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  1. GAMEMODE VIRUSZ MTA DAYZ - ENG This is a complete game mode for MTA:SA that includes: - HUD Weapons, Vest, Helmet, Thirst and Hunger - HUD Helmet and Vest - Patent and experience - Exclusive inventory - Various weapons - VIP System - Sync system - Many modified weapons. - Various backpacks. - Crosshairs Panel. - Boss, zombie, bot system. - Patent/level system. - Weapon shot trace system. - Modeled base. - PT/BR Este é um modo de jogo completo para MTA:SA que inclui: - HUD Armas, Colete, Capacete, Sede e Fome - HUD Capacete e Colete - Patente e experiência - Inventário exclusivo - Varias Armas - Sistema VIP - Sistema de Sync - Muitas armas modificadas. - Varias mochilas. - Painel de Miras. - Sistema de boss, zombie, bots. - Sistema de patente / level. - Sistema de traços de tiro das armas. - Base modelada. Shop: Payhip Discord Link: Discord
  2. Servidor Mta San Andreas Gamemode De Verona RolePlay Es a Base De DownTown Contiene MYSQL Plantilla Del Servidor De Discord Verona RolePlay Link De La Plantilla: https://discord.new/XddwWAAfCcBW Link De la Gamemode: https://www.mediafire.com/file/epjnvg6p4t1nvyi/Verona+Roleplay.rar/file
  3. Gamemode Servidor MTA: https://www.mediafire.com/file/hyeoz8ct4xa6wj5/Compton+Roleplay.rar/file Gamemode Compton Roleplay con base de chicago roleplay y otra en downtown SQLLITE y la otra version tiene MYSQL Planilla Del Servidor Compton RolePlay: https://discord.new/7r2fqxVvaxKT
  4. After a decade of building the best known Roleplay script out there. The OwlGaming community has been the last large community that has maintained (and publicly released) the Valhalla Gaming Roleplay script, with all its resources ready for anyone to create their own server. However, before the release of the script that is now available on github. The developers have cleared some specific resources, files, and possibly certain configurations, which ultimately resulted in a untested , and often difficult to install gamemode. Even if you managed to get the server running, you already get faced with various challenges to get your account operational. And when you do get your character created, and you can roam around the map. Many features (such as chat) are not functional. This seems a disservice to what the initial gamemode, its growth, and dedication of many developers actively working on it to leave such a prominent gamemode broken on a public service. Therefore I have made a 69th fork of the gamemode, with the intention to get the gamemode in working condition. But I cannot do it alone. This is where I ask the community to band together, and give this gamemode the care it deserves. Github Repo: MittellBuurman/MTA-Roleplay-Community Discord: SourPatch GC If you're interested in participating or contributing. Feel free to send me a PM on discord, or join the server and get the ideas flowing. Hope to see you there!
  5. Hi, thought I would make a forum thread to document some progress on something I started creating a few weeks ago with my free time. In typical fashion, it doesn't have a name yet, but I will make sure this one won't stick and it will get a real name if it goes somewhere. (RIP Unnamed Roleplay™) It's a roleplaying gamemode from scratch(The core, it has some of my resource packages from my store and my old work) that is currently based in Liberty City. The plan is to create something with a nice little hint of realism, smooth gameplay and little to no Admin-interaction for seamless play. I'm currently working heavily on the inventory and weapon systems to bring something new and fresh to MTA Roleplay and I have a few videos showing this. You'll see the drag and drop functions of the inventory, opening elements, stacking, splitting, crafting and weapon play. Inventory System: If there is much interest in the videos and people following progress I will be happy to put in a little more effort showcasing it, ie; Longer videos, video portions of me scripting, publicize the Trello board etc. Currently you can catch more in my Discord Please feel free to make suggestions and comments - TM
  6. Gamemode: - Levels and experience - Top-gta inventory - Epic skins for all weapons. - Customized stock. - Zombies give experience. - VIP system - Armor system - Military Area 51 - Perfect PvP with no errors. - Reward system to level up. - As you level up, you get new dances and skins. - More than 30 weapons. - First person - Panel of 30 Crosshairs. - 5 different event systems. - More than 1000 zombies distributed on the map with respawn time. - Customization system to save the character. - Start custom session. - Lag-free citywide mapping with lag-free objects. - Customizable login music. - Clean gamemode made from 0 very easy to understand. SYSTEMS: Levels: When killing a zombie, you gain XP. Depending on the level, you will be spawned with different items. As you level up, you can unlock Skins, Emotes. If you're a VIP, you'll unlock better stuff. (Perfect for microtransactions) Zombie: It's a high-quality system that generates zombies with different characteristics at the coordinates you choose. There are civil, military and super fast zombies. You can choose whatever you like. Building System: A building system, where you get materials by cutting down trees with an axe. You can build the base you can imagine. As they can also raidearte to steal your objects. This generates a new gaming experience where players will have to take care of their bases by doing pvp. Loot: The map contains loot in all cities. But there are areas in particular that have more loot. This makes users closer to loot and generate PVP. ADDITIONAL FEATURES: + Exclusive mapping. + Base and raid building system + All scripts fully editable. and decompiled + VIP system BUY HERE: PayHip
