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Found 24 results

  1. mta-add-models is a library/framework resource that I made: Its purpose is allowing you to add new peds(skins)/objects/vehicles to your server. All the new added models will be automatically synced with all players. The way to achieve this is by following the tutorial included in the project's documentation (see GitHub link below) The resource comes with test commands for you to experiment with the mods provided and see what's going on under the hood. You're meant to make your own implementations to use newmodels in your server's complex systems. GitHub Repo (Download): https://github.com/Fernando-A-Rocha/mta-add-models#readme (Documentation here) Community Page (Alternative Download): https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=18598 For support/questions please access my main thread: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/139644-rel-nandos-resources/ I hope you enjoy!
  2. Hello everyone! Back at you with another resource, this time called NandoCrypt! This tool lets you encrypt any files using a secret key (string) that is stored inside a script that it generates & compiles. You use the script it creates to decrypt the files in your own resource(s). It uses aes128 (Advanced Encryption Standard in CTR mode) with 16 characters long keys and IVs to decrypt. You can download the latest version & read the documentation @ GitHub Repository: https://github.com/Fernando-A-Rocha/mta-nandocrypt All the information you need is there ^^ Also available on MTA:SA Community: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=18672 (will try to update often) See nando_crypt-example resource in the repository for an example implementation (script that replaces vehicles using encrypted files). For support/questions please access my main thread: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/139644-rel-nandos-resources/ Let me know what you think and share with your friends PS. Thank you @Patrick for the help!
  3. Welcome! This is EXO DayZ! We are a small group of 3 people working on a "DayZ" gamemode in MTA SA. On our server you will be able to explore a huge detailed map with over 20.000 objects placed. "Final Map Trailer" Explore new Islands, caves, castles, military places, crashes, open interiors (Mad Dogg Villa, SFPD, LSPD, LVPD, Hospitals, Ammunations, Supermarktes, Shops etc.) We added the "Livonia underground bunker" into the Mount Chilliad. Also added the "Prison Island" connected to Los Santos. The "Zombotech Corporation" from San Fierro also got a big underground extension. (You will need a keycard to open the doors) The "Nuclear powerplant" in the swamp outside the normal world border. You can choose between 90 different weapons from classic weapons like M4A1 to AK5C or anti material rifles like KSVK. We also have a good amount of custom vehicles, zombie skins and backpacks not seen in MTA before. Besides normal zombies you will find mutants and strong zombies in swamps, caves or highloot places. We are also working on fleshpounds, tyrants and other bosses in the future. You will be able to put armor on your vehicles and glue on your car having "car wars". There will be player armor like vests, helmets and very rare heavy armors like bombsuits. You can personalize your character and add various accessoires. If you wanna play on our server u have to join our discord with over 400 member. To play on our server you will need to click the "allow connecting with discord rich presence" in the mta settings. Otherwise you will be automatically kicked. The server is still in a testing phase and not fully open. If you want to test the server as soon as possible write us on discord. To get connected with us you can follow us on instagram. Thank you for reading A few pictures. https://www.pic-upload.de/gal-1345108/lkq1m7/1.html
  4. Payment methods: Paypal / Payhip Price: 15$ Payhip: https://gtahero.com/b/SVRGy Any question contact me on Discord: https://discord.gg/zhGx6Z35Fj
  5. Pelo amor de Deus alguém me ajuda, eu estou tentando inserir uma modelagem que fiz no scketchup no editor de mapas, consegui a princípio, mas o mod não inicia pois dá esse erro no debug ( https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RA3G7Vf5wD8lWeUbvUqrsnr_yhXmVCTM/view?usp=sharing ) Assim está meu código: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kA5smwEpQDZYRTMThDx3NqU-HqabCICT/view?usp=sharing Não sei, literalmente, o que fazer
