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Everything posted by Vinyard

  1. Vinyard

    Low FPS

    Hi, welcome to the forums! Please download and run MTADiag and follow the instructions. Post here any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you.
  2. Actualizare privind comunitatea Salutare tuturor! ? În prezent, studiem o potențială redeschidere în cadrul comunității, iar pentru asta am decis să publicăm o actualizare în care discutăm unde am fost, unde suntem și încotro ne îndreptăm. Cele mai importante puncte discutate: ne-am schimbat server-ul de Discord: noul server poate fi găsit @ https://ls-rp.ro/discord; ne dorim să întregim echipa administrativă, tocmai de aceea am deschis aplicațiile în acest sens: vezi aici; căutăm lider pentru Fire Department: vezi aici; am devenit mult mai activi pe canalul de YouTube, unde încărcăm frecvent videoclipuri scurte cu sistemele de pe server: vezi aici. Dacă dorești să dai o mână de ajutor sau te consideri potrivit pentru oricare dintre echipele organizatorice, nu ezita să ne contactezi! Citește întreaga actualizare, mult mai amănunțită, accesând acest link.
  3. Moving this to Portuguese scripting section. Please make sure you always use English when posting outside this section!
  4. Vinyard

    HWID Ban

    Hi, welcome to the forums. Please create a new topic in the ban appeals section which you can find here: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/180-ban-appeals/ Make sure to include your serial, so the anticheat team can further investigate your case. You can obtain it by launching MTA, opening up the console (F8 key by default) and typing 'serial' without any quotes. Also make sure to provide any other relevant information you may remember. As a side note, you may not have a spoofer in your laptopt at the moment, but maybe you once had and it left traces. It's possible the only way to be able to play again is to perform a clean reinstall of your OS, but I would first advise you to make sure you don't show up in MTA's ban database, so try posting a ban appeal and see what's up.
  5. Locking this as this thread has last seen activity 3 years ago before being recently bumped. The gamemode is open-sourced from what I can see, so you don't have to buy anything: https://github.com/rivor/pubg-mta @VendettaHD97
  6. Vinyard

    Preciso de ajuda

    Locking this as duplicate.
  7. Hi, welcome to the forums! I've moved your thread to the Scripting section as this is the right place to post such questions. If you believe it's better for you to get answers in Spanish, you can freely ask your question in here: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/167-scripting/
  8. Hi, welcome to the forums. If you believe you've been globally banned, please create a new topic in the ban appeals section found here: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/180-ban-appeals/ Make sure to provide your serial so the anticheat team can further investigate your case. You can grab your serial by launching MTA, opening up the console (F8 key by default) and typing 'serial' without any quotes.
  9. Folosești un gamemode anume? Dacă da, care? Ce ai trimis acum ultima oară este doar o eroare din consolă, eu m-am referit la codul în sine.
  10. Salut și bun venit pe forum! Postează codul legat de login-panel ca să inspectăm și să venim cu soluții.
  11. Hi, welcome to the forums! I've moved your thread to the Scripting section as this is the right place to get assistance with scripting-related problems.
  12. Locking this thread since it's very old. @TiTawN Please avoid bumping topics that are so old (like this one, its last message was in 2016). Instead, create your own topic for scripting-related questions.
  13. Locking this until further notice.
  14. Vinyard


    Locking this for the reasons mentioned by Vampire.
  15. Vinyard

    Photo for mobile

    Locking this since you've resolved your issue. This section is used for client-related problems, so please make sure to always post scripting-related questions in this section from now on: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/71-scripting/
  16. Hi, welcome to the forums! I've moved your thread to the Russian scripting section so you can get better assistance in your native language. Please make sure to always use English when posting outside this language-specific section.
  17. Vinyard

    Map Editor

    Hi, welcome to the forums! I've moved your thread to a better-suited section so you can get proper assistance.
  18. Please refrain from creating non-English posts outside your language-specific section.
  19. Locking this as the thread is almost ten years old.
  20. Vinyard

    client.dll crash

    Locking this as the question has been answered.
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