  7. Hello dear Community. In this post i wanna release my Cops 'n' Robbers Gamemode which is complete Selfmade. Enjoy! Previews -> Click Download -> Click
  8. Sziasztok kezdem a save gondal ezt a hibát írja: [21-02-21 09:29:33] WARNING: sas_save/sourceS.lua:6: Bad argument @ 'getElementData' [Expected element at argument 1] mi lehet-a baja nem tudom, de minden este játszunk fel lépünk és az összes kocsi össze buggolva az autokernél 2. Gamemode, átt kellene írnom a GameMode-t de nem tudom hogy hol lehet 3. kíváncsiak vagyunk hogy este 5-6tól éjfélig játszunk és hogy 1hónap alatt hány percet játszunk, mert hétvégén délelött is játszunk 1 kicsit. Van a dashboard ott van hogy "timeinserver" azzal nem hiszem hogy baj van, ott a mysql, ott is ott van hogy "timeinserver" valamiért nem számolja, ez pici nehézséget okoz, mivel nem tudom hogy hól kezdjek hozzá. Segítségeket előre is köszönöm
  9. After 6 years and long time of myself being bored, I've decided to stop being bored and (re)do my old idea of Stargate gamemode for MTA:SA, because why not. The old post with description is here: Stargate gamemode for MTA:SA resurrected A gamemode for MTA:SA based on STARGATE: Horizon of the universe - GTA:SA mod (https://www.moddb.com/mods/stargate-horizon-of-the-universe; will be referred to as HoTU) and Stargate Carter's Addon Pack - Garry's Mod addon (https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=180077636; will be referred to as CAP) and of course the franchise Stargate (SG-1;Atlantis;Universe; see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stargate). This gamemode will (probably) contain most of, or at least many of elements from these two gamemodes and the franchise - Stargates (with all their beauty - dialling, transporting all elements, time travel, wormhole jumping, other physics), transport rings, planets (Earth/SGC, San Andreas, Atlantis, Destiny, Custom maps, ...) & atmosphere, energy system and more. Where is the gamemode from 2017? In void. All source files were deleted. This is however not a bad thing, because the source code was ugly, a one big non-effective spaghetti code (with exactly 0 cycles) that did not work nicely and performed poorly. That was the main reason alongside the high time consumption, why this gamemode/project was abandoned in 2017 (it took me many weeks to create just a one working stargate with not the best effects, results and physics - what I have completed now took me maybe 2 days in total). Current progress Q: When it will be done, final, completed? A: A little free time, coding only in free time, only when it's wanted, wanna speed up progress? Contribute. Q: Can I see some preview (trailer, demo) of the gamemode (current and previous)? A: If you want screenshots from the old gamemode, look in the old (2017) post. There are also some demos (videos, screenshots) from current gamemode at GitHub repository in branch previews (usually progress made in given release). For real-time updates about progress or changelogs, see GitHub repository (file README.md; differs across branches). What's needed to be done and is not completed? Everything that is unfinished or looks like it. It's found in GitHub repository in TBD.md file (separate branches contain their own file). Availability - Download, Contribute or Share This project is open-source. Gamemode with its updates, progress and source code is available at GitHub for everyone (even to contribute) at: https://github.com/horsecz/MTA-SA-StarGate-gamemode Main (release) branch represents the final gamemode. There are other branches, which are used for development of the gamemode. As the project is open-source, you can contribute to anything you want, as long as you: Create pull request with necessary information Use the (almost) same conventions for code Wait for the supreme court (me) to approve the pull request
  10. Hello there! Since not too many Classic Racing servers went for 1.6 yet (some DM / DD / Shooter etc.: servers did) I decided to launch a test server, for y'all if you want to check if anything changed in 1.6 for racing. SKC Vanilla also turned to 1.6 but they have very big ammount of maps & it might lag. My server doesn't have too many maps, scripts so it's perfect to test how things look: mtasa:// Check out F9 - RACE for more info, for commands etc.: I'll describe basic commands here /nos (nfs | normal | hybrid) - change nitro style /fpslimit (vehicle | boat) (number) - Limit your FPS F4 - Carfade C - Carhide Only racing maps with checkpoints.
