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Everything posted by Tekken

  1. Ma gandeam sa blochez accesul la partile rosii de pe harta oricum acestea sunt zone in cre jucatori nu prea merg, desigur o sa fac un mapping dragut cu cateva parti din zonele acestea accesibile, ce parere aveti?
  2. Da, chiar mai bine Intentionez sa adaug cat de multe limbi pot, deocamdata doar Romana/Engleza/Franceza (Doar atat cunosc), insa daca exista jucatori si/sau persoane care doresec sa ma ajute cu traducerea in alte limbi ulterior desigur ca o voi face. Pentru moment prioritatea mea e: Optimizare + Sa ma asigur ca totul merge bine fara probleme/buguri enervante.
  3. Please use <> for posting lua code, also can you explain a little ?
  4. Move the event handler to getJob function
  5. Ok here is a simple example local db = dbConnect("sqlite", "database.db") --creating the connection (no need to create the 'database.db' file as the script does it for us); local allVehiclesId = 0; --This is the start ID; if db then -- make sure the db was created! dbExec(db, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `vehicles` (id INT, model INT, x FLOAT, y FLOAT, z FLOAT"); else return print("error db not existing"); --if not print error end function createVehicleForPlayer(player, command, model) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(player); local veh = createVehicle(model, x, y, z); if veh then allVehiclesId = allVehiclesId + 1; --Add the vehicle to the id list; (make sure here is not local variable) dbExec(db, "INSERT INTO `vehicles` (id, model, x, y, z) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)", allVehiclesId, model, x, y, z); --save to database; end end addCommandHandler("createvehicle", createVehicleForPlayer); --Create command; --This part is a gift; :) function loadSavedVehicles() if db then local p = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM `vehicles`"), -1); --get all vehicles from db; if (#p > 0) then allVehiclesId = 0; --reset id's; for _,v in ipairs(p) do allVehiclesId = allVehiclesId + 1; -- re define id's createVehicle(v["model"], v["x"], v["y"], v["z"]); end end end end addCommandHandler("loadvehicles", loadSavedVehicles); Greetings.
  6. Put the dbExec within the ‘db’ resource, as for the creation just do «"table insert", sorry i am on phone and I can’t script but I may send you a working exemple later when I’m home.
  7. You don’t give enough information please upload all your code so I can review properly you can send on discord
  8. Yup just tried to change names and now works.
  9. Can this be because there are spaces in the file name? I think this happens only to images with spaces within name
  10. Errors I get: https://imgur.com/gallery/oWs8Is2
  11. Hi, I have a server and wherever I join and it downloads files, some images (tried many times) the same images each time are not visible I mean like they where not finished downloading take a look: https://imgur.com/a/Mi2sRzU
  12. Bump Topicul este la zi cu cateva poze noi: https://imgur.com/gallery/iVcfusS Discord: https://discord.gg/Kc6x3r Va astept pe server! mtasa://
  13. Serverul BETA-TEST este live: UndeadZ - Romania DayZ | Beta-Test | v0.8 IP: Voi revenii cu detalii. Distractie placuta.
  14. Tekken

    Column & Row

    you want the same item to be divided in 2 or more separate slots?
  15. You’re showing skins you have downloaded online in your screenshots. Sorry but I don’t see anything worth buying. Cheers.
  16. Tekken

    Column & Row

    You want to have images in the cells ? Take a look here:
  17. Sorry but I don’t quite understand your question, also your script has no logic, it’s completely messed up.
  18. Hi, we need you to try yourself at first and if you have troubles you can ask here. Cheers. PS. Otherwise you can search on the community.
  19. Merci! Cateva SS-uri noi: https://imgur.com/gallery/SWmBoIX Am sa deschid un server beta-test cat de curand, in care toti jucatirii vor primii 250€ in joc in fiacre zii pentru a incuraja PvP-ul pentru a descoperii eventuale buguri. consumati s-au nu bani si statisticile playerilor vor fi sterse la lansarea finala a serverului Cateva systeme la care lucrez in acest moment: sistemul de Iteme speciale/droguri; sistemul de misiuni; Serverul beta-test va fi deschis cand voi termina sistemele. Multumesc pentru timpul acordat.
  20. try this addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function()-- root may start 2 times if you have 2 resources spawnSurvivor() end) function hitSurv(playerSource, thePlayer) if not getElementType(playerSource) == "player" then return end -- you might check if it's a player local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( playerSource ) if theVehicle then outputChatBox(getPlayerName(playerSource).." Has Collected The Survivor!", server, 0, 255, 0) destroyElement(survivorMarker) destroyElement(survivorBlip) setElementData(playerSource, "hasSurv", true) toMarker = createMarker(-719, 951, 11, "cylinder", 3, 255, 0, 255, 150, playerSource) saveBlip = createBlipAttachedTo( toMarker, 22 ) warpPedIntoVehicle ( survivorPed, theVehicle, 1 ) else outputChatBox("You Need A Vehicle!", playerSource, 255, 0, 0) end end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", toMarker, hitSurvDes)
  21. Try for key, value in pairs(table) do for index, val in ipairs(table[key]) do x = val[1] end end sorry for the typo but I can’t really script on phone
  22. Player is happening ?
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