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  1. nu am eu connexiunea dbconnect in mysql connectata si nu stiu cum sa o fac
  2. fuel-system/s_gas_station.lua:33: Bad argument @ 'dbQuery' [Expected db-connection at argument 3] Salutare am si eu un sistem de benzinarie custom de mine dar nu i dau de cap aici la db-connection de asta va rog mult sa ma ajutati!
  3. ERROR - triggered serverside event onLicenseServer, but event is not added serverside Cine ma poate ajuta ?:
  4. How can I do this. Can you help me modify it?
  5. Hello, I want to ask you how I can adopt this script from dbQuery to mysql. local gas_stations = {} local db = exports.mysql:getConnection() local mysql = exports.mysql addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() dbQuery(function(qh) local result = dbPoll(qh, -1) if result and #result > 0 then for _, v in ipairs(result) do gas_stations[tostring(v.id)] = {} gas_stations[tostring(v.id)].pos = {x = v.x, y = v.y, z = v.z, int = v.interior, dim = v.dimension} gas_stations[tostring(v.id)].status = {owner = v.owner, price = tonumber(v.price), stock = tonumber(v.stock), id = tonumber(v.id), fuelPrice = tonumber(v.fuelPrice), money = tonumber(v.money)} gas_stations[tostring(v.id)].colshape = createColSphere(v.x, v.y, v.z, 10) gas_stations[tostring(v.id)].pickup = createPickup(v.x, v.y, v.z, 3, 1239) end triggerClientEvent("gas:fetchGasStations", root, gas_stations) end end, {}, db, "SELECT * FROM `gas_stations` WHERE `deleted`='0' ORDER BY `id` ASC") end) addEvent("gas:getGasStations", true) addEventHandler("gas:getGasStations", root, function() triggerClientEvent("gas:fetchGasStations", root, gas_stations) end) addCommandHandler("makegas", function(thePlayer, command, price) if not exports.integration:isPlayerLeadAdmin(thePlayer) then return exports.fuel_notifications:addNotification(thePlayer, "error", "Nu ai acces la aceasta comanda!") end if not tonumber(price) then return outputChatBox("SYNTAX: /" .. command .. " [Pret]", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14) end local x, y, z = getElementPosition(thePlayer) local interior, dimension = getElementInterior(thePlayer), getElementDimension(thePlayer) dbQuery(function(qh, thePlayer) local result, numRows, lastID = dbPoll(qh, -1) if numRows > 0 then outputChatBox("A fost creata o noua benzinarie. ID: " .. lastID .. "!", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14) gas_stations[tostring(lastID)] = {} gas_stations[tostring(lastID)].pos = {x = x, y = y, z = z, int = interior, dim = dimension} gas_stations[tostring(lastID)].status = {owner = -1, price = tonumber(price), stock = 0, id = lastID, money = 0, fuelPrice = 4} gas_stations[tostring(lastID)].colshape = createColSphere(x, y, z, 10) gas_stations[tostring(lastID)].pickup = createPickup(x, y, z, 3, 1239) triggerClientEvent("gas:fetchGasStations", thePlayer, gas_stations) end end, {thePlayer}, db, "INSERT INTO `gas_stations` (`x`, `y`, `z`, `interior`, `dimension`, `stock`, `owner`, `price`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", x, y, z, interior, dimension, 0, -1, price) end) --comanda de fill function refillCommand(thePlayer, command, amount) local money = 0 local gasStation = nil for _, gs in pairs(gas_stations) do if isElementWithinColShape(thePlayer, gs.colshape) then gasStation = gs break end end if not gasStation then return exports.fuel_notifications:addNotification(thePlayer, "error", "Trebuie să te aflii într-o benzinărie.") end if not tonumber(amount) then return outputChatBox("SYNTAX: /" .. command .. " [Sumă ($) | 0 = plin]", thePlayer, 255, 194, 17) end local posX, posY, posZ = getElementPosition(thePlayer) local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(thePlayer) if (getVehicleEngineState(theVehicle) == true) then exports.fuel_notifications:addNotification(thePlayer, "error", "Nu poti face plinul la masina cu motorul pornit.") return end if not (isPedInVehicle(thePlayer) == true) then exports.fuel_notifications:addNotification(thePlayer, "error", "Trebuie sa te aflii intr-un vehicul.") return end local theLitres = calculateFuelPrice(thePlayer, amount, 1, tonumber(gasStation.status.fuelPrice)) if tonumber(amount) == 0 then theLitres = calculateFuelPrice(thePlayer, 99999999, 1, tonumber(gasStation.status.fuelPrice)) end