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Everything posted by Tekken

  1. bgItems[v[1]] = guiCreateStaticImage(offsetX, offsetY, width, sW, "images/scoreboard.png", false, inventar); outputChatBox(tostring(type(bgItems[v[1]]))) >userdata How it's that possible? I mean on wiki says that guiCreateStaticImage should return element is successfully false otherwise.
  2. Cu un amarat de search pe google ti-am gasit forumul serverului Euphobia http://mta.rrs-gaming.com/, POSTEAZA ACLOLO NU AICI! M-am saturat de voi astia de pe serverele de RP care habar nu aveti ce e cu forumul ASTA.
  3. function GiveItemOnSpawn () setElementData(source, "M4A1 CCO", 1) outputChatBox("Test!", playersource, 255, 255, 255, true) end addEvent ("LEVEL1",true) addEventHandler ("LEVEL1",getRootElement(),GiveItemOnSpawn ) addEventHandler("onPlayerSpawn",getRootElement(), GiveItemOnSpawn)
  4. Thank you very much, really in depth explanation. I understand now.
  5. Thank you, exactly what I needed. I don't understand this part: (itemTable[i] == "large" and lW or sW) If you can explain it that'd be really nice.
  6. Well you may laugh but I already knew that, but still I tried and I don't know what I'm doing wrong...(I did the first row but that's all ) Can you please show me an example? Here I have the 3 images you need: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Q8ESMbOlqedKTW9vr2_rOMjmvOug5xii If you can make it draw 3 large items and 4 small that will be exactly what I need.
  7. Hello guys, I want to create an inventory made out of pictures, all good and nice, but, well let's say that math wasn't my favorit class in school and I'm a little confuse in DX functions cause they require a lot of calculus that I don't know, my question is how can I make a inventory like this (see the picture below) ? A - Large items. B - Small items. What I want to know is how to make the pictures place like in the image? Thank you!
  8. Oh yes I didn't thought of that. >_<
  9. function onPlayerEnterDayzVehicle(veh,seat) local col = getElementData(veh,"parent") local id = getElementModel(veh) local tires,engine = getVehicleAddonInfos (id) setVehicleEngineState ( veh, false ) setElementData(veh,"maxfuel",getVehicleMaxFuel(col)) setElementData(veh,"needtires",tires) setElementData(veh,"needengines",engine) if ((getElementData(col,"Tire_inVehicle") or 0) < tonumber(tires)) then setVehicleEngineState ( veh, false ) return end if ((getElementData(col,"Engine_inVehicle") or 0) < tonumber(engine)) then setVehicleEngineState ( veh, false ) return end if (getElementData(col,"fuel") or 0) <= 1 then if not getElementModel(veh) == 509 then triggerClientEvent (source, "displayClientInfo", source,"Vehicle","No tank left in this vehicle!",22,255,0) setVehicleEngineState ( veh, false ) return end end setVehicleEngineState ( veh, true ) if seat == 0 then bindKey(source,"k","down",setEngineStateByPlayer) outputChatBox("Press 'K' to turn the engine on/off!",source) end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerVehicleEnter", getRootElement(), onPlayerEnterDayzVehicle ) function onPlayerExitDayzVehicle(veh,seat) if seat == 0 then setVehicleEngineState ( veh, false ) unbindKey(source,"k","down",setEngineStateByPlayer) end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerVehicleExit", getRootElement(), onPlayerExitDayzVehicle ) try this
  10. You can only check for red cause if one of the 3 is different the color will be different. if r ~= r2 then --not the same collor end No need to check all 3 of 'em.
  11. The code has no logic, post the full function onPlayerEnterDayzVehicle
  12. It's impossible that DNL291's post isn't working. Only if you don't know how to use it.
  13. Not surebut try using the dxSetRenderTarget function.
  14. ShowTime are cont pe MTA Forum cu numele de crismar tu esti o lichea!
  15. +1 ( Nu-ți recomand să cumperi scripturi RP deloc) Nu-s interesat, nu fac scripturi decât de plăcere nu la comandă.(Dacă se întâmplă sa pot vinde din ele asta-i alta treabă.) Oricum succes!
