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Everything posted by Vinyard

  1. Hi, welcome to the forums! I've moved your thread to the Polish section so you can get responses in your native language. Make sure you always posts in English when outside this language-specific section. I'd also advise you to provide more info on what you're looking for, since what you've written is pretty general.
  2. Hi, There has been an announcement regarding this since December 2020, here it is:
  3. Hi, welcome to the forums. Not sure if you figured this out since it's been a little while, but the resource you're trying to work with uses compiled code. I would advise staying away from such resources as you can't control, check or modify the source code, which makes the resource impractical and risky to use. I'm sure there are plenty other solutions for a phone-system on the community page. Try some of those and if you still have troubles setting them up/creating one yourself, you can always create a topic in the scripting section here: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/71-scripting/
  4. Vinyard


    Hi, welcome to the forums @natalie333 I've moved your thread to the Spanish section so you can get better help in your native language. Please be advised that oustide this section, you must use English when posting. @bellaco_rd please create your own topic in this section if you'd like to get help for your issues
  5. Hi, welcome to the forums. Does this behaviour happen on a certain server or any server you're joining? Also, please download and run MTADiag and follow the instructions so that someone with more expertise may take a better look at your situation.
  6. Hi, Please create a new ban appeal providing you serial as well. Without it, the anticheat team can't investigate your case. To obtain your serial, launch MTA, open up the console (F8 key by default) then type 'serial' without any quotes.
  7. Hi, welcome to the forums! I've moved your thread to the Portuguese section so you can get better assistance in your native language. Make sure to always use English when posting outside this section. It would help if you could provide additional information about your issue such as: does this happen on a specific server or any server you're joining; actions you've already taken to fix the problem;
  8. Păcat! Ar fi fost ceva mai diferit în comunitatea românească, însă e de înțeles. Ai de gând să te orientezi spre alte proiecte, care eventual să solicite mai puțin efort?
  9. Hi, welcome to the forums. Please create a new topic in the ban appeals section here: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/180-ban-appeals/. Make sure to include your serial. You can do it by launching MTA, opening the console (F8 by default) and typing 'serial' without any quotes. I'll move this thread to the ban appeals section for the sake of being in the right spot, but again, do create a new topic for the ban.
  10. Hi, welcome to the forums. Please create a new topic in the ban appeals section here: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/180-ban-appeals/. Make sure to include your serial and any other relevant data about the situation you believe might be useful for the anticheat team when they investigate your situation. You can obtain your serial by launching MTA, opening the console (F8 by default) and typing 'serial' without any quotes. I'll move this thread to the ban appeals section for the sake of being in the right spot, but again, do create a new topic for the ban.
  11. Vinyard


    At this time I believe you should download and run MTADiag and follow the instructions provided there so someone with more expertise can take a look at your situation.
  12. Hi, welcome to the forums, I've moved your thread to the Portuguese section so you can get better assistance in your native language. I believe it would help if you'd attach a screenshot/video and also if you'd specify what resources you're using and/or post the script code.
  13. Check Tut's post from above, it's basically the answer to what you're asking right now.
  14. If you're encountering CD46, that means you're getting kicked by the game. You should remove any traces of a trainer, then try joining again. If you're encountering CD47, then please let me know and I'll move this to the ban appeals sections as it's a totally different situation.
  15. Then I can only recommend you to download and run MTADiag and follow the instructions from there so someone with more expertise can take a look at your situation.
  16. Hi, is this problem still occuring to you?
  17. Error CD47 is ban-related. Please create a ban appeal here: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/180-ban-appeals/ Make sure to provide your serial (you can get by launching MTA, opening up console using the F8 key and then typing 'serial' without any quotes) and also any information you believe might help the anticheat team investigate your situation better.
  18. Moved to the Portuguese section. Please see the advice above.
  19. Hi, welcome to the forums! I've moved your thread to the Spanish section. Make sure you always post in this section when using your native language, as the other sections are English only. You can find such resources/scripts for bank robbery on our community: https://community.multitheftauto.com/
  20. Hi, It looks like you forgot to include your serial. This is needed so that the anticheat team can investigate your particular case. You can grab your serial by launching MTA, opening up the console (F8 key by default) and then typing 'serial' without any quotes. Please create a new appeal in which you also include your serial.
  21. Hi, welcome to the forums! I've moved your thread to the Portuguese section as it's better suited. The problem is that you're pointing your MTA installation to the folder of Vice City, while MTA needs your San Andreas installation folder. If you don't have GTA San Andreas, you can obtain a copy from the sources mentioned here: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Where_to_buy_GTASA
  22. Hi, As stated by @Tut in your previous ban appeal The ban ends in May 13 @ 07:29 Please be patient for that time to come and don't create any other threads on this subject in this section, as this is not the right place to post such matters. I'll move your thread to the ban appeals section for the sake of being it where it's suppose to be.
  23. Hi, It looks like you forgot to include your serial. This is needed so that the anticheat team can investigate your particular case. You can grab your serial by launching MTA, opening up the console (F8 key by default) and then typing 'serial' without any quotes. Please create a new appeal in which you also include your serial.
  24. Alright, I'll move your thread to the ban appeals sections. From there, the anticheat team will investigate your situation and come up with an answer.
  25. Please post your serial so that the anticheat team can take a look at your situation. To get your IP, launch MTA, open the console (F8 by default) then type 'serial' without any quotes.
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