  6. Hey guys, I'm doing freelance on MTA. Prices are very cheap, I accept almost any pay method. Can do: Lua scripting, web development (React/Vue) + Backend (express.js), UI/UX design, simple low poly GTA SA style models, shaders Portfolio: https://imgur.com/a/39PFt56 (click see more) Shaders portfolio: I don't respond on forum, text me on discord borsuk#1102
  7. https://payhip.com/b/d4ZMU Discount -5$ until 05.03.2023 Any question contact me on Discord: TheDarkQ#1707
  8. https://payhip.com/b/riJmt Any question contact me on Discord: TheDarkQ#1707
  9. https://payhip.com/b/DJHOB Any question contact me on Discord: TheDarkQ#1707
  10. What is GizmoPack? it is a modular package of objects that extends the mapping capabilities of the MTA. Update List: List of films from updates and presentations: Download link: GizmoPack Latest version Authors: THEGizmo (Modeler, the main originator) i XeN (help with the project, editor of the texture editor)
  11. Hey everyone, I'm looking for a modeler and I'm willing to compensate for the service. I'm looking to have certain things done/modified on the Raindance such as: Adding seats into the interior Retexturing Making the sliding doors functional Feel free to pm me here, the sooner you reach out the better. Yours, Vseven
  12. Interior inspiration: GTA V LTD Gasoline Specification: ● Low Poly ✔ ● Full Lighting Day/Night ✔ ● Materials ✔ ● Optimization ✔ ● Lighting effects [Lamps] ✔ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The model consists of 5 elements Payment methods: Paypal / Payhip Price: 30$ Payhip: https://payhip.com/b/GAQ5 Any question contact me on Discord: TheDarkQ#1707
  13. Hi, I'll showcase in this post the custom maps & 3D models that are available on the San Andreas Roleplay server (you can find the link for + info in my signature). 1. New roads near Angel Pine Remodelled the mountain terrain near the Angel Pine junkyard adding a paved road and a dirt road next to it. Seamless textures. Fits the game's atmosphere. Perfect collisions. BEFORE: AFTER: 2. New Palomino wooden bridge Remodelled the Palomino terrain that includes: - a wooden bridge that has flawless collisions and perfect textures - fixed the famous collision bug on the red bridge next to it BEFORE: AFTER: More creative 3D models and other interesting maps will be added to this post in the future.
  14. Vendo modelos sacados del fortnite a 2.50$ aquí muestro algunos ejemplos de prueba, puedo sacar el modelo que ustedes quieran para su uso, skins, árboles, autos, muros, escaleras etc, solo lo unico que no se ofrece es riggear skins, más información contacten a https://www.facebook.com/angel.arango.1460693 si compran varios modelos les hagoda oferta para que no gasten tanto dinero o si quieren sacar de algun otro juego entonces contactenme y les ibformoy si es posible
  15. Ukrainian - Доброго дня. Я маю глобальну модифікацію для гри GTA San Andreas. Я хочу дати змогу гравцям, грати в неї одночасно, з усього світу, і для цього я вибрав клієнт МТА, тому що він найпродвинутіший, і має відкритий код. Я хотів би зробити один сервер для цієї модифікації, але, щоб на нього могли підключитися лише ті люди, які встановлять спеціальний клієнт. Я хотів запитати: 1. В якій папці, та в якому файлі, я можу змінити доступ клієнту? Та як саме? 2.В якій папці, та в якому файлі, я можу змінити список IDE та IPL файлів, які буде загружати клієнт при запуску? Тобто, я не можу встановити звичайний МТА клієнт на свою модифікацію, тому що вона повністю замінює стандарту карту, а як я зрозумів, то клієнт по стандарту загружає IDE та IPL файли від стандартної карти, і при спробі встановити клієнт на мою модифікацію, він мені повідомляє про помилку. 3.В якій папці, та в якому файлі, я можу змінити GUI меню клієнта, ESC екран завантаження, і так далі. Я хотів би зробити, щоб при старті мультиплеєру, гравця відправляло на меню з вибором одного з декількох серверів, а не в стандарте меню МТА. Хотілось би отримати повну інструкцію, що і де, потрібно заміняти, за раніше, дуже велике дякую! P.S Я не буду завантажувати всі файли карти через додавання посторонніх моделей на стандартний сервер МТА, тому що їх більше 50-и тисяч. Якщо ви трохи не зрозуміли, що я хочу зробити, то прикладом цього є такі проекти, як: RP BOX, та MTA Province! Russian - Добрый день. Я имею глобальную модификацию для игры GTA San Andreas. Я хочу дать возможность игрокам, играть в неё одновременно со всех точек мира, и для этого я выбрал клиент МТА, по скольку он самый продвинутый, и имеет открытый исходный код. Я хотел бы сделать один сервер для этой модификации, но, что бы на него смогли подключаться только те люди, которые установят специальный клиент. Я хотел спросить: 1.