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Everything posted by orappa

  1. Yep, me too. I didn't enjoy VC as much as GTA 3 for that reason.
  2. Not necessarily. Most people will develop them for their own use. And trainers will only be added to the list if enough people use them for the admins / devs to notice.
  3. What do you mean by "real police"?
  4. The second option would be better, but even then, filenames and window captions can be changed.
  5. It doesn't matter whether you bought it or not, just as long as you have genuine CDs for it. Sorry, not allowed by forum rules.
  6. I suppose we can't really slate MTA until it reaches 1.0.
  7. I'd be a very rich man if I recieved money every time someone requested boats... The team have said that they will include boats sometime, maybe not the next release, but a release. Regarding the amount of cars, that is limited by the VC engine.
  8. It's not that I want MTA to die, it's just that MTA is limited by the fact that they are essentially hacking the game. An official one would be better in this respect, as it would not be as limited. Not that I'm flaming MTA - they've taken full advantage of the limitations.
  9. I suppose we should be grudgingly grateful for that. It gives them time to eradicate bugs and gauge players' reactions to the game in order to deliver and much better and more polished version for PC (hopefully with multiplayer).
  10. That's what I'm really looking forward to, as it's top-notch gameplay-wise already.
  11. MTA has only been out for a year, and it's already spawned 3 versions for GTA and 3 for VC. This proves that the team can work quickly, and I'm sure that they'd release another server patch if this problem got worse.
  12. Here's a list: http://vc.gta3r.com/?weapons
  13. Actually, it might help if you put the names of the weapons rather than (or indeed in addition to) the numbers.
  14. Yep, I second that. Great work, eAi
  15. So how come people don't get automatically kicked when they cheat and use the minigun?
  16. I'm pretty confident that simple cheats / hacks like flooding will be abolished in 0.4
  17. Lol, it would cost you a fortune in underwear
  18. The web's such a big place that you know there's a 99.9% chance that's a real site.
  19. Is that a guaranteed feature (not necessarily in the next version, but a version)? Also, I've seen lots of suggestions in the forum that have a mixed reaction, much like this one. I think all of them should be made into server options, to have a wide diversity between games on different servers, and also to appeal to those who requested such features.
  20. Actually, until you mentioned it, I doubt anyone would have noticed that you'd nicked them.
  21. Yeah, I can't imagine them sueing you for it. (Actually, I can, but I can't see the point in doing so).
  22. But who is the owner - MTA or PHPBB?
  23. As long as the game doesn't need to access data from the disc during gameplay (and CD audio doesn't really matter), I just swap the discs between machines when necessary.
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