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Everything posted by Tut

  1. Thread's been moved into the Portuguese scripting section for you
  2. Thread's been moved into a better location for you
  3. Thread's been moved into the Portuguese scripting section
  4. Thread's been moved into the Portuguese scripting section for you
  5. Hello. Your images cannot be embedded on our site, please choose another image hosting site e.g https://imgur.com/
  6. Thread's been moved into a better section for you.
  7. Please see the guidelines for this section and adjust accordingly. Once the server has been released, please include more details around the server incl IP etc.
  8. Welcome to the forums. Your thread has been moved into the Turkish support section, as this is not a hosting solution/advert!
  9. I've checked your last post - please submit a server abuse complaint at https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/188-server-list-abuse-help/
  10. Welcome to the forums! Your thread has been moved into the Portuguese scripting section
  11. As this thread is showing its age, I've applied a lock. If you require any more help, please create a new thread so that you can get the custom help you need.
  12. Click to view the spoiler under tag #7. If using Kam's script this is how it's done. 1 is the diffuse map and 2 is the reflection map. When you add an Unwrap UVW or UVW Map modifier to unwrap the texture, you will be able to specify Map channel 2. You need to do this, as chrome/environment maps are always using UV channel 2.
  13. Yes, read the thread at point #7 on how to unwrap models for chrome/reflections.
  14. Hello, Section #7 on https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/118473-knowledgebase-modding-faq-and-help-thread/ explains how to unwrap models for the 2nd UV channel. The 2nd UV channel is used for environment maps (reflections). For your case, I'd imagine working with UVW Map or UVW Unwrap modifier and enabling Cyllinder projection mode would get you the results you're looking for. The envmap texture can be any texture, but is usually the vehicleenvmap image from vehicles.txd found in GTA SA installlation\models\generic\
  15. Welcome to the forums! Your thread has been moved into the Romanian support section for best results
  16. Are you able to post a bigger screenshot?
  17. Woop woop, look who has accumulated 1,000 posts. :shock:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tut


      Oh no, don't give me bad ideas! :glasses7:


    3. Patrick


      Oh sheet ?

    4. error403 ツ

      error403 ツ


  18. No, it's in the GTA material settings. Kam's: The Hero's:
  19. I'm using 3ds Max. It might be named something else on your program. Perhaps Ambient?
  20. I increased the Surface Properties from 0.45 to 1.00. The material color was slightly grey so I made it fully white.
  21. I'm not able to test this myself, please see if it works. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/308955445568077824/840221036905758730/2406_fix.dff
  22. I think you're missing an export setting. If you're unable to locate it please zip up your .txd and .dff and upload to https://upload.mtasa.com/
  23. Welcome to the forums! Your thread has been moved into the Client Support section.
  24. Hello, It looks like the texture is different in GTA vs zmodeler. Have you checked that the correct texture is applied? If yes, the brightness will either be dependant of a material setting or vertex colors. It's possible there is an export setting that you need to tick on.
  25. Welcome to the forums! Your thread has been moved into Sunucular (Turkish advertisement) section for best results.
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