  11. Buenas, vengo a compartir esta gamemode desarrollada de 0 por Aleks (decidimos publicarla debido a un robo) Actualmente se llama **Vest Roleplay** débido a que fué mi último proyecto, Countryside es el nombre con el que Aleks la nombró. No tengo fotos o videos pero pueden verla ustedes mismo (Cualquier cosa comenten en este post) Link: https://github.com/tomaslxc/Countryside-RP
  12. Buenas, estoy en estos medios pidiendo ayuda con relación a la GM de LIFE STEAL RP, pues en esta todo va bien, excepto la tienda de ropas, al entrar a cualquier tienda de ropa aparece el [NPC] encima de su nombre, pero al intentar interactuar de cualquier forma, ya sea dandole click o acercandoce a el, no abre el panel de ropa para cambiarla, la verdad necesito la tienda de ropas donde debería, en esos interiores, porque he buscado otras y vienen con errores y no en los lugares típicos de tiendas de ropas, así que si alguien me pudiera aportar con cualquier tienda de ropa de otra GM que sea en los lugares típicos en los interiores de las tiendas de ropa se los agradecería, porque ninguna de las tiendas de este funcionan.
  13. Buenas, estoy en estos medios pidiendo ayuda con relación a la GM de LIFE STEAL RP, pues en esta todo va bien, excepto la tienda de ropas, al entrar a cualquier tienda de ropa aparece el [NPC] encima de su nombre, pero al intentar interactuar de cualquier forma, ya sea dandole click o acercandoce a el, no abre el panel de ropa para cambiarla, la verdad necesito la tienda de ropas donde debería, en esos interiores, porque he buscado otras y vienen con errores y no en los lugares típicos de tiendas de ropas, así que si alguien me pudiera aportar con cualquier tienda de ropa de otra GM que sea en los lugares típicos en los interiores de las tiendas de ropa se los agradecería, porque ninguna de las tiendas de este funcionan.
  14. Greetings. An almost complete finished mod has gone up for sale. The mode I sell includes a Forum, Domain, original Facebook page, and I can also add a lot of design elements. I can also prove the originality of the method in the form of a private message. Discord: Frenzy#8109
  15. hi,everyone i looking for a dayz standalone latest version gamemode if someone have dayz style map for sell,contact me
  16. GAMEMODE MIDNIGHT DAYZ - Sistema de Colete / Capacete - Varios veiculos apocalipticos exclusivos - Sistema de evento e suply com mensagem dx - Sistema de inventario completo - Sistema AntiDupping de itens - Icons e debug munitor muito bonito - Sistema de vip com spawn de veiculos ja configurado - Gamemode acompanha varias bases e mapa editado - Sistema de base / portao configurado com o grupo - Servidor leve e sem erros. - Sistema de backup 100% automatico - Sistema de chat global com log no discord - Sistema de zumbis / boos editavel - Shaders exclusivo - Servidor totalmente em portugues - Sistema de loja Sell: Payhip Discord: TeecToy#0277 Email: [email protected]
  17. Greetings! I offer for sale the game mode I made. The game mode has been completely improved, all bugs have been fixed. The game mode has a lot of extra features. I hope everyone will benefit. Sincerely, Eddison Server mod: 35 EUR contact me: [email protected] Buy: https://payhip.com/b/tLYN9 or email contact Images: https://ibb.co/9hrJKsq https://ibb.co/RTcPTLx https://ibb.co/ZLsHkXd https://ibb.co/d2ShcB7 https://ibb.co/pZJRGwK https://ibb.co/930BjKN https://ibb.co/hLV3JCJ https://ibb.co/X4hPCYk https://ibb.co/qk2LLGv https://ibb.co/7kfVd3h https://ibb.co/HXRFcKH https://ibb.co/QmMKgm0 https://ibb.co/mcJbPbV https://ibb.co/129vRvy
  18. Greetings! I offer for sale the game mode I made. We created the game mode with a couple of friends, the server is about 95% ready. The videos show how the systems work. Contact us if you have any questions. Server mod:(ACL,mtaserverconf,SQL,MOD) Forum page:(https://forum.sanandreas.hu) Server mod: 35 EUR Facebook page: 5 EUR Domain + Forum page: 10 EUR Pictures from the server: https://imgur.com/a/mbHRXtc Buy: https://payhip.com/b/BLT03
  19. Hello! I'm offering a game mode for sale. The game mode is complete, nothing is missing. The game mode is exclusively in my hands. The server mode includes: SQL database, Mode, ACL, mtaserver.conf. In the game mode, the graphics can also be set as desired. If you have any questions, please contact me via my email address: [email protected] More pictures from the server: https://imgur.com/a/zY6nazg Buy server: https://payhip.com/b/sEVDP or send email to: [email protected]
