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Everything posted by Tekken

  1. Tekken

    Dayz Gamemode

    There is no actual way this won't work!
  2. What's "dim" is it dimension? if yes then just do it like this: createZombie(x, y, z, rot, skin, interior, dimension);
  3. What do you mean, explain step by step 'bout the grenade bug.
  4. What? I've tested this like thousands of times and never gone wrong.
  5. Try this: local vehicleSpawns = { --[[Maverick]] {487, -1185.9775390625,26.4111328125,14.1484375}, {487, -1724.5830078125,2559.3544921875,104.09127807617}, {487, 615.744140625,850.1572265625,-43.009014129639}, {487, 232.5283203125,1950.3583984375,17.640625}, {487, -1050.5859375,1968.033203125,120.66523742676}, {487, 2821.03515625,2809.6689453125,10.8203125}, {487, 1949.9912109375,-2631.44140625,13.546875}, {487, -756.53979492188,-2137.5471191406,26.463499069214}, --[[Patriot]] {470, -1473.5791015625,320.2294921875,7.1875}, {470, -1373.998046875,460.62109375,7.1875}, {470, 419.150390625,2186.087890625,39.499450683594}, {470, 2821.1796875,793.4658203125,10.8984375}, --[[Bobcat]] {422, -2479.6240234375,2223.6669921875,4.84375}, {422, -92.9951171875,2823.0908203125,76.721649169922}, {422, -2448.99609375,-1335.8662109375,310.97662353516}, {422, -173.2470703125,-2635.5341796875,26.608192443848}, {422, 2108.447265625,-1600.916015625,13.552597045898}, {422, 2452.7392578125,1607.9833984375,10.8203125}, {422, -1800.8984375,-1950.9736328125,93.561332702637}, --[[Sanchez]] {468, -812.470703125,-2629.912109375,90.105056762695}, {468, -1729.8525390625,-1940.3154296875,99.840209960938}, {468, -2130.90234375,178.4375,35.257678985596}, {468, -2656.7333984375,1352.4873046875,7.0596733093262}, {468, -1598.302734375,2694.947265625,55.07092666626}, {468, -809.96484375,2430.037109375,156.97012329102}, {468, 2920.38671875,2486.0087890625,10.8203125}, {468, 505.732421875,-291.8681640625,20.00952911377}, {468, -428.8828125,-694.8310546875,19.14847946167}, {468, 1190.41015625,-2109.0341796875,64.738548278809}, {468, 1658.9716796875,-1069.0224609375,23.906229019165}, --[[Barracks]] {433, 86.486328125,1950.9013671875,17.846803665161}, {433, 440.185546875,1464.173828125,6.3338670730591}, --[[Coach]] {437, -1971.4619140625,97.4658203125,27.6875}, {437, 1735.8720703125,1429.0693359375,10.797702789307}, {437, 2797.1318359375,-1868.8359375,9.8603811264038}, {437, 1941.900390625,1975.1904296875,7.59375}, --[[Reefer]] {453, 2463.3984375,-2719.638671875,-0.55000001192093}, {453, -1577.4873046875,182.353515625,-0.53995263576508}, {453, -806.80859375,2233.7001953125,40.049976348877}, {453, -127.4453125,-779.6923828125,-0.55000001192093}, --[[Bike]] {509, 194.685546875,-120.2333984375,1.5497757196426}, {509, 173.0146484375,-95.0634765625,1.5516006946564}, {509, 2369.9599609375,29.712890625,28.0416431427}, {509, 710.87109375,-566.7548828125,16.3359375}, {509, 1109.6025390625,-1667.6689453125,13.615442276001}, {509, 2014.6689453125,-1113.4013671875,26.203125}, {509, 2447.41015625,-1967.1845703125,13.546875}, {509, 2633.7236328125,1835.291015625,11.0234375}, {509, 1489.3974609375,2681.54296875,10.8203125}, {509, -2428.5654296875,2280.875,4.984375}, {509, -2501.0869140625,2224.880859375,4.9861993789673}, {509, -2142.8515625,-2457.84765625,30.625}, {509, -2456.078125,-141.115234375,26.112222671509}, {509, -1881.4453125,954.3837890625,35.171875}, --[[Police Maverick]] {497, -1495.888671875,-2691.40234375,57.325229644775}, {497, -2688.42578125,1471.634765625,7.1875}, {497, -1534.28125,2842.9482421875,97.463409423828}, {497, 2221.8583984375,-1344.396484375,23.984273910522}, }; local hospitalPacks = { {-2670.87890625,636.8984375,14.453125}, {-2637.0556640625,635.03125,14.453125}, {-1515.669921875,2519.166015625,56.0703125}, {-1513.888671875,2519.5908203125,56.064819335938}, {-1528.8955078125,2516.724609375,55.986171722412}, {2022.1650390625,-1402.6806640625,17.18045425415}, {2042.7001953125,-1409.4775390625,17.1640625}, {-316.5478515625,1051.6494140625,20.340259552002}, {-337.9541015625,1049.490234375,19.739168167114}, {-331.5849609375,1046.037109375,26.012474060059}, {-307.0419921875,1045.27734375,26.012474060059}, {1171.490234375,-1310.560546875,13.986573219299}, {1171.609375,-1306.556640625,13.996350288391}, {1158.5048828125,-1326.333984375,31.503561019897}, {1159.80078125,-1323.9013671875,31.498970031738}, {1238.7119140625,328.2431640625,19.7555103302}, {1229.365234375,311.1435546875,24.7578125}, {-2204.07421875,-2309.58203125,31.375}, {1615.939453125,1818.0537109375,10.8203125}, {1601.9443359375,1816.736328125,10.8203125}, {1590.0166015625,1792.0234375,30.46875}, {1607.3232421875,1776.7412109375,37.3125}, {2107.7626953125,926.16015625,10.8203125}, {2116.12890625,925.7705078125,10.9609375}, {2122.1865234375,925.3193359375,10.8203125}, }; local patrolPoints = { {-1603.2197265625,-2712.736328125,48.9453125}, {2465.748046875,-2215.55859375,13.546875}, {2473.439453125,-2215.56640625,13.546875}, {2480.0732421875,-2216.140625,13.546875}, {2487.24609375,-2215.5966796875,13.546875}, {2494.1005859375,-2215.5859375,13.546875}, {-1686.6728515625,408.9970703125,7.3984375}, {-1682.34375,412.9384765625,7.3984375}, {-1680.0263671875,402.3642578125,7.3984375}, {-1675.84375,406.4677734375,7.3984375}, {-1670.5615234375,411.8359375,7.3984375}, {-1666.2392578125,416.2509765625,7.3984375}, {-1672.7939453125,422.81640625,7.3984375}, {-1677.20703125,418.46484375,7.3984375}, {-2410.7021484375,969.9091796875,45.4609375}, {-2410.744140625,975.220703125,45.4609375}, {-2410.837890625,980.5302734375,45.4609375}, {-1329.3046875,2668.5126953125,50.46875}, {-1328.7314453125,2673.90625,50.0625}, {-1327.0185546875,2679.3876953125,50.46875}, {-1327.3798828125,2684.62890625,50.0625}, {1940.7099609375,-1778.5244140625,13.390598297119}, {1940.6552734375,-1774.908203125,13.390598297119}, {1940.630859375,-1771.728515625,13.390598297119}, {1940.7080078125,-1767.3837890625,13.390598297119}, {-1477.921875,1868.138671875,32.639846801758}, {-1466.1552734375,1869.0048828125,32.6328125}, {-1464.5224609375,1861.3828125,32.639846801758}, {-1477.4599609375,1860.5205078125,32.6328125}, {-735.9208984375,2744.0087890625,47.2265625}, {-739.0439453125,2744.2421875,47.165451049805}, {377.6953125,2601.1083984375,16.484375}, {624.5263671875,1676.25390625,6.9921875}, {620.2958984375,1681.2431640625,6.9921875}, {616.248046875,1686.4169921875,7.1875}, {612.783203125,1691.1650390625,7.1875}, {609.2060546875,1696.201171875,7.1875}, {605.8505859375,1700.978515625,7.1875}, {602.27734375,1706.3603515625,7.1875}, {2141.037109375,2742.734375,10.960174560547}, {2142.3115234375,2752.6982421875,10.96019744873}, {2147.9521484375,2752.3203125,10.8203125}, {2152.60546875,2751.953125,10.8203125}, {2152.984375,2743.85546875,10.8203125}, {2147.75,2743.7392578125,10.8203125}, {-97.6298828125,-1175.0283203125,2.4990689754486}, {-90.74609375,-1177.853515625,2.2021217346191}, {-84.75390625,-1163.853515625,2.3359375}, {-91.5771484375,-1160.5732421875,2.4453125}, {-1606.525390625,-2717.2138671875,48.9453125}, {-1609.7109375,-2721.544921875,48.9453125}, {-1599.83203125,-2708.302734375,48.9453125}, {-2246.314453125,-2558.8212890625,32.0703125}, {-2241.3125,-2561.3662109375,32.0703125}, {-1132.2880859375,-135.0986328125,14.14396572113}, {-1153.529296875,-156.373046875,14.1484375}, {-1142.826171875,-145.67578125,14.14396572113}, {655.611328125,-557.9912109375,16.501491546631}, {655.6572265625,-572.1728515625,16.501491546631}, {1601.791015625,2203.90625,11.060997009277}, {1596.806640625,2203.4345703125,10.8203125}, {1590.197265625,2203.4853515625,10.8203125}, {1589.4775390625,2195.43359375,10.8203125}, {1596.125,2194.294921875,10.8203125}, {1601.6591796875,2194.3369140625,10.8203125}, {2206.8466796875,2470.47265625,10.8203125}, {2206.94140625,2474.75,10.8203125}, {2206.9267578125,2478.86328125,10.8203125}, {2198.06640625,2480.6953125,10.8203125}, {2197.541015625,2475.791015625,10.995170593262}, {2197.609375,2471.9169921875,10.995170593262}, {2120.8251953125,915.4833984375,10.8203125}, {2115.1181640625,915.44140625,10.8203125