  16. N-ajunge sa stii doar tu de forum, scrie undeva pe server mare si stralucitor sa vada si chiorpalii astia.
  17. Ba ce draq e cu voi de tot postati aici chiar nu intelegeti sunteti retardati? FORUMUL ASTA NU ARE LEGATURA CU SERVERUL VOSTRU!
  18. This is wrong in so many ways....
  19. Huuha, take it easy boys this is going way off topic. First of all(this rule should be known by everyone), you must thank him that he even try, maybe his main language is something like a strange type of russian or polish, I want to see you speaking that.(So don't b!tch about it, you can clearly understand his question). Second of all, who said you shouldn't ask for a resource from a close source project?(This is a rhetorical question, do not answer it) Back on topic please.
  20. local playersInCuffs = {}; --this is where players in cuffs will be stored. addEvent("putAnotherPlayerInCuffs", true); function putAnotherPlayerInCuffsS(playa) if not getElementData(playa, "inCuffs") and not getElementData(playa, "isDead") and (getElementData(source, "Handcuffs") >= 1) then setElementData(source, "Handcuffs", (getElementData(source, "Handcuffs") - 1)); setPedAnimation(playa, "ped", "IDLE_tired", -1, true, false, false); toggleAllControls(playa, false, true, false); toggleControl(playa, "jump", false); setElementData(playa, "inCuffs", true); outputChatBox("You were handcuffed for 90 seconds!", playa, 150, 50, 100); playersInCuffs[playa] = setTimer(function(player) if isElement(player) then setElementData(player, "inCuffs", false); if not getElementData(player,"inComa") then toggleAllControls(player, true); setPedAnimation(player, false); end end end, 15*60000, 1, playa); --Edit here for as many mins as you want! end end addEventHandler("putAnotherPlayerInCuffs", root, putAnotherPlayerInCuffsS); addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", root, function() if isTimer(playersInCuffs[source]) then killTimer(playersInCuffs[source]); end setElementData(source, "inCuffs", false); toggleAllControls(source, true); setPedAnimation(source, false); toggleControl(playa, "jump", true); end); About the Handcuff once in a lifetime I suspect when you uncuff them you forget to clear the data and the server sees them as already handcuffed even they are not. Also I just realized you only need onPlayerWasted for when player dies. You may post the full script?
  21. This may fix: putAnotherPlayerInCuffsS = function(playa) if not getElementData(playa, "inCuffs") and not getElementData(playa, "isDead") and getElementData(source, "Handcuffs") >= 1 then setElementData(source, "Handcuffs", getElementData(source, "Handcuffs") - 1); setPedAnimation(playa, "ped", "IDLE_tired", -1, true, false, false); toggleAllControls(playa, false, true, false); toggleControl(playa, "jump", false); setElementData(playa, "inCuffs", true); outputChatBox("You were handcuffed for 90 seconds!", playa, 150, 50, 100); setTimer(function(player) if isElement(player) then if getElementData(player, "inCuffs") then setElementData(player, "inCuffs", false); if not getElementData(player,"inComa") then toggleAllControls(player, true); setPedAnimation(player, false); end end end end, 15*60000, 1, playa); --Edit here for as many mins as you want! end end addEvent("putAnotherPlayerInCuffs", true); addEventHandler("putAnotherPlayerInCuffs", root, putAnotherPlayerInCuffsS); addEventHandler("kilLDayZPlayer", root, function(player) setElementData(player, "inCuffs", false); toggleAllControls(player, true); setPedAnimation(player, false); end); It really depends on how is your death function called on most DayZ servers it's called kilLDayZPlayer Good luck.
  22. Delete everything and restart the server, make sure you have the DayZ, login and slothbot. Also you may provide some screenshots and/or errors?
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