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Tekken last won the day on May 2 2023

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About Tekken

  • Birthday 26/08/1997

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  • Forum Helper


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    Dev and player!
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    Lua, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, HTML, CSS

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  1. The "table way" is actually pretty straight forward, here is a simple example: local guiStuff = {}; --create the table. guiStuff[ #guiStuff + 1 ] = guiCreateStaticImage("IMAGE1", x, y); --#guiStuff > gets the total number of items in the table and we add one so basically we do [0 + 1] then [1 + 1], [2 + 1] and so on.. guiStuff[ #guiStuff + 1 ] = guiCreateStaticImage("IMAGE2", x, y); guiStuff[ #guiStuff + 1 ] = guiCreateStaticImage("IMAGE3", x, y); guiStuff[ #guiStuff + 1 ] = guiCreateStaticImage("IMAGE4", x, y); --so on as many times you want.... for index = 1, #guiStuff do guiSetVisible(guiStuff[index], true); end --you can also acces any of the above like this guiSetVisible(guiStuff[3], false); --if you are sure of the index --imagine the table like this: local guiStuff = { [1] = guiCreateStaticImage("IMAGE1", x, y), [2] = guiCreateStaticImage("IMAGE2", x, y), [3] = guiCreateStaticImage("IMAGE3", x, y), [4] = guiCreateStaticImage("IMAGE4", x, y), };
  2. Hi, may I ask why is this a bad implementation ? Greetings.
  3. Tekken

    Table Sorting

    Hello, may this help you? https://www.lua.org/pil/19.3.html
  4. Hi, is the panel a GUI or DX ? Also if you show us the code it would be easier. Greetings.
  5. Ok try this resource https://mega.nz/file/0khjxSjJ#D6k5D88LPcFgaO2zrTYm5ClKWnnwK2PDaeklxlTc_fE
  6. Just create another resource and make sure is the last one you start when starting server.
  7. This is client side, also make sure this is the LAST resource you start juste to be sure.
  8. Hello, you will have to paste a good chunk of you code for better support. Greetings.
  9. My bad you actually have to use math.min not math.max
  10. math.max(YOUR_MONEY, 999999999);
  11. Not sure os functions work in MTA, but I may be wrong
  12. Hi, think of math.randomseed() like the starting poit of your randomness, the seed, in order to have unpredictable random numbers you have to provide a integer seed to this function and from now on in your script the random numbers will be generated from this seed, like: This will give you the same results every single time the code is generated for i = 1, 10 do print(math.random()); end While this will change every single time due to getRealTime().timestamp never returning the same number. math.randomseed(getRealTime().timestamp); for i = 1, 10 do print(math.random()); end
  13. Add a table with the interiors you don’t want to delete and do a check before like this local table = { 600, 610, 679 } -- add here addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() for i=550, 20000 do if not table[i] then removeWorldModel(i, 10000, 0, 0, 0, 0) setOcclusionsEnabled(false) end end end)
  14. Tekken

    any help

    Hi, what exactly you want to start when you drive the Pizzaboy bike? Do you have a pizzaboy script?
  15. Hi, could you explain further or show an image?
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