}, {2109.076171875,915.4228515625,10.8203125}, {2109.22265625,924.8779296875,10.9609375}, {2114.9404296875,924.8857421875,10.9609375}, {2119.5126953125,925.2861328125,10.9609375}, {2645.7197265625,1112.7802734375,10.8203125}, {2639.984375,1112.56640625,10.8203125}, {2634.828125,1112.3466796875,10.9609375}, {2634.1826171875,1101.9482421875,10.8203125}, {2636.7509765625,1101.6748046875,10.8203125}, {2643.5126953125,1101.81640625,10.8203125}, {2209.576171875,2469.8251953125,10.8203125}, {2208.8310546875,2475.09375,10.8203125}, {1005.078125,-901.7490234375,42.216625213623}, {993.025390625,-902.474609375,42.222496032715}, }; local heliCrashSites = { {-1360.0478515625,-1070.7314453125,160.4069519043}, {-421.4619140625,-1284.4345703125,33.740924835205}, {-2357.654296875,-1634.3623046875,483.703125}, {979.0849609375,160.59375,28.935249328613}, {-2057.2294921875,2781.73828125,163.12780761719}, {826.90234375,2803.6259765625,74.863929748535}, {2577.7060546875,-650.541015625,136.37449645996}, }; local lootItems = { ["helicrashsides"] = { {"Night Vision Goggles",368,1,90,10}, {"Box of Matches",328,0.4,90,2}, {"M1911",346,1,90,10}, {"M9 SD",347,1,90,7}, {"Winchester 1866",349,1,90,6}, {"PDW",352,1,90,5.5}, {"Hunting Knife",335,1,90,4}, {"Hatchet",339,1,90,3}, {"Pizza",1582,1,0,2}, {"Soda Bottle",2647,1,0,2}, {"Empty Gas Canister",1650,1,0,2}, {"Roadflare",324,1,90,2}, {"Milk",2856,1,0,1}, {"Painkiller",2709,0.5,0,4}, {"Empty Soda Cans",2673,0.5,0,2}, {"Scruffy Burgers",2675,0.5,0,3}, {"Grenade",342,1,0,4}, {"Parachute",342,1,0,80}, {"Sawn-Off Shotgun",350,1,90,5}, {"SPAZ-12 Combat Shotgun",351,1,90,4}, {"MP5A5",353,1,90,6}, {"Watch",2710,1,0,4}, {"Heat Pack",1576,1,0,3}, {"Wire Fence",933,0.25,0,1}, {"Lee Enfield",357,1,90,6}, {"Alice Pack",3026,1,0,4}, {"Night Vision Goggles",368,1,90,1.5}, {"Tire",1073,1,0,2}, {"Morphine",1579,1,0,4}, {"Camouflage Clothing",1577,1,0,4.5}, {"Civilian Clothing",1577,1,0,3}, {"AK-47",355,1,90,7}, {"GPS",2976,0.15,0,3}, {"Map",1277,0.8,90,7}, {"Toolbox",2969,0.5,0,1}, {"Engine",929,0.3,0,2}, {"Tent",1279,1,0,4.5}, {"Ghillie Suit",1577,1,0,0.5}, {"M4",356,1,90,1}, {"CZ 550",358,1,90,1.5}, {"Infrared Goggles",369,1,90,3}, {"Assault Pack (ACU)",3026,0.5,0,5}, {"Coyote Backpack",3026,1.3,0,2}, }, ["hospital"] = { {"Medic Kit",2891,0.7,0}, {"Heat Pack",1576,1,0}, {"Bandage",1578,0.5,0}, {"Blood Bag",1580,1,0}, {"Morphine",1579,1,0}, {"Blood Bag",1580,1,0}, {"Medic Kit",2891,0.7,0}, {"Blood Bag",1580,1,0}, {"Painkiller",1580,1,0}, }, }; local backupItemsTable = { {"Bandage"}, {"Painkiller"}, {"Wood Pile"}, {"Water Bottle"}, {"Pasta Can"}, {"Beans Can"}, {"Burger"}, {"Box of Matches"}, {"PDW"}, {"Hunting Knife"}, {"Hatchet"}, {"Pizza"}, {"Morphine"}, {"Soda Bottle"}, {"Empty Gas Canister"}, {"Full Gas Canister"}, {"Roadflare"}, {"Milk"}, {"PDW Mag"}, {"MP5A5 Mag"}, {"Tear Gas"}, {"Grenade"}, {"M1911"}, {"M1911 Mag"}, {"M9 SD"}, {"M9 SD Mag"}, {"Desert Eagle"}, {"Desert Eagle Mag"}, {"MP5A5"}, {"Watch"}, {"Medic Kit"}, {"Heat Pack"}, {"Blood Bag"}, {"GPS"}, {"Map"}, {"Toolbox"}, {"Wire Fence"}, {"Tire"}, {"Engine"}, {"Satchel"}, {"Infrared Goggles"}, {"Night Vision Goggles"}, {"Tent"}, {"Raw Meat"}, {"Cooked Meat"}, {"Camouflage Clothing"}, {"Ghillie Suit"}, {"Civilian Clothing"}, {"Survivor Clothing"}, {"Binoculars"}, {"Empty Water Bottle"}, {"Empty Soda Cans"}, {"Scruffy Burgers"}, {"Radio Device"}, {"Baseball Bat"}, {"Shovel"}, {"Tank Parts"}, {"Golf Club"}, {"Radio Device"}, {"Parachute"}, {"M4A1 Holo"}, {"MK 48 Mod 0"}, {"MG36"}, {"PKP"}, {"AK-107"}, {"AKS Gold"}, {"SA-58V ACOG"}, {"Winchester 1866"}, {"SPAZ-12 Combat Shotgun"}, {"Sawn-Off Shotgun"}, {"AKS-74U"}, {"SKS-45"}, {"DMR"}, {"KVSK"}, {"AS50"}, {"CZ550"}, {"Mosin 9130"}, {"M24"}, {"M107"}, {"SVD Dragunov Camo"}, {"AKS-74U Mag"}, {"1866 Slug"}, {"2Rnd. Slug"}, {"SPAZ-12 Pellet"}, {"M4A1 Holo Mag"}, {"MK 48 Mod 0 Mag"}, {"MG36 Mag"}, {"PKP Mag"}, {"AK-107 Mag"}, {"AKS Gold Mag"}, {"SA-58V ACOG Mag"}, {"DMR Mag"}, {"AS50 Mag"}, {"CZ550 Mag"}, {"Mosin 9130 Mag"}, {"M24 Mag"}, {"M107 Mag"}, {"SVD Dragunov Camo Mag"}, {"KVSK Mag"}, {"SKS-45 Mag"} }; local vehicleAddonsInfo = { {422, 4, 1, 1, 25}, {470, 4, 1, 1, 46}, {468, 2, 1, 1, 10}, {433, 6, 1, 1, 70}, {437, 6, 1, 1, 60}, {509, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {487, 0, 1, 1, 20}, {497, 0, 1, 1, 20}, {453, 0, 1, 1, 35}, }; local vehicleFuelInfo = { {422, 0.25}, {470, 0.1}, {468, 0.1}, {433, 0.5}, {437, 0.5}, {509, 0}, {487, 0.25}, {497, 0.25}, {453, 0.1}, }; local vehicleFuelTable = { {422, 80}, {470, 100}, {468, 30}, {433, 140}, {437, 140}, {509, 0}, {487, 60}, {497, 60}, {453, 60}, }; local hospitalCol = {}; local dayzVehicles = {}; local repairTimer = {}; local last_veh_id = 0; local last_tent_id = 0; local backupdone = false; addEvent("respawnVehiclesInWater", true); addEvent("repairVehicle", true); addEvent("respawnDayZVehicle", true); if fileExists("tools/backup.db") then backupdone = true; else backupdone = false; end local db = dbConnect("sqlite", "tools/backup.db"); dbExec(db, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `vehicles` (model, x, y, z, rX, rY, rZ, slots, fuel, engines, moving, parts, items, health, dayz, sx, sy, sz, id)"); dbExec(db, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tents` (model, x, y, z, rX, rY, rZ, slots, scale, items, id)"); function getVehicleAddonInfos(id) for _,v in ipairs(vehicleAddonsInfo) do if (v[1] == id) then return v[2], v[3], v[4], v[5]; end end end function createHeliCrashSite() if isElement(cargoCol) then destroyElement(getElementData(cargoCol, "parent")); destroyElement(cargoCol); end local nr = math.random(7); local x,y,z = heliCrashSites[nr][1], heliCrashSites[nr][2], heliCrashSites[nr][3]; local cargobob = createVehicle(548, x, y, z); setElementHealth(cargobob, 0); setElementFrozen(cargobob, true); local cargoCol = createColSphere(x, y, z, 3); setElementData(cargoCol, "parent", cargobob); setElementData(cargoCol, "helicrash", true); setElementData(cargoCol, "MAX_Slots", 0); for _,v in ipairs(lootItems["helicrashsides"]) do local value = math.percentChance(v[5]*3.5, math.random(2)); setElementData(cargoCol, v[1], value); local ammoData,_ = getWeaponAmmoType(v[1], true); if (ammoData and value > 0) then setElementData(cargoCol, ammoData, math.random(2)); end end setTimer(createHeliCrashSite, 3600000, 1); end function updateHospitals() for i,_ in pairs(hospitalCol) do for _,v in ipairs(lootItems["hospital"]) do setElementData(hospitalCol[i], v[1], math.random(5)); end end setTimer(updateHospitals, 3600000, 1); end function createHospitalPacks() local number1 = 0; for i,v in ipairs(hospitalPacks) do number1 = number1+1; local x,y,z = v[1], v[2], v[3]; local object = createObject(1558, x, y, z, nil, nil, nil); hospitalCol[i] = createColSphere(x, y, z, 2); setElementData(hospitalCol[i], "parent", object); setElementData(hospitalCol[i], "hospitalbox", true); setElementData(hospitalCol[i], "MAX_Slots", 20); end updateHospitals(); end function spawnDayZVehicles() for _,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do local col = getElementData(v, "parent"); if col then destroyElement(col); end destroyElement(v); end for _,v in ipairs(vehicleSpawns) do local x,y,z = v[2], v[3], v[4]; local veh = createVehicle(v[1], x, y, z); local vehCol = createColSphere(x, y, z, 2.5); attachElements(vehCol, veh); setElementData(vehCol, "parent", veh); setElementData(veh, "parent", vehCol); setElementData(vehCol, "vehicle", true); setElementData(veh, "dayzvehicle", 1); local tires,engine,parts,slots = getVehicleAddonInfos(v[1]); setElementData(vehCol, "MAX_Slots", tonumber(slots)); setElementData(vehCol, "Tire_inVehicle", math.random(0, tires)); setElementData(vehCol, "Engine_inVehicle", math.random(0, engine)); setElementData(vehCol, "Parts_inVehicle", math.random(0, parts)); setElementData(vehCol, "spawn", {v[1], x, y, z}); setElementData(vehCol, "fuel", math.random(5, 20)); for _,v in ipairs(lootItems["helicrashsides"]) do local value = math.percentChance(v[5], math.random(2)); setElementData(vehCol, v[1], value); local ammoData,_ = getWeaponAmmoType(v[1], true); if (ammoData and value > 0) then setElementData(vehCol, ammoData, math.random(2)); end end end backup(); end addEventHandler("onVehicleExplode", root, function() for _,v in pairs(getVehicleOccupants(source)) do triggerEvent("kilLDayZPlayer", v); end local x1,y1,z1 = getElementPosition(source); local col = getElementData(source, "parent"); local id,x,y,z = unpack(getElementData(col, "spawn")); setElementData(col, "deadVehicle", true); setElementData(source, "isExploded", true); if (getElementData(source, "dayzvehicle") == 1) then setTimer(respawnDayZVehicle, 18000, 1, id, x, y, z, source, col); else setTimer(function(col, source) if isElement(col) then destroyElement(col); end if isElement(source) then destroyElement(source); end end, (5*600), 1, col, source); end createExplosion((x1+4), (y1+1), z1, 4); createExplosion((x1+2), (y1-4), z1, 4); createExplosion((x1-1), (y1+5), z1, 4); createExplosion((x1-4), y1, (z1-2), 4); end); setTimer(function() for _,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do if (getElementModel(v) ~= 453) then local col = getElementData(v, "parent"); if col then if not (getElementData(col, "deadVehicle") or false) then if isElementInWater(v) then local id,x,y,z = unpack(getElementData(col, "spawn")); if (getElementData(v, "dayzvehicle") == 1) then setTimer(respawnDayZVehicle, (5*600), 1, id, x, y, z, v, col); else setTimer(function(col, v) if col then destroyElement(col); end if v then destroyElement(v); end end, (5*600), 1, col, v); end end end end end end end, (30*600), 0); function respawnDayZVehicle(id, x, y, z, veh, col) if veh then destroyElement(veh); end if col then destroyElement(col); end local veh = createVehicle(id, x, y, (tonumber(z)+1)); local vehCol = createColSphere(x, y, z, 4); attachElements(vehCol, veh); setElementData(vehCol, "parent", veh); setElementData(veh, "parent", vehCol); setElementData(vehCol, "vehicle", true); setElementData(veh, "dayzvehicle", 1); local tires,engine,parts,slots = getVehicleAddonInfos(id); setElementData(vehCol, "MAX_Slots", tonumber(slots)); setElementData(vehCol, "Tire_inVehicle", math.random(0, tires)); setElementData(vehCol, "Engine_inVehicle", math.random(0, engine)); setElementData(vehCol, "Parts_inVehicle", math.random(0, parts)); setElementData(vehCol, "spawn", {id, x, y, z}); setElementData(vehCol, "fuel", 10); for _,v in ipairs(lootItems["helicrashsides"]) do local value = math.percentChance(v[5], math.random(2)); setElementData(vehCol, v[1], value); local ammoData,_ = getWeaponAmmoType(v[1], true); if (ammoData and value > 0) then setElementData(vehCol, ammoData, math.random(2)); end end end addEventHandler("respawnDayZVehicle", root, respawnDayZVehicle); function getVehicleMaxFuel(id) for _,v in ipairs(vehicleFuelTable) do if (id == v[1]) then return v[2]; end end return false; end addEventHandler("onPlayerVehicleEnter", root, function(veh, seat) local id = getElementModel(veh); setVehicleEngineState(veh, true); if (id == 548) then cancelEvent(); end if (id == 509) then return; end local col = getElementData(veh, "parent"); local tires,engine,parts,_ = getVehicleAddonInfos(id); setElementData(veh, "maxfuel", getVehicleMaxFuel(id)); setElementData(veh, "needtires", tires); setElementData(veh, "needparts", parts); setElementData(veh, "needengines", engine); setVehicleEngineState(veh, false); if (getElementData(col, "Parts_inVehicle") == parts) then setElementData(veh, "fplus", 5); else setElementData(veh, "fplus", 20); end if (getElementData(col, "Tire_inVehicle") == tires) then if (getElementData(col, "Engine_inVehicle") == engine) then if (getElementData(col, "fuel") > 0) then setVehicleEngineState(veh, true); if (seat == 0) then bindKey(source, "k", "down", setEngineStateByPlayer); outputChatBox("Press [K] to toggle the engine!", source, 255, 255, 255); end else triggerClientEvent(source, "displayClientInfo", source, "Fuel tank is empty!", 22, 255, 0); setVehicleEngineState(veh, false); end else