Greetings to all, dear sirs. We present to you our National project with its national game mode. Here you can be the president of your nation, speak the language of your nation. Every corner of the map is a village, city, and the whole country. You can capture other cities or villages of countries, but not capital cities. In the gang system, if you are the head of a gang, then you are the president, the rest who join you are assistants or deputies of the president.
The server currently has basic functions and systems. Car system, businesses, license plates, tinting, tuning, banking, buying clothes and weapons, gang system and so on. We are waiting for you on our project. We will be glad to every person who joins us on the server and goes to our project. Thank you for the attention.
The project also needs lua, c ++, c # programmers. We will be glad to all people who want to help.
Our group on the VK social network:
Our site, so far without a domain: