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Everything posted by Tekken

  1. My gamemode was released as OPEN SOURCE after Lawliet released the "official" DayZ Gamemode as OPEN FnCKING SOURCE (that means anyone can download edit and release they'r own sh!t that's based on the original code as long as they don't claim OWNERSHIP of the cod, thing that I have not done, so my repository was totally clean and I have had all the rights to release it as is), even more when they have put up the "official" team I signed up to be a part of the team but at the time Lawliet thinked I was not good enough so I just waited to see what they release, I did not licked at all so I told myself seeing that DayZ is now Open Source I may release my own version seeing that a lot of people wanted an pur version of the gamemode, si I just released https://github.com/mihayy5/mtadayz07 but man I was wrong. I may release an other version since I no longer have access to the GitHub version (fool me I was thinking it will be safe on GitHub...). Greetings.
  2. Thank you for tacking down my repository, I never claimed that I am the OWNER or the CREATOR of the gamemode. For those who want it still I will upload it elsewhere when I will have enough time.
  3. Asta nu o sa faca decat o verificare a porturilor, caută mai bine pe google cum se deschid porturile, porturile le iei din consola cu comanda openports
  4. acl.xml fisierul asta e gol, in mod normal nu trebuie sa fie
  5. Well, the title says it all. Thank you!
  6. Hi, is there a way of lowering the noise of vehicles w/h changeing the sound of the vehicle? Thank you.
  7. Try this one You only have to change xpNeed in server.lua and client.lua (IT MUST HAVE THE SAME VALUE) Greetings!
  8. Ce este UndeadZ? UndeadZ este un server de DayZ care are ca ambitie de a aduce un survival horror adevarat in romania si mai ales care nu este 'pay to win' in care jucatorii ata cei care au donat cat si cei care nu au facuto sa poata avea sanse egale, in atle cuvinte un server DayZ cum nu ati mai vazut in romania. De ce sa intri pe serverul nostru? Totul este in ROMANA. Inventar nou, cu imagini.(Poza) Resurse originale. Timp scurt de download ~ 100 MB. Loot imbunatatit! Peste 55 de vehicule imprastiate pe harta! Adaugat Bandito; Altele vor urma; Sistem de nivele infinite! arme, bani, costum zombie/clown/criminal plus multe altele; GPS si Harta bine implementate. Fara VIP-uri OP! Vesnicul radar la Area 51 adaptat la DayZ si tradus. Sistem de echipe cu permisiuni 100% functional. Foarte putine spre deloc buguri. Ce poti face pe server? Click dreapta pe 'Aparat Radio' sau 'GPS' pentu a seta un canal. Puteti avea conversatii private daca detineti un Aparat Radio; Va veti putea vedea pe harta cu playeri care nu sunt in echipa voastra daca detineti un GPS folosind o frecventa/un canal privat; '/unbug' te-ai blocat? Foloseste-l! Te replaseaza fara a pierde itemele; Nu merge in combat; Cortul si Gardul de sarma pot fi miscate in pozitia dorita inainte de a le plasa. 'F1' pentru magazin. Bani se obtin facand misiuni, omorand jucatori/zombii sau donand; 'F2' pentru panoul echipei. Vremea se schimba automat la fiecare 30 de minute. 5 vremii diferite; 'O' pentru inventarul cu iteme speciale. Urmeaza sa fie sters iar Obiectele speciale vor fi implementate direct in inventar; Punctul galben impreuna cu ? de pe mapa formeaza un sistem bine implementat de misiuni. Urmeaza sa fie actualizat; 'F7' panoul de craft! Urmeaza sa fie actualizat! 'L' pentu a te strecura printre zombii. Cateva Imagini? IP: mtasa:// Discord: https://discord.gg/WPezvWD Va asteptam! Credite si multumiri:
  9. Nope I don't, but I do have guiEditSetMasked may this have anything to do? oh, I found the problem, it's because my edits are not in a window, but in a gridlist....thst's so silly..
  10. Hello guys! I have an login panel and I want that when I press TAB it skip's from Username edit box to Password. How can I do that? I searched on wiki but I couldn't find anything useful, do you guys know? Thank you.
  11. What does that has to do with the Simple Level System ?!?!
  12. To adapt it to a DayZ gamemode it's pretty simple all you have to do is to play around this 2 events killDayZPlayer and onZombieGetsKilled. Anyway I won't do it as this is your job if you want to be a server owner. Greetings.
  13. Yes you can use this with DayZ, actually you can use it with any gamemode you want. :0
  14. ...aaa, pff Incearca https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/123-tutorials/ Daca nu stii engleza deloc, OPRESTETE! Succes! PS: Nu te invata nimeni sa scriptezi un server roleplay, pentru un scripter bun poate dura cateva luni bune sa-l faca, dar sa te invete. LOL
  15. Tekken

    OwlGaming Romania

    Ca sa nu mai spun de server... Tu inveti romana cu profa de desen?
  16. WOW, ceva original. Chiar imi place idea, si chiar acum o sa intru pe server, daca ai nevoie de ajutor cu orice lasa-mi un mesaj, te ajut cu placere.
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