if tonumber(gasStation.status.owner) ~= -1 then if tonumber(gasStation.status.stock) < theLitres then return exports.fuel_notifications:addNotification(thePlayer, "error", "Această benzinărie nu are destul combustibil.") end end local fuelCost = theLitres*tonumber(gasStation.status.fuelPrice) money = exports.global:getMoney(thePlayer) local factionPlayer = getElementData(thePlayer, "faction") local factionVehicle = getElementData(theVehicle, "faction") local factionPaid = false if factionPlayer == factionVehicle and factionsThatPayForFuel[factionPlayer] and factionsThatPayForFuel[factionVehicle] then local theTeam = getPlayerTeam(thePlayer) if exports.global:takeMoney(theTeam, fuelCost, true) then exports.fuel_notifications:addNotification(thePlayer, "info", "Angajatorul dvs. plateste pentru plin.") mysql:query_free("INSERT INTO wiretransfers (`from`, `to`, `amount`, `reason`, `type`) VALUES (" .. mysql:escape_string(( -getElementData( theTeam, "id" ) )) .. ", " .. mysql:escape_string(getElementData(thePlayer, "dbid")) .. ", " .. mysql:escape_string(fuelCost) .. ", '"..mysql:escape_string(theLitres).."', 9)" ) factionPaid = true end end if not factionPaid then if (fuelCost > 0 and money > 0) then if not exports.donators:hasPlayerPerk(thePlayer, 7) then if not exports.global:takeMoney(thePlayer, fuelCost) then exports.fuel_notifications:addNotification(thePlayer, "error", "Nu ai destui bani la tine.") return end end else exports.fuel_notifications:addNotification(thePlayer, "error", "Rezervorul dvs. este plin.") return end end local loldFuel = getElementData(theVehicle, "fuel") local newFuel = loldFuel+theLitres exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(theVehicle, "fuel", newFuel, false) triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, "syncFuel", theVehicle, newFuel) local info = { {"Chitanță benzinărie"}, {""}, } if exports.donators:hasPlayerPerk(thePlayer, 7) and not factionPaid then table.insert(info, {" " .. math.ceil(theLitres) .. " litrii de combustibil - (( Gratuit ))"}) else table.insert(info, {" " .. math.ceil(theLitres) .. " litrii de combustibil - " .. fuelCost .. "$"}) if factionPaid then table.insert(info, {" Plătit de angajator "..tostring(exports.factions:getFactionName(factionPlayer))}) end end table.insert(info, {" "..exports.global:getVehicleName(theVehicle).." - "..exports.global:round(newFuel, 2).."/"..exports.global:round(getMaxFuel(theVehicle), 2).." litres"}) triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, "hudOverlay:drawOverlayTopRight", thePlayer, info ) --ia stock-ul din benzinarie local newStock = tonumber(gasStation.status.stock) - theLitres local newMoney = 0 if tonumber(gasStation.status.owner) ~= -1 then newMoney = tonumber(gasStation.status.money) + fuelCost end if newStock < 0 then newStock = 0 end gasStation.status.stock = newStock gasStation.status.money = newMoney triggerClientEvent("gas:fetchOneGasStation", root, gasStation.status.id, gasStation) dbQuery(function(qh) dbFree(qh) return true end, {}, db, "UPDATE `gas_stations` SET `stock`=?, `money`=? WHERE `id`=?", newStock, newMoney, gasStation.status.id) end addCommandHandler("refill", refillCommand) --cumpara benzinaria addEvent("gas:buyGasStation", true) addEventHandler("gas:buyGasStation", root, function(gasStation) if not exports.global:hasMoney(client, tonumber(gasStation.status.price)) then return false end exports.global:takeMoney(client, tonumber(gasStation.status.price)) dbQuery(function(qh, player, gasStation) local result, numRows, lastID = dbPoll(qh, -1) if numRows > 0 then if gasStation.status.owner > 0 then for _, p in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData(p, "dbid") == tonumber(gasStation.status.owner) then setElementData(p, "bankmoney", (getElementData(p, "bankmoney") or 0) + gasStation.status.price) end end local updateBankMoney = exports.mysql:query_free("UPDATE `characters` SET `bankmoney`=`bankmoney` + '" .. gasStation.status.price .."' WHERE `id`='" .. gasStation.status.owner .."'") end exports.fuel_notifications:addNotification(player, "succes", "Ai cumpărat această benzinărie cu succes!") local gasStationID = tostring(gasStation.status.id) local gasStation = gas_stations[gasStationID] --reloadOneGasStation(tonumber(gasStation.status.id)) gasStation.status.owner = getElementData(player, "dbid") gasStation.status.price = 0 gasStation.status.stock = 50 triggerClientEvent("gas:fetchOneGasStation", root, gasStation.status.id, gasStation) end dbFree(qh) end, {client, gasStation}, db, "UPDATE `gas_stations` SET `owner`=?, `price`=?, `stock`=? WHERE `id`=?", getElementData(client, "dbid"), 0, 50, tonumber(gasStation.status.id)) end) --reload la o benzinarie doar function reloadOneGasStation(gasID) if not gas_stations[tostring(gasID)] then return false end destroyElement(gas_stations[tostring(gasID)].colshape) destroyElement(gas_stations[tostring(gasID)].pickup) gas_stations[tostring(gasID)] = nil loadOneGasStation(tonumber(gasID)) end function loadOneGasStation(gasID) dbQuery(function(qh) local result = dbPoll(qh, -1) if result and #result > 0 then local gasData = result[1] gas_stations[tostring(gasData.id)] = {} gas_stations[tostring(gasData.id)].pos = {x = gasData.x, y = gasData.y, z = gasData.z, int = gasData.interior, dim = gasData.dimension} gas_stations[tostring(gasData.id)].status = {owner = gasData.owner, price = tonumber(gasData.price), stock = tonumber(gasData.stock), id = tonumber(gasData.id), money = tonumber(gasData.money), fuelPrice = tonumber(gasData.fuelPrice)} gas_stations[tostring(gasData.id)].colshape = createColSphere(gasData.x, gasData.y, gasData.z, 10) gas_stations[tostring(gasData.id)].pickup = createPickup(gasData.x, gasData.y, gasData.z, 3, 1239) end triggerClientEvent("gas:fetchGasStations", root, gas_stations) dbFree(qh) end, {}, db, "SELECT * FROM `gas_stations` WHERE `id`=?", tonumber(gasID)) end --update la pret benzina addEvent("gas:updateFuelPrice", true) addEventHandler("gas:updateFuelPrice", root, function(gasStation, price) dbQuery(function(qh, player, gasStation) local result, numRows, lastID = dbPoll(qh, -1) if numRows > 0 then exports.fuel_notifications:addNotification(player, "succes", "Ai setat prețul la benzină cu succes!") local gasStationID = tostring(gasStation.status.id) local gasStation = gas_stations[gasStationID] --reloadOneGasStation(tonumber(gasStation.status.id)) gasStation.status.fuelPrice = tonumber(price) triggerClientEvent("gas:fetchOneGasStation", root, gasStation.status.id, gasStation) end dbFree(qh) end, {client, gasStation}, db, "UPDATE `gas_stations` SET `fuelPrice`=? WHERE `id`=?", price, tonumber(gasStation.status.id)) end) addEvent("gas:withdrawMoney", true) addEventHandler("gas:withdrawMoney", root, function(gasStation, amount) dbQuery(function(qh, player, gasStation) local result, numRows, lastID = dbPoll(qh, -1) if numRows > 0 then exports.fuel_notifications:addNotification(player, "succes", "Ai scos banii cu succes din seif!") local gasStationID = tostring(gasStation.status.id) local gasStation = gas_stations[gasStationID] --reloadOneGasStation(tonumber(gasStation.status.id)) exports.global:giveMoney(player, amount) gasStation.status.money = gasStation.status.money - tonumber(amount) triggerClientEvent("gas:fetchOneGasStation", root, gasStation.status.id, gasStation) end dbFree(qh) end, {client, gasStation}, db, "UPDATE `gas_stations` SET `money`=? WHERE `id`=?", gasStation.status.money - tonumber(amount), tonumber(gasStation.status.id)) end) addEvent("gas:setSellPrice", true) addEventHandler("gas:setSellPrice", root, function(gasStation, price) dbQuery(function(qh, player, gasStation) local result, numRows, lastID = dbPoll(qh, -1) if numRows > 0 then exports.fuel_notifications:addNotification(player, "succes", "Ai scos la vânzare benzinăria cu succes!") local gasStationID = tostring(gasStation.status.id) local gasStation = gas_stations[gasStationID] gasStation.status.price = tonumber(price) triggerClientEvent("gas:fetchOneGasStation", root, gasStation.status.id, gasStation) end dbFree(qh) end, {client, gasStation}, db, "UPDATE `gas_stations` SET `price`=? WHERE `id`=?", tonumber(price), tonumber(gasStation.status.id)) end) addEvent("gas:updateGasStationStock", true) addEventHandler("gas:updateGasStationStock", root, function(gasStationID, stockAmount, orderID) local newStock = gas_stations[tostring(gasStationID)].status.stock + tonumber(stockAmount) dbQuery(function(qh, player, newStock, gasStationID) local result, numRows, lastID = dbPoll(qh, -1) if numRows > 0 then local gasStation = gas_stations[tostring(gasStationID)] gasStation.status.stock = tonumber(newStock) triggerClientEvent("gas:fetchOneGasStation", root, gasStation.status.id, gasStation) end dbFree(qh) end, {client, newStock, gasStationID}, db, "UPDATE `gas_stations` SET `stock`=? WHERE `id`=?", tonumber(newStock), tonumber(gasStationID)) end) addEvent("gas:buyStock", true) addEventHandler("gas:buyStock", root, function(gasStation, stock) exports.fuel_notifications:addNotification(client, "succes", "Ai dat comandă de combustibil cu succes!") --reloadOneGasStation(tonumber(gasStation.status.id)) exports.global:takeMoney(client, stock * 4) dbQuery(function(qh) dbFree(qh) end, {}, db, "INSERT INTO `stock_orders` (`biz_id`, `biz_type`, `stock_amount`, `x`, `y`, `z`, `trailer`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", tonumber(gasStation.status.id), 1, tonumber(stock), gasStation.pos.x, gasStation.pos.y, gasStation.pos.z, 584) triggerClientEvent("gas:fetchOneGasStation", root, gasStation.status.id, gasStation) end) --fetch benzinarii addEvent("gas:fetchGasStations", true) addEventHandler("gas:fetchGasStations", root, function(temp_table) gas_stations = temp_table end) --opreste jucatorul din a lua pickup-ul lol function serverPickupHit(matchingDimension) for _, pickup in pairs(gas_stations) do if pickup.pickup == source then cancelEvent() break end end end addEventHandler("onPickupHit", root, serverPickupHit) --refillgs function pedWillFillFuelCan(thePlayer, command) if not (thePlayer and isElement(thePlayer)) then return end local gasStation = nil for _, gs in pairs(gas_stations) do if isElementWithinColShape(thePlayer, gs.colshape) then gasStation = gs break end end if not gasStation then return exports.fuel_notifications:addNotification(thePlayer, "error", "Nu te aflii intr-o benzinarie!") end local hasItem, itemSlot, itemValue, itemUniqueID = exports.global:hasItem(thePlayer, 57) if not (hasItem) then exports.fuel_notifications:addNotification(thePlayer, "error", "Nu ai o canistra la tine.") return end if itemValue >= 10 then exports.fuel_notifications:addNotification(thePlayer, "error", "Este deja plina.") return end local theLitres = 10 - itemValue local fuelCost = math.floor(theLitres * tonumber(gasStation.status.fuelPrice)) local money = exports.global:getMoney(thePlayer) if tonumber(money) == 0 then exports.fuel_notifications:addNotification(thePlayer, "error", "Nu ai destui bani la tine.") return else if not exports.global:takeMoney(thePlayer, fuelCost) then exports.fuel_notifications:addNotification(thePlayer, "error", "Nu ai destui bani la tine - " .. fuelCost .. "$!") return end end if not (exports['item-system']:updateItemValue(thePlayer, itemSlot, itemValue + theLitres)) then exports.fuel_notifications:addNotification(thePlayer, "error", "Ups.. ceva nu a mers bine.") return end local info = { {"Gas Station Receipt"}, {""}, {" " .. math.ceil(theLitres) .. " Litrii de combustibil - " .. fuelCost .. "$"}, } triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, "hudOverlay:drawOverlayTopRight", thePlayer, info ) end addCommandHandler("refillgs", pedWillFillFuelCan)
  6. Ionel

    Ajutor MTA

    I know, but there are several variants with the value, for example from account to character
  7. Ionel

    Ajutor MTA

    MYSQL ERROR 1364: Field 'id' doesn't have a default value ?
  8. mysql/connection.lua:174: Bad usage @ 'dbConnect' [Access denied for user 'u2951_OMFcNk13wb'@'' (using password: YES)] How can I solve this problem?
  9. [20:09:22] INFO: MYSQL ERROR 1364: Field 'log_id' doesn't have a default value
  10. [21:44:49] INFO: [MYSQL] Closed connection to MySQL database. [21:44:49] INFO: [MYSQL] Opening connection to MySQL database.. [21:44:491 INFO: [MYSOLJ Connection to the MySOL database was successfully established! [21:44:49] INFO: N/A 21:44:491 INFO: MYSOL ERROR 2006: MySOL server has gone away if there are players on it it works perfectly but after there is no one there it doesn't appear! and you have to restart mysql
  11. Pai si dupa ce trebuie sa ma uit,cred ca este owl gamemode
  12. Nu am un gamemode anume,am un gamemode care la am luat cu ceva timp in urma,si acum mi am facut timp pentru el,si vreau sa fie super ok fara comenzi...,si cred ca are comenzi ascunse de asta intreb...
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