lá no site do Discord Developers e substituir dentro do arquivo. Acompanhe na imagem abaixo. Bom, já disse na seção passada que você não deve compartilhar o token. Seguiremos a próxima. Clonando o repositório do resource Assim como no repositório do BOT, o resource também está no GitHub. Baixe-o, da mesma forma do BOT, mas agora adicione no seu servidor MTA, na pasta resources. Lembrando que deve-se extrair e colocar a pasta correta, verifique bem a sub-pasta. Uma vez adicionado no seu servidor, use o comando refresh para atualizar a lista de resources e inicie-o. Ah, e também dê permissões administrativas para ele! Pronto. Já podemos prosseguir. Iniciando o BOT Estamos quase ao ponto de executar os comandos. Vamos iniciar o BOT. Agora no VSCode, naquele mesmo terminal, use o comando npm start. Se tudo foi feito corretamente, ele irá se iniciar sem erros e uma mensagem dizendo que o BOT foi ligado deve aparecer. Testando os comandos Lembra que nós criamos um canal para executar os comandos? Pois é agora que iremos utilizá-lo. Lembre-se: o seu servidor deve estar ligado - entre nele também para que você possa ver as mensagens no chat. Alguns comandos que eu fiz, apenas para exemplificar. Você pode adicionar mais comandos se quiser. Se você não alterou o prefixo, aqui estão os comandos que fiz. (Você deve ser ADMINISTRADOR do seu servidor para executá-los) $settime <hora> <minuto> - $settime 12 00 | Irá alterar o clima no servidor. $text <mensagem> - $text opa, jogadores, tudo bem? | A mensagem será enviada no chat do servidor. $status | Mostrará algumas informações do servidor no chat do Discord. $mute <jogador> - $mute andr0xy | O jogador ficará mutado até se reconectar. $givemoney <jogador> <quantia> - $givemoney andr0xy 15000 | Dá dinheiro ao jogador. $cgroup <nome> - $cgroup VIP | Cria um grupo na ACL. Apenas uma observação: é possível sim, nos comandos que envolvem jogadores, executá-los pelo ID. Basta você editar o resource - não irei explicar como faz isso, pois não tem relação ao tutorial. Agradecimento & Informações Muito obrigado por seguir o tutorial. Fiz com o ❤ para toda a comunidade. Espero que vocês evoluam ambos códigos e que isso se torne muito maior dentro do servidor de vocês. Lembre-se que tudo é possível no MTA, contribuam sempre de alguma forma para que outros também possam evoluir. A união é importante nessa área. Busquem conhecimento! Crédito ao autor da SDK, o que faz ser possível conectar-se ao servidor MTA. 4O4 - GitHub Edições neste tutorial 28.01.2021 - AVISO: renomeie o resource para discordapp. 29.01.2021 - CORREÇÃO: texto confuso na seção Clonando o repositório do BOT. 29.01.2021 - AVISO: código do resource refatorado, sendo mais fácil adicionar novos comandos.
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I brought you bakaGaijin and Ash Now I bring Discord integration with MTA scripts. MTA already has this for IRC Shoutout to the people who made the Sockets module, you're awesome. Features: -Scripts can echo messages to any Discord text channel of their choosing. -Any Discord channel can be set up to echo all messages to an ingame script. (Including the name of the person who said it, and his role) -One MTA server can send/receive to multiple Discord guilds. Example use: To show how this is useful, I made a small program to echo all global chat to a "global" Discord channel, and all team chats to individual "team" Discord channels. These Discord channels ofc echo messages back when someone posts. As proof of concept for commands, if a Discord user types "!ban name" then his role is checked, and if it includes Founder, the chat outputs "name was banned!" This is the client side script I used for this example: local SECRET_KEY = "15-A-53CR3T-K3Y" --The script works even if your server IP changes. You are mapped to a unique key. local function onopen(self) self:send(SECRET_KEY) --Your MTA server logs in addEventHandler("onResourceStop", resourceRoot, function() self:close() --Break off from Discord end) addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", getRootElement(), function(message, type) --Example hook to capture player chats local name = getPlayerName(source) local channel = "global" --Send to global channel if global chat if type==2 then channel = getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(source)) end --Or team channel if teamchat --Format to send messages is ("discord", channelName, message) self:send("discord", channel, name..": "..message) end) end function onmessage(self, data) local channelName, name, role, message = data[3], data[4], data[5], data[6] local orginal_message = message --The message we got from discord message = "("..role..") "": "..message --Make it pretty if channelName=="global" then --Output to global chat or team chat outputChatBox("(DISCORD) "..message) else local team = getTeamFromName(channelName) local members = getPlayersInTeam(team) or {} local r, g, b = getTeamColor(team) --Color the output for lulz for _, player in ipairs(members) do outputChatBox( "(DISCORD) (TEAM) "..message, player, r, g, b) end end local commandExample = string.match(orginal_message, "^!ban (.+)") --If message started with !ban... if role=="Founders" and commandExample then -- ...and the person who said it had the right Role outputChatBox(commandExample.." was banned!", getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0) end end local function onclose() outputChatBox("The Discord link was closed") end local discord =, onmessage, onclose) That's 41 lines of code, now let's see it in effect. I would love to hear what you think about it.