triggerClientEvent(source, "displayClientInfo", source, "This veh doesn't have Engine!", 22, 255, 0); setVehicleEngineState(veh, false); end else triggerClientEvent(source, "displayClientInfo", source, "Some Tires are missing!", 22, 255, 0); setVehicleEngineState(veh, false); end end); addEventHandler("onPlayerVehicleExit", root, function(veh, seat) if (seat == 0) then setVehicleEngineState(veh, false); unbindKey(source, "k", "down", setEngineStateByPlayer); end end); function getVehicleFuelRemove(id) for _,v in ipairs(vehicleFuelInfo) do if (v[1] == id) then return v[2]; end end end setTimer(function() for _,v in pairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do if (getElementModel(v) ~= 509) then if (getVehicleEngineState(v) == true) then if (getElementData(getElementData(v, "parent"), "fuel") >= 1) then setElementData(getElementData(v, "parent"), "fuel", getElementData(getElementData(v, "parent"), "fuel")-(getVehicleFuelRemove(getElementModel(v))*getElementData(v, "fplus"))/60); else setVehicleEngineState(v, false); end end end end end, 1000, 0); addEventHandler("repairVehicle", root, function(veh) if repairTimer[veh] then triggerClientEvent(source, "displayClientInfo", source, getVehicleName(veh).." is already in repair!", 255, 22, 0) return; end repairTimer[veh] = setTimer(fixDayZVehicle, (1000-(math.floor(getElementHealth(veh))))*120, 1, veh, source); setElementFrozen(veh, true); setElementFrozen(source, true); setPedWeaponSlot(source, 0); setElementData(veh, "repairer", source); setElementData(source, "repairingvehicle", veh); setElementData(source, "repairvehicle", true); setPedAnimation(source, "SCRATCHING", "sclng_r", nil, true, false); triggerClientEvent(source, "displayClientInfo", source, "Started to repair "..getVehicleName(veh), 22, 255, 0); end); function fixDayZVehicle(veh, player) setElementHealth(veh, 1000); fixVehicle(veh); setPedAnimation(player, false); setElementFrozen(veh, false); setElementFrozen(player, false); setElementData(player, "repairvehicle", false); repairTimer[veh] = nil; setElementData(veh, "repairer", nil); setElementData(player, "repairingvehicle", nil); triggerClientEvent(player, "displayClientInfo", player, "You repaired "..getVehicleName(veh), 22, 255, 0); end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, function() for _,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do if (getElementData(v, "repairer") and getElementData(v, "repairer") == source) then outputDebugString("Vehicle repairer disconnected - destroyed tables", 3); killTimer(repairTimer[v]); setElementFrozen(v, false); repairTimer[v] = nil; setElementData(v, "repairer", nil); end end end); function setEngineStateByPlayer(player) local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player); if (getElementData(getElementData(veh,"parent"), "fuel") <= 0) then return; end if (getVehicleEngineState(veh) == false) then setVehicleEngineState(veh, true); triggerClientEvent(player, "displayClientInfo", player, "Engine started!", 22, 255, 0); else setVehicleEngineState(veh, false); triggerClientEvent(player, "displayClientInfo", player, "Engine stopped!", 255, 22, 0); end end function backup() dbExec(db, "DELETE FROM `vehicles`"); dbExec(db, "DELETE FROM `tents`"); local vc,tc = 0, 0; for _,veh in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do if not getElementData(veh, "helicrash") then local col = getElementData(veh, "parent"); if col then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(veh); local rX,rY,rZ = getElementRotation(veh); local health = getElementHealth(veh); if (health < 500) then health = 400; end local sx,sy,sz = unpack(getElementData(col, "spawn")); local items = {}; vc = vc+1; for _,item in ipairs(backupItemsTable) do local quantity = getElementData(col, item[1]) or 0; if (quantity > 0) then table.insert(items, {item[1], quantity}); end end dbExec(db, "INSERT INTO `vehicles` (model, x, y, z, rX, rY, rZ, slots, fuel, engines, moving, parts, items, dayz, health, sx, sy, sz, id) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", getElementModel(veh), x, y, z, rX, rY, rZ, getElementData(col, "MAX_Slots") or 