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Everything posted by Tut

  1. I've had a look, doesn't seem possible with Blender.
  2. No, these are maxscripts. Check with Blender script if it mentions 2dfx or light.
  3. Duplicate thread closed. Please create only one instance per question. Your thread has been moved into a better section. If you use Goldfish's scripts, you can apply 2dfx to an omni light or dummy. The light must be child of the object. https://gtaforums.com/topic/907323-rel-kams-gta-scripts-2018-upd-31052020/ I also have a guide for this. https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/119253-model-integrated-lights-and-particles/
  4. Welcome to the forums @Baron Noev. Sorry, we can not help you with leaked resources anywhere.
  5. Thread's been moved into the Portuguese Server Advertisement section. It's a good idea to have a look at your thread in light mode. Take note of the dark mode artifacts.
  6. Welcome to the forums @Mtadayz Your thread has been moved into the Servers To Play On section, as that's the correct place for advertising servers.
  7. Tut

    ERROR CL33

    Welcome to the forums @lucasoliveira21 Your thread has been moved into the Client Support section for best results. The Google Translate page issue has been fixed in your post.
  8. Welcome to the forums @TerrorMTA Your thread has been moved into the Portuguese section. Please use this going forwards. If you're getting an error message, please paste it here.
  9. Tut

    Selling rpg scripts

    Show the product, payment method, proof of creatorship etc. See the info Tekken linked above.
  10. Welcome to the forums @Demok0909. Your thread has been moved into the Russian language section - please use this for Russian posts.
  11. Hi Zonoster, There's no such thing as far as I'm aware. SAMP has its own map editor, you can find it below. https://www.moddb.com/downloads/san-andreas-multiplayer-map-editor
  12. Hi, You must merge all objects into 1 mesh, world objects does not support components.
  13. Tut

    CJ Dff's

    Using engineReplaceModel, this is not possible.
  14. Tut


    Hi @TrmPlmn Please show us the issue you're presented with - of your application and the result in MTA. Remember that transparent materials should occupy the last ID in your mesh. So, if you have 10 material ID's, the transparent material should be ID 10. Check #8 on this post. When replacing models with transparencies, you should use the alpha transparency flag from engineReplaceModel.
  15. Please edit your thread and its title to have English content first, and PT/BR last, as this is an English section!
  16. Hi @André Lustosa Your thread has been moved into the Portuguese section. For posting in this language, please use this section.
  17. Welcome to the forums @HooDiNiHooDiNi Your thread has been moved into the Polish section, please use this for future posting in said language.
  18. Hi @Janela Your thread has been moved out of the Scripting Tutorials, into the Scripting section. I suggest you elaborate a little more on your question.
  19. Hi @Toksyk This is due to your mesh smoothing groups. If you're using Kam's, please switch over to The Hero's DFF plugin. It imports and exports smoothing groups correctly. https://gtaforums.com/topic/838479-dff-importer-and-exporter-for-3ds-max/
  20. Tut


    You can name your server as you like, as long as it's not copying other established servers/communities.
  21. Tut


    Closing as it appears resolved.
  22. Thread's been moved into the Portuguese scripting section. The Scripting Tutorials section is for Scripting tutorials in English.
  23. You can now post again.

  24. Thread's been moved into the Site section. How would Friendship feature work different from Followers?
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