Hello friends, today I will share with you a very simple and under development hud. To get rid of FPS and screen pollution, it is enough to install and run the hud I made on your server. Download > Link
As the title mentions, basically my idea is to have a channel on discord that frequently announces the progress of each language available on Crowdin. This channel should be read only as it will be an informative channel. People that are interested in seeing this channel should react in #extra-roles to get a role. In this channel will be announced the percentage of each language, highlighting mainly those languages that need more people (less than 50% translated, for example). To prevent the same message being sent too many times, it could be configured to announce the progress once every 15 days or something. I suppose this serves both as a way to attract new translators, and also for those who would like to review/fix existing translations.
OK so after many requests from people asking me to install discord bots to their servers I have decided to make the simplest tutorial on setting up a bot for your servers. [NOTE]: THIS IS A VPS TUTORIAL. IF YOUR SERVER ISN'T RUNNING ON A VPS THIS WILL NOT WORK FOR YOU UNLESS YOU UNDERSTAND HOW NODE.JS WORKS. Part 1: Bot creation Part 2: Files Configuration Part 3: SSH commands That should be all now go have fun annoying players in your server. Some feedback would be appreciated Good luck
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If you looking or need modeller. leave a message for me as soon as possible. Discord: zytheone#4984 Or leave a forum msg but Discord is better for to quick connection. For any additional information in private message! ( Reference and other.. )
I want to do this: Using webhook, something like this: -- created by zsenel local discordWebhookURL = "*********EXAMPLE************yKEaRsKJp4" function sendDiscordMessage(message) sendOptions = { formFields = { content = "Example:", username = "webhook - Example", embed = { description= "```Some user have typed \"help\" command.```", color= null, author= { name= "Webhook - Example" }, footer = { text = "I want to do this..." }, }, }, } fetchRemote ( discordWebhookURL, sendOptions, WebhookCallback ) end function WebhookCallback(responseData) outputDebugString("(Discord webhook callback): responseData: "..responseData) end function SendDiscordTestMessage(player, command, ...) local msg = table.concat({...}," ") -- for multiple words sendDiscordMessage(msg) end Return < Thats only a example do i want to do, any kind of help please?
Hi guys, this is my first topic and I hope to get my answer soon :D The question I had was, can the cmd be entered into MTA:SA Server through Discord Bot? for example: Inside the discord: !kill <playerid> Then inside the MTA:SA: function kill(player) { setElementHealth(player, 0) } I just wanted to know if this is done or not. In that case, I'm glad you taught me a solution :D
Heelo,i don't relly rember what i was banned for soo i'm asking for an unban,what ever i did i will not be disrespectiful agin .
Olá, eu estava pensando em como seria incrível um servidor para os scripters de MTA, dividirem conhecimento, conversarem, fazer amizades etc, e eu queria saber se já tem algum servidor de discord já criado para scripters de MTA, conhecido? Caso não tenha, irei criar para todos nós dividirmos conhecimento e tirar duvidas de scripters iniciantes.
Welcome to Bancho Hosting Website - Discord - E-Mail Bancho Hosting is a new member on the Server Hosting Market. It's our goal to provide cheap, easy and fast servers for all those who want them. We offer a wide variety of Games and MTA is one of them. Due to the new nature of Bancho we're currently running on an individual, request by request basis. This means we can offer you cheap prices and great speeds while maintaining a good amount of clients while we start up! We use PayPal to handle our subscriptions, this means you can have peace of mind knowing your details are secure, we never gain access to your full financial information! To get started simply join our Discord below and view the price list in our channels. We use Pterodactyl to manage our Servers. You'll get access to your server including File Management and Console Access to ensure you can install whatever you want, whenever you want to make sure your members have a fantastic experience. We also offer Discounts to existing members and cheaper upgrades alongside our dedicated support team. Our prices start at £3.99 per month for 750MB of RAM, No Player Restrictions and No-Cap Storage. We also offer higher plans which are a little more expensive but provide all the resources you need to get started! You can order a plan by visiting our Discord and following the Order Process. It's super easy and allows you to tell us exactly what YOU need to make your server exactly how you want it! Just click the Discord Icon below!