20, getElementData(col, "fuel") or 0, getElementData(col, "Engine_inVehicle") or 0, getElementData(col, "Tire_inVehicle") or 0, getElementData(col, "Parts_inVehicle") or 0, toJSON(items), getElementData(veh, "dayzvehicle") or 0, health, sx, sy, sz, vc); end end end for _,col in ipairs(getElementsByType("colshape")) do if getElementData(col, "tent") then local tent = getElementData(col, "parent"); if tent then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(tent); local rX,rY,rZ = getElementRotation(tent); local items = {}; tc = tc+1; for _,item in ipairs(backupItemsTable) do local quantity = getElementData(col, item[1]) or 0; if (quantity > 0) then table.insert(items, {item[1], quantity}); end end dbExec(db, "INSERT INTO `tents` (model, x, y, z, rX, rY, rZ, slots, scale, items, id) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", getElementModel(tent), x, y, z, rX, rY, rZ, getElementData(col, "MAX_Slots") or 100, getObjectScale(tent), toJSON(items), tc); end end end outputDebugString("Backup done ("..tc.." Tents) and ("..vc.." Vehicles)", 3); end function createDayzVeh(model, x, y, z, rX, rY, rZ, slots, fuel, engines, moving, parts, items, dayz, health, sx, sy, sz) local veh = createVehicle(model, x, y, z); local vehCol = createColSphere((x+5), y, z, 4); setElementRotation(veh, rX, rY, rZ); attachElements(vehCol, veh); setElementHealth(veh, tonumber(health)); setElementData(vehCol, "parent", veh); setElementData(veh, "parent", vehCol); setElementData(veh, "dayzvehicle", tonumber(dayz)); setElementData(vehCol, "vehicle", true); setElementData(vehCol, "MAX_Slots", tonumber(slots)); setElementData(vehCol, "Tire_inVehicle", tonumber(moving)); setElementData(vehCol, "Engine_inVehicle", tonumber(engines)); setElementData(vehCol, "Parts_inVehicle", tonumber(parts)); setElementData(vehCol, "spawn", {model, sx, sy, sz}); setElementData(vehCol, "fuel", tonumber(fuel)); for _,v in ipairs(fromJSON(items)) do setElementData(vehCol, v[1], v[2]); end end function createDayzTent(model, x, y, z, rX, rY, rZ, slots, scale, items) local tent = createObject(model, x, y, z); local tentCol = createColSphere(x, y, z, 3); setElementRotation(tent, rX, rY, rZ); setObjectScale(tent, scale); attachElements(tentCol, tent); setElementData(tentCol, "parent", tent); setElementData(tent, "parent", tentCol); setElementData(tentCol, "tent", true); setElementData(tentCol, "MAX_Slots", slots); for _,v in ipairs(fromJSON(items)) do setElementData(tentCol, v[1], v[2]); end end function loadBackup() for _,v in pairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do local col = getElementData(v, "parent"); if col then destroyElement(col); end destroyElement(v); end local p = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM `vehicles`"), -1); if (#p > 0) then for _,d in pairs(p) do createDayzVeh(d["model"], d["x"], d["y"], d["z"], d["rX"], d["rY"], d["rZ"], d["slots"], d["fuel"], d["engines"], d["moving"], d["parts"], d["items"], d["dayz"], d["health"], d["sx"], d["sy"], d["sz"]); end end local p2 = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM `tents`"), -1); if (#p2 > 0) then for _,d in pairs(p2) do createDayzTent(d["model"], d["x"], d["y"], d["z"], d["rX"], d["rY"], d["rZ"], d["slots"], d["scale"], d["items"]); end end end if not backupdone then spawnDayZVehicles(); backupdone = true; else loadBackup(); end setTimer(backup, (10*60000), 0); addCommandHandler("dobackup", function(player) if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)), aclGetGroup("Admin")) then backup(); end end); for _,v in ipairs(patrolPoints) do local x,y,z = v[1], v[2], v[3]; patrolCol = createColSphere(x, y, z, 3); setElementData(patrolCol, "patrolstation", true); end createHeliCrashSite(); createHospitalPacks();
  6. Yes you can use multi-weapon ammo. But as I already said 2 times give me the god damn vehicles.lua the entire file so I can identify the error by the line, because it has nothing to do with the setTimer.
