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Everything posted by orappa

  1. I'm confident that MTA 1.0 will compare favourably with any professional offering.
  2. Thanks, trx. They were cool. Yeah, I didn't understand that either. Also, it looked quite cinematic. Is it possible to change camera angles and suchlike?
  3. Will you go back to the old MultiTheftAuto.com domain after 0.4 is released?
  4. hmm... good idea but will it count as a kill? If not it will still be a sneaky way to stay alive and teleport after a respawn out of danger Also along the same line whenever I "pause" (only when my game alt tabbs automatically, I never pause on purpose) my game desyncs so I couldn't pause for advantage if I wanted to so this might be a good idea. Edited by MrBump: Sorry Kungfu but what you typed after the above may give people the idea to do it, especially if they didnt know about it previously Can't the pause key just be disabled?
  5. I think you forgot to add the link. I second DeathB in saying "Nice work".
  6. orappa

    What we do

    Never going to happen, unfortunately.
  7. orappa

    GTA3:MTA Poll

    Yeah, it's a pity that you can't change your vote. I voted for Option 1 and then read some of the comments and actually realised that Option 2 would be "truer" GTA.
  8. orappa

    What we do

    A lot of people (generally n00bs) don't understand the difficulties involved in creating something MTA. The hackers don't understand it either, because when you make a trainer or a virus, you don't need to worry about stuff like memory usage, ease of use, interface etc. I'd agree with you Kent - it'd be really confusing if you added loads of stuff and then had to spend ages trying to work out which new bit was causing the error. Also, it's better to add features gradually - get one feature perfect before moving onto the next. It's a lot better than adding loads of stuff that doesn't quite work yet.
  9. You could get an ATI 9500 and softmod it to a 9800, thus saving a lot of money.
  10. Sorry, I posted that ages ago before the apology.
  11. Why not a GF 4 / FX?
  12. orappa

    GTA3:MTA Poll

    Hmmm... most people have voted for Option 1, but most people who commented say they're all for Option 2.
  13. Don't play it then. Plain and simple. No-one forced you to play it, and you didn't pay for it, so what right do you have to flame it? Also, you have to bear in mind that it is a beta. This means that it is unfinished and likely to have bugs. I'm sure it probably says something about that in the manual.
  14. I didn't say everyone - just some people.
  15. orappa


    Some people are assigned a different IP when they connect to their ISP, so admins often block the whole range of IPs that that ISP has been assigned, e.g. up to, for example.
  16. It doesn't say whether it is paid for or not. I can imagine it would be very expensive with the amount of hits MTAVC.com now gets.
  17. I think that MTA gets the webserver free, hence the ads at the top of the page.
  18. Some people have had problems getting MTA to work with no-cd cracks and suchlike, forcing them to buy the game properly. I have to hand it to you - it's a brilliant way of combating piracy.
  19. Yep, there's a game mode like that on Tribes 2 - quite fun. The trouble is that 99.9% of people play CTF only, so no-one notices the smaller, sometimes more fun, modes.
  20. The great thing is that all of the -1's will go in the future.
  21. Are you planning to sync these anyway? We may me able to sync weather, but traffic lights i'm unsure of. Traffic lights probably wouldn't be worth it anyway.
  22. orappa

    i hate the water

    Yeah, some lamer would nick cars and drive them into the sea until there are none left, just to spoil everyone's fun.
  23. Are you planning to sync these anyway?
  24. Yep, couldn't agree more. They also seem more responsible. They take a cautious approach when releasing information and whilst MTA has bugs, they are nothing compared to those of GTAT.
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