Buenas gente de la comunidad. Llevo un tiempo sin publicar en el foro debido a que mi vida personal y laboral anda a mil. Recién hoy loguie para encontrarme con una pila de mensajes privados de gente pidiendo ayuda y demás. Responderé a todos en la medida que pueda. De paso se me ocurrió compartir con ustedes el servidor oficial de MTASA donde pueden realizar consultas, estar atentos a novedades y ponerse en contacto mas directamente. Contamos con varios canales de distintos topics y un canal llamado #es-general que es para la charla en general en idioma español. Yo en general siempre estoy por ese discord ya que llevo la app instalada en el móvil y la utilizo por motivos laborales también. Para los que no sepan que es discord les hago un resumen: Discord es una aplicación de comunicación texto-voz que se caracteriza por ser multi-plataforma y por dividir los canales de voz por un lado, y los de texto por otro. La ventaja de esto es que tranquilamente podemos estar en el servidor y leer canales de chat sin necesidad de estar conectados al canal voz( como por ejemplo teamspeak ). Además de que es completamente gratuita. Para instalar la app, pinchamos aquí y elegimos Download Now. Con esto se nos bajará un instalador el cual debemos ejecutar para instalar el programa. Una vez instalado el programa, lo ejecutamos y nos registramos. Una vez registrados, pinchan aquí: Espero verlos por ahí! Comenten cualquier problema que tengan con el programa o algo que no entiendan. Saludos!
عن آرينا للعب الأدوار آرينا، خادم لعب أدوار بدأ في مايو عام 2019 كـفكرة ودية يتم مناقشتها مع مُمثليها، حتى وصلنا إلى شهر مارس عام 2020، وبدأنا نفكر مرة أخرى وبشكلٍ جدي حتى نبدأ في العمل على الخادم، ونستعيد الفكرة التي طرحناها بيننا عام 2019، نحن لم نفعل ذلك عبساً، حدث ذلك بعد محاولات لتجربة العديد من الخوادم التي كانت من المفترض أن توفر لعب الأدوار "المُحترف" والغير تقليدي. ولكن لم نجد البيئة المناسبة للعب الأدوار، لذا دعوني آخذكم في جولة عن آرينا، وبشكل مبسط، آرينا للعب الأدوار خادم مبني على لعب الأدوار النصي بالنمط الكلاسيكي في غالبية تعاملاته مع اللاعبين. مع بعض واجهات المستخدم الإستثنائية. ماذا نقدم؟ توفير لعب الأدوار الغير تقليدي ولكن بالنمط الكلاسيكي، على مدار ثلاثة سنوات من لعب الأدوار شبه المُنظم داخل الخوادم العربية، لم نجد أي خادم مُنظم بشكلٍ كافٍ حتى يطرح للاعبين مسألة إستمراريته ومتى قد يبقى الخادم مستقراً، لذلك كنا نفكر في الأسباب وكيفية تحويل المشكلة إلى حلٍ منطقي بشكل يضمن تميز الخادم عن غيره مثل ضمان الإستمرارية، إعطاء الخادم الجهد المطلوب حتى نضمن أعلى جهد مُمكن أن يُبذل. وبعد الكثير من المناقشات حول كيفية ضمان حدوث ذلك، سنوفر حلول غير تقليدية بشكلٍ راقي ومن طاقم محترف. لطالما أراد الجميع فرصة التطلع والمضي قدماً حتى يعمل مع طاقم ذكي له خبرات سابقة متعددة المجالات حول لعب الأدوار، وطاقم يتحلى بالمسؤولية ولديه القدرة على إدارة خادم، ويتفاهم ويحترم عقليات اللاعبين. أهدافنا تسعي بعض الخوادم وراء تحقيق نجاح وهمي مبني علي أسس خاطئه من خلال عرض خدماتها في سبيل الحصول علي مميزات شخصية، لكن نحن نعتبر ذلك غير جدير بالإحترام فهدف كذلك لن يكون له اي مردود يذكر علي المدي البعيد. وبشكل مُبسط، نتمنى أن نترك بصمة في مجال لعب الأدوار العربي في إم تي أي للمدى البعيد. الروابط الرسمية للخادم الموقع الرسمي : ألديسكورد : المنتدى الرسمي : - منتدى الشرطة : - منتدى ألحكومة : منتدى قسم ألانقاذ : إفعل الشيء الصحيح في الوقت الصحيح بالطريقة الصحيحة لتتميّز أطيب الأمنيات، - مجتمع آرينا للعب الأدوار
17 Nisan 2020 tarihinde kurulan ve şuan da aktif şekilde kullanılabilir olan Estim Bozkurt Freeroam, Multi Theft Auto sunucusu sizleri bekliyor! İyi Oyunlar! IP : mtasa:// İsim : [TR] ❀ ESTİM BOZKURT ❀ - [FREEROAM] Yetkililer : [Kurucu] ES|o02'6 , [Kurucu] ES|Lykia 岺 , [Admin] SeRO , [Admin] Orhan , [Moderatör] RipJaws , [Destek] Noxus , [Destek] Hyper Kayıtlarımız oyun içindendir. İyi eğlenceler :)
