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Everything posted by Tut

  1. Good to hear you got the model ingame, locking this!
  2. Tut

    Collision Bugs

    When working with boolean operations, scroll down to the bottom of the modifier and choose to delete edges but keep planar faces. Otherwise follow step 6 from Patrick's post as this also gets rid of zero-face edges.
  3. Thank you - I have inspected the DFF and I can tell it's far too high in scale and detail - objects can only be 512 on each axis so within a 512x512x512 cube. It looks like you might have been working in different units than Meters which is the SA equivalent units. As far as I'm aware collision models can only be 65k triangles/32k vertices and DFF shouldn't go past that either. If not possible to optimize this mesh, I would cut it into several separate models and load them separately. The DFF is also glitched as far as I can tell, I'm not sure what may have caused this.
  4. Hi Bihandu, this is not an issue we're able to help you with - for server bans please appeal them directly with the server's staff team!
  5. Hi Steve, when exporting from 3ds Max could you please use either of the two exporters: https://gtaforums.com/topic/838479-dff-importer-and-exporter-for-3ds-max/ https://www.gtagarage.com/mods/show.php?id=9172 I do not recommend using Goldfish's version of Kam's scripts as DFF's exported can be a bit buggy. When exporting the model, toggle off normals and toggle on vertex colors. If all fails could you please zip up DFF and FBX and upload to https://upload.mtasa.com/
  6. Marked post as solution and closed thread as it's quite old now.
  7. I'm glad you found the problem, closing this!
  8. @Shallow please do not hijack others threads
  9. This forum is to receive help making a script, not to have it made for you. Please take on the feedback that you were given above!
  10. Please continue to use your existing thread here
  11. It's an issue with alpha rendering, try replacing ID 16754 for the glass part. This ID has obj flag 68 which renders alpha correctly. You can get a full list of flag 68 objects here
  12. As this is advertising a server it's been moved into a more appropriate section.
  13. Hello. As this is not a Global ban from MTA, but rather a Server ban, you will have to appeal it with that particular server. I'm afraid this is not an issue we are able to assist you with.
  14. Hello @Cooperdown I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing issues with the game. Unfortunately we're unable to provide support for non-MTA related games and mods. Instead, I suggest you reach the developer in GTAforums to get the help you need!
  15. Tut

    Reflection Object MTA:SA

    I believe this needs IPL or IDE implementation before you can natively add mirrors/reflections as these are added through cullzones in GTA. In our Discord server @Sarrum said you just need to find an interior that has a reflection, then map your object and give it slight transparency and it should reflect as intended. Maybe he can give further insight into this as I might've missed something!
  16. I've moved the thread into a better section for you
  17. Tut

    Help Me

    It's currently not possible to replace clothes .dff files. You can load them through your local files player.img though. If they cause crashes, it will be an issue with the .dff or .txd file. If you need help with local modding, you can try asking here: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/177-modelling/
  18. I've moved your thread into a better section
  19. Thread's moved into a better section for you!
  20. Closing this as its contents were edited out.
  21. Thanks for the update @The_GTA. I've applied some glue to your post so everyone reading this thread is aware.
  22. Closing thread as it's not in English, please feel free to recreate it in the Portuguese sections: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/97-portuguese-português/
  23. Tut

    resource test

    As all contents of the thread is edited out, I've gone ahead and applied a padlock!
  24. Moving this thread into a better section @Silverlive
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