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Everything posted by Tut

  1. Hi and welcome to the forums @uqhala Thread moved to the Turkish forum. If you want to post one in the international forums, please keep it English.
  2. Please give my other comment a read, it went over how both alpha flags work. https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/127154-ajuda-textura-transparente-em-modelagem/?do=findComment&comment=986309
  3. The DFF and TXD provided looks fine. I think you'll be able to resolve the issue by enabling the alpha flag. You may also try changing the TXD compression to DXT5 or DXT1. Try DXT1 as last resort, as it does not support pixel transcluency, meaning the edges will be sharp.
  4. Hi Fernando, Can you please try enabling alphaTransparency in the model loading script: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/EngineReplaceModel If possible, can you please attach files here? If the alphaTransparency flag doesn't resolve it, please try replacing ID 16445 and see if that works. It should. If this is the only solution, it'd be because this ID uses the appropriate IDE flags for alpha to render correctly. In MTA we can not set these flags yet, so only solution is replacing the models which has that ID, or use a HLSL shader to remake an alpha rendering system. You can find a full list of objects that have both alpha flags enabled, by CTRL F "List of model ID's that use the flag 68" at https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/121674-basics-of-vertex-color-and-alpha/.
  5. Hi and welcome to the forums, @Dadinho-157 Thread moved to Portuguese forum. https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/176-serviços-de-hospedagem/
  6. Thread moved to the Portuguese section, @zParkeer^666
  7. Thread moved out of tutorials section.
  8. Hi, Please make sure that the title is readable in your language, not English.
  9. @PSWGM9100 and anyone else commenting. Thread hijacking is not allowed. Please allow authors to distribute or sell their resources without unasked conflicts. Consider it a warning.
  10. Thread moved to a more suitable section @IRISHMAN. Please read the guidelines for this section and make adjustments if need be.
  11. Tut

    Forma de Pagamento

    Hi and welcome to the forums @HUNDRED, Thread moved to a more suitable section despite it being in Portuguese. Hopefully you'll be able to receive an answer soon. Translation:
  12. Tut

    Some graphics issues

    Hi and welcome to the forums Arrow, Have you tried asking around in the server that you are playing on, to see if there are other members who have encountered the same issue? Map streaming issues could be due to too many objects being placed within the player radius, which would cause them to flash as the engine keeps hiding/unhiding them to stay below the limit. Can you please see if your streaming video setting isn't already maxed out: Escape -> Settings -> Advanced -> Streaming Memory
  13. @Ciekurs while I appreciate your information, posts that devalues or attempts to steal a thread should rather be kept to themselves. You're welcome to create your own thread.
  14. Thread moved to a more suitable section, as it's looking to hire a developer. Please review the guidelines for this section and apply the changes accordingly, within a reasonable timeframe:
  15. Tut

    Mta sa mods

    Thread moved to a more suitable section
  16. @Tekken Your post was removed, please don't go off topic or make attempts to start unwanted conversations here.
  17. Thread moved to a more appropriate forum, as this is more a programming question.
  18. Thread moved to a more appropriate forum for this question @R3cklessGh0st Can you please be more clear on the issue - did you forget your MTA forum credentials, or is it a login for a server that you forgot? Please check the B. User Accounts Rules part of the forum rules, this explains how you may recover your forum account.
  19. Thread moved to a more appropriate forum, as this is a mapping question. Please have a look at Removing any world object thread.
  20. Thread moved to a more appropriate forum.
  21. Thread moved to a more appropriate forum.
  22. Your thread was moved to an appropriate board.
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