  20. Hi there. I'm releasing all the maps I have created over the past 7 years (2016 - 2022) for the RACE Game Mode FOR FREE!. This pack contains 149 race maps including circuits, offroad, motorbikes, fun and normal city maps. Please don't adjust the respawn or other settings as this is the way I intended them to be played. You all can freely use them in your server, but no re-releasing or claiming as your own. Anyways I hope you like them, and enjoy playing as well. Comments are aswell welcome. VIDEO: CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD MAP LIST: MORE MAPS FOR FREE: [RACE] RG's Map-Pack [RACE] Custom Racing Circuit Map-Pack [MAP] Custom City Island
  21. VIDEO https://youtu.be/EbqnoqMldZk Es algo que mucha gente ya sabe , Pero para los nuevos que no entienden mucho de los scripts Les va a servir de mucha ayuda !
  22. Hello .. I have programmed the battleground [PUBG] gamemode, and I opened a server .. but I'm busy and I can not take care of the server ! So, I decided to sell the game mode. Some Characteristics - Login/register panel. - Battlepoints. - Lobby [home, character, shop for clothes, rewards, statistics] ~ you can buy clothes from shop. ~ you can receive rewards such as clothes and battlepoints. ~ In statistics tab you can see top 10 players. - Squad and solo mode. - Beautiful design and orderly - Loots [Note: The playing area is confined to the forest area only]. - Admin panel for PUBG. - Inventory. - etc ... It is like the original game Buy the gamemode Price: 400$ (USD) Payment method: Paypal (or other suitable method for me) contact me to check the gamemode before buy it. Contact E-mail: - Skype: - Pic's Thank You #H25
  23. download it here https://github.com/rivor/dayz-mta screenshots http://prntscr.com/heso7h http://prntscr.com/hesp1n http://prntscr.com/hesp9l http://prntscr.com/hespjo http://prntscr.com/hesqgu http://prntscr.com/hesqqz http://prntscr.com/hesrb8 http://prntscr.com/hesrhg http://prntscr.com/hesrqh http://prntscr.com/hessgx http://prntscr.com/hested
  24. All Credits Goes to First developer team in PTPM This is the Protect the Prime Minister server created earlier by the ptpm open source project. What is the PTPM Protect the Prime Minister(PTPM) is a team based gamemode that promotes teamwork and strategy over the conventional deathmatch tactics. It was first created in SA-MP in mid 2006 and ran as a successful server for several years, but later migrated and was reimplemented in the more powerful Multi Theft Auto engine. The aim for the Good Guys is to protect the (PM) for the duration of the round. The aim for the Bad Guysis to kill the PM before the end of the round. General PTPM gameplay can be thought of as an open world attack and defend. Often, the Good Guys will choose a location in the map to defend and the Bad Guys will assault it and attempt to kill the protected Prime Minister. If the PM leaves the hideout and heads out into the roads, the Bad Guys will hunt him down while the Good Guys attempt to keep them away. Rounds usually last for 15 minutes, depending on the map. You can see the time left on the timer in the top center of the screen. The round will end if one of the following happens: The round timer reaches 0:00 Prime Minister is Killed Once the round is over you will be able to vote on the next map, and after a short transition period the new map will begin. How to play The game has several character classes Prime Minister Bodyguards Police Terrorists Psychopaths All classes in the same team spawn in the same "base". Within each team the different classes have different weapons, and some classes have special "abilities" that will help their teammates. You can chat privately with your teammates by pressing Maps There are many maps in the PTPM mode, each with different locations and features, requiring tactics to be varied depending on which map is being played. Some are very close quarters and play out like a traditional TDM mode, while others are larger open worlds with more options for strategies. Within the map you are blocked from going too far away by the map boundaries, shown as red lines on the F11 map or on the radar Objectives Some maps also have a series of objectives for the PM to complete, marked on the map by red blips. In these maps, rather than simply staying alive the PM must complete all the objectives within the round time or he will lose. The current objective will be shown on the radar as a red blip and announced on the screen. Unlike tasks, no information about the time needed to complete the objective will be shown to the Terrorists so they must act fast to stop the PM. once an objective is completed, an additional3 minutes will be added to the round timer and the next objective will activate. Pickups Most maps will have weapon and armour pickups hidden around the world. These are