  7. I need your entire vehicles.lua to identify the error by it's line in the code. I think I may know the error and if I'm not mistaken I have fixed it in one of the updates, just download the vehicles.lua from the GitHub and tell be if you get the same error.
  8. Cred ca ar trebui sa mearga: local vipUseTable = {}; function setTheItems(thePlayer) setElementData(thePlayer, "M4A1 CCO SD", 1); setElementData(thePlayer, "M4A1 CCO SD Mag", 150); setElementData(thePlayer, "M4A03", 1); setElementData(thePlayer, "M4A03 Mag", 69); setElementData(thePlayer, "Veteran Backpack", 1); setElementData(thePlayer, "MP5A5", 1); setElementData(thePlayer, "MP5A5 Mag", 150); setElementData(thePlayer, "Binoculars", 1); setElementData(thePlayer, "Burger", 3); setElementData(thePlayer, "Canteen", 3); setElementData(thePlayer, "Morphine", 2); setElementData(thePlayer, "Medical Supplies", 2); setElementData(thePlayer, "Ghillie Suit Ghost", 1); setElementData(thePlayer, "Map", 1); setElementData(thePlayer, "GPS", 1); setElementData(thePlayer, "Toolbox", 1); setElementData(thePlayer, "Infrared Googles", 1); setElementData(thePlayer, "Watch", 1); outputChatBox("#6495ED[DayZLife Romania]#C0C0C0Ai primit pachetul de iteme Vip!", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true); vipUseTable[thePlayer] = getElementData(thePlayer, "alivetime"); end addCommandHandler("vipitems", function(thePlayer) if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)), aclGetGroup("vip")) then if not vipUseTable[thePlayer] then setTheItems(thePlayer); else if (getElementData(thePlayer, "alivetime") >= vipUseTable[thePlayer] + 10) then setTheItems(thePlayer); end end end end); addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, function() if vipUseTable[thePlayer] then vipUseTable[thePlayer] = nil; end end);
  9. There you go: local gate = createObject(980, 214, 1875.5, 13.800000190735, 0, 0, 0); local thegang = "THEGANGNAME"; addCommandHandler("ogate", function(player) local gang = getElementData(player, "gang") or false; if (gang and gang == thegang) then moveObject(gate, 4000, 204, 1876.0999755859, 13.800000190735); end end); addCommandHandler("cgate", function(player) local gang = getElementData(player, "gang") or false; if (gang and gang == thegang) then moveObject(gate, 4000, 214, 1875.5, 13.800000190735); end end);
  10. Once I've tried to make a weapon attached to a car (422, Bobcat), loosed my enthusiasm and never done the script, can you do it? The weapon would be used from outside the car, so that requires someone else to drive wile you shoot.
  11. Tekken

    Gate help

    An easier method will be to do it like this: local gang = getElementData(player, "gang") or false; local thegang = "THEGANGNAME"; if (gang and gang == thegang) then -- Move the gate! end Also no need to run in DayZ, it can be a stand alone resource. Sorry haven't seen the posts above
  12. No I don't have any raw version of the gamemode, and 'bout the error can you show it to me?
  13. You can't store tables in account data.
  14. Well you can do it, but that's pointless 'cause the tables will erase the data in it when you restart the resource. It's pretty simple using the method I gave you.
  15. And what's the problem? You will need a database to store the player's massages and when the player clicks a player in the first gridlist you request the data from the database and display them in the second one.
  16. Well I don't understand what you mean.
  17. All you need is something like this: local table = {gridlist = {},column = {}}; table.gridlist[1] = guiCreateGridList(17, 37, 201, 252, false); table.column[1] = guiGridListAddColumn(table.gridlist[1], "Player", 0.7); for _,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local row = guiGridListAddRow(table.gridlist[1]); guiGridListSetItemText(table.gridlist[1], row, table.column[1], getPlayerName(v), true, false); end -- And later use something like this: local player = guiGridListGetItemText(table.gridlist[1], guiGridListGetSelectedItem(table.gridlist[1]), 1); if player and getPlayerFromName(player) then --Call the server to do whatever you want. end
  18. UPDATE Fixed the Bug when dead bodies had weapons as equipped and you couldn't use them.
  19. About the bug I will check, and for the double click as I already said no, I don't like it that way that's your business. And you don't have to apologize for your "Bad English", everyone should thank that you tried.
  20. Add the resource to your server (..MTASA/server/mods/deathmatch/resources..), start it through Admin Panel (by pressing p), then use it. Note: In order to do that, you must have administrator rights to the server and also to have access to the server root.
  21. May I see your vehicles.lua ?
  22. You should post this in scripting section. Also what do you mean by "...can see groupmate/s when they join in the group. and disappear when they quit" ?
  23. One more Update: Fixed a LOT of things and it's a MUST HAVE update. Removed Arma 2 Like GPS, I will soon release it as a addon. Databases are compatible. If you are facing wierd issues with the Sniper Scope make sure "HUD Match ASpect Ratio" it's disabled in your video settings.
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