В какой папке, в каком файле, я могу изменить доступ к клиенту? И как именно? 2. В какой папке, в каком файле, я могу изменить список IDE, и IPL файлов, которые будут загружены клиентом при запуске? То есть, я не могу установить обычный клиент МТА на свою модификацию, потому что она полностью изменяет стандартную карту, а как я понял, то клиент по стандарту загружает IDE и IPL файлы, от стандартной карты, и при попытке установить клиент на мою модификацию, он мне сообщает об ошибке. 3. В какой папке, в каком файле, я могу изменить GUI меню клиента, ESC экран, экран загрузки, и так дальше? Я хотел бы сделать, что бы при старте мультиплеера, игрока отправляло в меню с выбором, одного из некоторых серверов(В планах их несколько) а не в стандартное меню МТА. Хотелось бы получить полную инструкцию, что и где нужно заменять, заранее большое спасибо! P.S Я не буду загружать все файлы карты, через добавление посторонних моделей, на стандартный сервер МТА, потому, что их более 50-и тысяч! Если вы еще не совсем поняли, что я хочу сделать, то примером этого будут такие проекты, как: RP Box, и MTA Province! English - (Translate from Russian Language) Good afternoon. I have a global modification for the GTA San Andreas game. I want to give players the opportunity to play it simultaneously from all points of the world, and for this I chose the MTA client, because it is the most advanced, and has open source code. I would like to make one server for this modification, but that only those people who install a special client can connect to it. I wanted to ask: 1.In what folder, in which file, can I change access to the client? And how exactly? 2. In which folder, in which file, can I change the list of IDEs, and the IPL files that will be loaded by the client at startup? That is, I can not install the usual MTA client for my modification, because it completely changes the standard card, and as I understand it, the standard client downloads IDE and IPL files from the standard card, and when trying to install the client on my modification, he tells me about the error. 3. In which folder, in which file, can I change the GUI of the client menu, the ESC screen, the boot screen, and so on? I would like to do that, at the start of the multiplayer, the player would send to the menu with a choice, one of some servers (there are several of them in the plans) and not the standard menu of the MTA. I would like to receive a full instruction on what and where to replace, thank you in advance! P.S I will not upload all the map files, through the addition of extraneous models, to the standard AIT server, because there are more than 50,000 of them! If you still do not quite understand what I want to do, then an example of this will be such projects as: RP Box, and MTA Province!
  16. This forum section ("Modelling" subforum) is intended to discuss any GTA modelling-related subject, ranging from seeking advice/help from fellow modellers (like model troubleshooting or issues encountered while 3D modelling), sharing of knowledge, and casual discussion. To keep this section organized, please be so kind to follow these posting guidelines (tags in topic title): [QUESTION] How can I do/achieve something with modelling? Why does this happen? [ISSUE] / [BUG] Why do I experience this specific issue with my model? [BEGINNER] How do I create or start working on a model of this type/to fit these specific requirements? [KNOWLEDGEBASE] Topics with aggregated useful information, reversal, or known issues you've encountered and want to inform others about how to avoid. If something is a step-to-step guide aimed at completing one specific task, it should go into Modelling > Tutorials instead. Example types of 'modelling' work that can be discussed in this section: - DFF (3D) modelling - COL (collision) modelling - TXD (texture) & material stuff General forum rules also apply to this section, but aside that we would like to ask you to treat everyone with respect, regardless of their skill in modelling. If someone posts content or questions that you think are trivial or low quality, please remember that you have also been a novice modeller once. Real skill is gained over time, so everyone should have a chance to learn. If you are a more experienced modeller and put effort into helping others or even taught them how to model up from the beginning, you can have a potentially great impact on the individual's future as modeller as you are shaping their foundation. Your work will be appreciated, and others will be ready to help you out if you ever need it.
