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Everything posted by Vinyard

  1. Hi, welcome to the forums. There are a couple of problems that I've seen from your MTADiag link, most notable the fact that there are some non-standard GTA files in your installation. Please perform a clean install of your GTA:SA game. Make sure you use a legitimate copy of it. You can find ways of obtaining one here: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Where_to_buy_GTASA Your MTA installation has not been properly done. There are files missing and errors/exceptions being thrown. After reinstalling your game with a legitimate version, make sure to perform a clean install of your MTA as well. Last resort would be performing a clean reinstall of your operating system.
  2. Salut și bun venit pe comunitatea românească de Multi Theft Auto! Ți-am mutat postarea în secțiunea românească, asigură-te că folosești engleza când postezi oriunde altundeva pe forum! Din păcate, nu există planuri ca MTA să fie disponibil și pe Android.
  3. Hi, welcome to the forums. I've moved your thread to the client support as this is not something related to a server. Make sure the trainer you installed (the antivirus) is completely removed from your device. It's not uncommon that these kind of programs leave traces that might keep you getting kicked. Also, make sure that there are no other programs (trainers or as such) on your device (even if they are not MTA-related). Last resort would be to perform a clean install of your OS.
  4. Hi, I've moved your thread into the Portuguese scripting section so you can get better assistance in your native language. Make sure to always use English when posting outside this section!
  5. Locking this based on inactivity. OP if you're still facing issues and would like this to be unlocked, please let me know.
  6. Hi, welcome to the forums! Please create your own topic if you're seeking scripting-related help. Make sure to follow the rules and avoid bumping very old threads such as this one (it's 9 years old!) in the future! Locking this to avoid other bumps.
  7. Hi, welcome to the forums! I've moved your thread into the Portuguese section so you can get better help in your native language. Please make sure to always use English when posting outside this section!
  8. Actualizare privind comunitatea Salutare tuturor! ? Tocmai ce am lansat versiunea beta pentru noul nostru User Control Panel! ? Acesta poate fi accesat prin următorul link: https://ucp.ls-rp.ro Autentificarea se realizează în baza contului de joc, motiv pentru care în prezent sunt accesibile numai paginile destinate vizitatorilor. Alte note importante: prospectăm o redeschidere pe platforma Multi Theft Auto în data de 20 august ora 20:00 - vă așteptăm în număr cât mai mare! ne dorim să întregim echipa administrativă, tocmai de aceea am deschis aplicațiile în acest sens: vezi aici. am devenit mult mai activi pe canalul de YouTube, unde încărcăm frecvent videoclipuri scurte cu sistemele de pe server: vezi aici. Dacă dorești să dai o mână de ajutor sau te consideri potrivit pentru oricare dintre echipele organizatorice, nu ezita să ne contactezi!
  9. Vinyard

    MTA RP

    Hi and welcome to the forums. This is a free of charge help section regarding server-related problems. Yours, as it seems, is rather a gamemode setup one. You should contact your hosting service to get the required database connection data and replace it into your scripts. I'll move this into the scripting section. Beware that if you're using a leaked gamemode we will not be able to provide help. If you're looking for paid help, you should post here seeking a scripter that will probably do all the heavy work for you: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/149-looking-for-staff/
  10. Vinyard