often different to the weapons that you spawn with, and allow you to gain an advantage that you would not otherwise have. Some weapons are good for specific purposes and will help to counter well coordinated enemies. For example, Grenades are good against large groups of players, especially inside interior buildings. Sniper riflesare good against a PM that is well defended in a hideout, that cannot be assaulted easily in the normal way. ome maps contain Heavy Weapon pickups (minigun, rocket launcher) as well as regular weapons. These are usually heavily limited by long respawn timers and well hidden. They will offer a significant advantage to anyone that can find them. Safe Zones Some maps have Safe Zones represented by blue blips on the map and blue markers in the world. Dangerous vehicles cannot enter the safe zone (e.g. Hydras, Tanks), so they can be used to keep away from their powerful weapons. However, safe zones are hard to defend on the ground and will act as a focus point for Terrorist attacks. Teams Prime minister - The Prime Minister is the primary class in PTPM. He is the VIP that all the other Good Guys (Bodyguards and Police) must protect, and the Bad Guys (Terrorists) must kill. He has very little firepower and relies on the protection of his loyal team. To play the Prime Minister well you will need a strong knowledge of the map, knowing good hideout locations and how best to escape and avoid Terrorist attacks. You will need to be a good communicator, and you should instruct your team in where you will be going, what you will be doing and how they can best protect you. Body Guards - his is the primary protection force for the Prime Minister. Bodyguards should stick close to the Prime Minister wherever he goes, riding in the same car if possible, and be willing to put themselves in danger to protect the Prime Minister's life. They are not well suited for hunting down Terrorists, and will often have a less substantial weapon loadout. Police - This is the primary attack force for the Prime Minister. The Police are more heavily armed than the Bodyguards and should assault Terrorists as they come close, chasing them down and ensuring they do not make it through to the Prime Minister. If the Prime Minister has laid out instructions for the round, such as defending a particular hideout, the Police are the ones that should act on those instructions. Terrorist - The Terrorists have only a single goal: kill the Prime Minister before the time runs out. They should work closely with the other terrorists to co-ordinate their attacks to achieve maximum impact. If the Prime Minister is defending a location on the map, Terrorists should think carefully about how best to assault. Often, hideouts used by the PM will have back entrances or weak spots that can be exploited if the Good Guys are distracted. If they are defending well, Terrorists should group together and assault as a team to ensure they can break through the defensive lines. Phychopath - Psychopaths have no team and no loyalty. They will attack anyone. Beware Clases Each team within PTPM has multiple classes (characters) that you can choose from. Each class will usually have a unique weapon loadout and a unique skin, while some will additionally have unique abilities. Medics - Most maps have a single Medic class per team, with special abilities allowing them to heal other players, and regenerate their own health. Usually they will spawn with less weaponry than standard classes, so they will need extra protection from their team. Medics have a slightly paler colour so you can identify them on the radar and in the chat.To heal another player walk up to them and type /heal This will transfer some health from the medic onto the target player. Medics will automatically passively heal nearby teammates that are hurt at a rate of 1hp/second. While inside an Ambulance, the passive healing rate is increased to 2hp/second for anybody else inside or very close by. When a medic has lost some health, they will slowly regenerate at a rate of 2hp/second. By coordinating with another medic and healing each other, medics can regenerate all their health very quickly. Maps There are many maps in the PTPM mode, each with different locations and features, requiring tactics to be varied depending on which map is being played. Each map is designed to have a unique feature, distinct from all the others. Current Map List Los Santos Los Santos with Hydras San Fierro Las Venturas Las Venturas with Objectives Area 51 Countryside Desert Factory Mt. Chiliad Bayside Air Assault Join the server IP- Teasmepak 3 - We Are eUNLOCK TEAM
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