Truth - MTA Wiki Discord Bot Since i was in need for a wiki discord bot on a discord server, I decided to make one. I have also created a dashboard to manage the bot's setting on your guild. This bot is open source so feel free to submit PR's or issues. There is a new wiki coming soon(?), so i am planning to convert this bot to use the new version once it releases if there's no official wiki bot available at that time. I hope this bot can be of use to you. Features Wiki article fetching like on MTA's official discord Wiki article searching Function/Event examples Customizable bot output set via dashboard (hide syntax, hide description etc) Links
Mod note: topic locked for serious forum abuse by TS and consorts Welcome at Lethal World A new destination a new world! Since today we've created a new server with alot of unique stuff, definitely something you should try out! The developer created alot of nice mappings and changed alot in the server. Come and try it out! Welcome at Lethal World. We are a new community and we want to welcome everyone. The place where the roleplay is is in los santos we have changed enough so that we can give a unique experience to the players Great admin team who are always ready to help everyone We have a discord with which you as players can talk to each other I hope that enough people come to play in the server so that everyone can share their experience with others and of course that everyone has fun because that is what counts for us And Much more, so come check it out any questions? Ask it at our discord thanks alot for taking your time!
- los santos
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MTASERVER IP: mtasa: // 22003 DISCORDCHANNEL: مرحبًا بكم في المقدمة الضمنية.نحن خادم بدأ في بداية عام 2016نحن الآن على قيد الحياة تقريبًا لمدة 4 سنوات مع الصعود والهبوط عدنا في اللعبة.- نريد أن نعيد لعب الأدوار كما كان- لعب الأدوار القانونية مهم جدا في خادم لعب الأدوار- لعب الأدوار غير القانونية مهم ولكننا لسنا خادم آر بي جي- نحن نريد أن نعطي الجميع شيئًا ما للعب دور- لدينا فريق إدارة لطيف جدالأنهم مستعدون لمساعدة الجميع!- نحن نسمح للجميع أن يأتي داخل اللعبة إذا كنت تتحدث الإنجليزية ماذا نقدم لك؟ نحن نقدم لك تجربة لعب الأدوارفريق الإدارة الجيدةمجتمع العمل وودية للغايةنحن نقدم للجميع فصيل الذي يحتاج إلى 3 أعضاء فصيلنريد أن نمنح الجميع شيئًا ما لأداء الأدوار بدون فصيل أو فصيللدينا فريق mtasa: // 22003
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة كما هو واضح من العنوان حاليا شغال علي تطوير بوت سيستم كامل متكامل ان شاء الله بحاول اطلع شئ كويس Javascript(NodeJS) بخبرتي المتواضعة في مميزات تم الانتهاء منها: .معلومات عن السيرفر - البنج - جلب الصورة الرمزية - معلومات المستخدم - البوت يعمل 7\24 - الترحيب بالعضو الجديد برايفت وعام مميزات جاري العمل عليها حاليا: نظام تذاكر الدعم الفني - تشغيل الموسيقي - نظام الادمنية كا حذف الرسائل والميوت..الخ من برايفت الي عام ويقدر اي احد يستفيد من الكود ويشارك في تطويره github وانتظر اقتراحاتكم وقريبا مع اصدار مستقر للبوت يتحويل المشروع في الي بتستخدم داخل البوت حتي الان packages ال "dependencies": { "discord.js": "^11.5.1", "dotenv": "^8.2.0", "express": "^4.17.1", "moment": "^2.24.0" } :صورة من البوت بكل مميزاته الحالية حتي كتابة هذا الموضوع :للمصادقة اي اضافة البوت لسيرفرك للتجربة (الموقع الرسمي) وشكرا ?
السلام عليكم حياكم الله في سيرفر ديسكورد بيكون مختص لمبرمجين اللعبة , هو مو مبرمجين اللعبة عموما لأي مبرمجين في اي لغة برمجة يعرفها وكذا المهم ما بطول عليكم رابط ديسكورد السيرفر