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Everything posted by Tut

  1. Welcome to the forums! Your thread has been moved into the Server Support section for best results.
  2. No support for leaked resources here, Wananazo.
  3. It might just be a missing vertex color export feature with Kam's script. You would have to use Goldfish's scripts or The Hero's plugin for exporting lighting correctly
  4. For Kam's script, when exporting you need to select VCol and deselect Nor.
  5. Welcome to the forums. Your thread has been moved into the Scripting section for best results
  6. Welcome to the forums! Your thread has been closed as it does not contain enough info around the server that you're advertising. When advertising Portuguese servers, please use the correct forum: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/97-portuguese-português/
  7. Welcome to the forums. I have closed a duplicate thread, please create only 1 instance of a thread.
  8. @Maruchan your thread has been moved into Scripting section. Scripting Tutorials is for tutorials only. This is the third time I move your threads, please remember this next time you make a thread.
  9. Hello, Please appeal your ban in the correct section and follow the designated template for appeals. https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/195-discord-ban-appeals/
  10. Hello, Please use the correct section for advertising staff recruitment. Be sure to check out the pinned thread for more info on how to do so: Looking for staff
  11. Tut


    Thread's been moved into the Scripting section. Please remember that the Scripting Tutorials section is for tutorials only!
  12. Hi, welcome to the forums. Servers cannot be advertised in the Media section. Please recreate your thread in the appropriate Other-Language sections.
  13. Hello @YZUUU Please see our Global Ban policy here. You cannot report users in public to protect their privacy.
  14. Sorry, but no, your ban will not be removed as Anti-cheat Team informed you in your previous appeal: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/129732-bans/ Any further appeals from that point on will not be reviewed.
  15. Welcome to the forums, @dart4676 Your thread has been moved into the Polish Server Advertisement section!
  16. Hi, I don't know of any automatic way of converting it, but there's a guide here for converting SAMP to MTA: Converting samp assets to mta. SAMP -> MTA mapping can be converted using Patrick's converter. For adding rather than replacing files, you might be able to use engineRequestModel, but it may take some tweaks to work the way you like it to.
  17. Thread's been moved into the Portuguese Support section
  18. Tut

    Error Resolution

    Welcome to the forums! Your thread has been moved into the Client Support section.
  19. Ok, thank you for clarifying. I suggest you take a look at https://community.multitheftauto.com/ in case it has any of the scripts you're looking for. If you cannot find what you're looking for, try creating a thread in Portuguese -> Offtopic forum and describe what you need and whether you are paying for the scripts, etc.
  20. Welcome to the forums! What do you mean by "illegal running script"?
  21. Toplist has quite a queue at the moment, I'm afraid you'll just have to wait.
  22. Thread's been moved into the Portuguese Scripting section.
  23. Thread's been moved into the Scripting section.
  24. Welcome to the forums. Your thread has been moved into the Arabic sections, as the thread was not kept English.
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