  17. I have just edited the house object from GTA SA in 3ds max. Everything was good untill the night came.. This is how my model looks like in the night: (Its brighter than normal objects outside blue cricle) And when we have the day it looks good: DFF file was exported by KAM's script. Anyone knows how to get rid of this problem?
  18. Hello, is there a way to turn off car models on a server? Because it causes much lag because of the models, maybe i can disable them somehow?
  19. Hello guys, I already searched on the internet, but I haven't found anything useful. I would like to allow custom gta3.img to my server (i changed the .txd file of a ped) but idk how to do that. In server.conf i can find: <!-- By default, the server will block the use of locally customized gta3.img player skins and vehicles This setting can be used to allow such mods. Not recommended for competitive servers. Values: none, peds, vehicles ; default value: none --> <allow_gta3_img_mods></allow_gta3_img_mods> I typed "peds" <!-- By default, the server will block the use of locally customized gta3.img player skins and vehicles This setting can be used to allow such mods. Not recommended for competitive servers. Values: none, peds, vehicles ; default value: none --> <allow_gta3_img_mods>peds</allow_gta3_img_mods> But it doesn't work... Can someone help me? Thanks PS I'm new here, idk if I should move this to another section
  20. Attention I have created this topic to tell you everyone that I am going to freelance in MTA:SA. As you don't know I am working with MTA:SA since 2013 and I have a lot of experience. If you are interested in any of MTA:SA (like DayZ) resouces, scripts or other things, just tell me what you want and I will sell it to you. Also I can teach you how to make some kind of scripts/resources/models/etc. by yourself, how to add it to the server. I can be your server scripter/mapper/hacker/etc., just hire me. Don't be shy You can contact me via e-mail ([email protected]) or skype (herokileris), or here in the forum (this topic or pm). For example, some of the scripts I have made and I can sell you: Vip - (in DayZ) gets more blood, restorations when eating, using medics, drinking... Also gets more stats after each spawning in the map. Animals in the map spawning and has an inventory in which they drop randomly Raw Meat after death. Respawn timer works perfectly. Zombies changed their status from walking or running, how they walk like randomly in the game, they scream, moan, bite your neck, infect you. Also I have a lot of DAYZ zombie models and sounds. Weapons system - each weapon has own model and shooting sound, inventory space slots, the name, the spawning chances, damage, ammo use, crosshire (including and snipers). Hold your breath system - when you aim, your crosshire moves, you can hold your breath and stop moving crosshire by holding a key like for example: for a 5 seconds. There are sounds added also for it. Sounds for you and others when you use medics, food, drinks, etc. like in the real life depending on the distance. Armour, hats, helmets, masks, caps and other clothing systems. MORE AND MORE. Group system. Scoreboard system. Give/Set items system. Map bugs fixer. Radiators, engines, tires, rotors, scrap metals, tank parts, etc. system for vehicles. AND MORE. I have all .lua files.
  21. So hello. I started up my new server on Dayz i have mod & register/login + admin panel and global chat. But i dont know where to find models for zombies (since i have normal skins from GTA:SA) and how to change them, can you link me and tell me where to replace it? please? :))) + if you can link me even for cars (and i need to spawn somehow cars, like so people can repair it there is no car) and some script for like when i have the name i want before name some title like [VIP]USERNAME + i need some instructions for it. THANKS.
  22. So hello. I started up my new server on Dayz i have mod & register/login + admin panel and global chat. But i dont know where to find models for zombies (since i have normal skins from GTA:SA) and how to change them, can you link me and tell me where to replace it? please? :))) + if you can link me even for cars and some script for like when i have the name i want before name some title like [VIP]USERNAME + i need some instructions for it. THANKS.
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