    plz help me

    Hi, welcome to the forums. You're already on it so there's no need to join anything. Please describe your issue in more detail as what you've provided is not exactly helpful.
  11. You're welcome, I'm glad you've found a solution! Have a nice day!
  12. Hi, MTADiags throws warnings about you having some non-standard GTA files. You're also getting some unhandled exceptions. They might be the cause of your problems, therefore please try: Updating your drivers to their latest version; Perform a clean reinstall of both GTA:SA and MTA - make sure the GTA:SA copy is unmodded and legitimate.
  13. Hi, MTADiag throws warnings about you having non-standard GTA files in your game installation folder. Try a clean game reinstall with an unmodded version of the game. Also, make sure to use a legitimate copy of the game.
  14. Locking this based on inactivity, OP if you're still facing this issue, let me know and I'll reopen this thread.
  15. I can't really say I'm an expert either, but improving your device specs will obviously have a positive overall impact on your performance. As I stated previously, this is not mandatory if the perfomance drop you experience happens only on one specific server - this has to do more with how that server is configured/optimized and how heavy-modded it is, rather your specs being the problem.
  16. Hi, welcome to the forums! Please be more specific to what problems you're actually facing when trying to setup that gamemode, since this is a scripting channel. If you'd like to recruit people to your project to help you out, please consider creating a topic at the Looking for staff section here: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/149-looking-for-staff/
  17. Hi, welcome to the forums! I've moved your thread to the Russian help section so you can get better assistance in your native language. Make sure to always use English when posting outside this section.
  18. It will help, but I can't guarantee it will fix your problems. I see you're also running an integrated graphics card, which also affects your overall performance. The thing is that your performance and overall setup specs go hand in hand with the server's you're playing. If you're playing on a server that has lots of mods, bad optimizations etc. you're more likely to experience problems since your device can't handle the heavy load. I would advise you to both seek servers that are lightweight in terms of modding and fine tune your game settings to 'low' wherever you're able, so you can have a better gaming experience until you upgrade your overall setup.
  19. Hi, I can assure you this is not the cause of your problems. Please download and run MTADiag and follow the instructions. Post any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you.
  20. Your setup is quite low-end, are you experiencing this FPS reduction on every server or only on one specific server?
  21. Hi, welcome to the forums! I've moved your thread to the Portuguese scripting section so you can get better assistance in your native language. Please make sure to always use English when posting outside this section!
  22. Moving this to the Turkish section so you can get better assistance in your native language.
  23. Moving this into the client-related support. Please download and run MTADiag and follow the instructions. Post any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you
  24. Moving this to the Scripting section. At a first glance, after setting the "onMarketHit" event, you forgot to declare a function for the code down below. So this: addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", playerMarker, handlePlayerMarker) local pX, pY, pZ = getElementPosition(player) local oX, oY, oZ = getElementPosition(safeDoors[2]) if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(pX, pY, pZ, oX, oY, oZ) <= 2 then if exports.fv_inventory:hasItem(player, 152, 1) then if getFactionMembers(53) == 0 then setPedAnimation(player, "BOMBER", "BOM_Plant_Loop", -1, true, false, false) exports.fv_inventory:takePlayerItem(player, 152, 1) exports.fv_inventory:givePlayerItem(player,207, 2, 0, 100, 0) triggerClientEvent(getElementsByType("player"), "triggerBankSound", player, "alarm2", {1143.9476318359, -1099.3721923828, 19.426834106445}) else outputChatBox(exports.fv_engine:getServerSyntax("Bank","red") .. "Error. Contact Brimo Devloper To Fix This" ,player,255,255,255,true); end else outputChatBox(exports.fv_engine:getServerSyntax("Bank","red") .. "Ma3andkch lou7 !" ,player,255,255,255,true); end end end end) Should be: addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", playerMarker, handlePlayerMarker) function someFunction() local pX, pY, pZ = getElementPosition(player) local oX, oY, oZ = getElementPosition(safeDoors[2]) if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(pX, pY, pZ, oX, oY, oZ) <= 2 then if exports.fv_inventory:hasItem(player, 152, 1) then if getFactionMembers(53) == 0 then setPedAnimation(player, "BOMBER", "BOM_Plant_Loop", -1, true, false, false) exports.fv_inventory:takePlayerItem(player, 152, 1) exports.fv_inventory:givePlayerItem(player,207, 2, 0, 100, 0) triggerClientEvent(getElementsByType("player"), "triggerBankSound", player, "alarm2", {1143.9476318359, -1099.3721923828, 19.426834106445}) else outputChatBox(exports.fv_engine:getServerSyntax("Bank","red") .. "Error. Contact Brimo Devloper To Fix This" ,player,255,255,255,true); end else outputChatBox(exports.fv_engine:getServerSyntax("Bank","red") .. "Ma3andkch lou7 !" ,player,255,255,255,true); end end end
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