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Everything posted by orappa

  1. Can't wait It's just that some other games offer a choice of day or night, and darkness adds gameplay changes. However, since you put it like that, GTA is a realism game so a full synched day / night cycle will be great.
  2. I don't think it's overboard. Maybe not a high-priority suggestion, but one which could easily be implemented. Also, night time is a feature of GTA: VC, whereas tornados etc. are not.
  3. Yep, you can't beat being in the same room.
  4. The development team probably have an internal list which says what needs to be done.
  5. The search function's better than in a lot of forums. You can select to only display topics rather than individual posts and you can choose the number of preview characters to return. If you select 0, it'll only display the titles.
  6. He's not necessarily talking about using it in conjunction with MTA.
  7. Yep, I like that idea. Should add variety to the game and shouldn't be too hard to implement.
  8. I used to have an old MS Intellimouse Explorer with a wheel that clicked. So one click = one weapon change. This broke however (it's made by MS of course), and so I upgraded to the new Intellimouse Explorer. This one has a smooth scrolling wheel which makes it great for stuff like Internet Explorer, but I tend to scroll 2 weapons at a time because I can't tell how much or how little to scroll it.
  9. What about PunkBuster support? Or does that cost a lot? MTA unfortunately doesn't have the authority to do that. You should leave those servers for the cheaters and play on fair ones.
  10. It's because it really pisses everyone else off. They can't play, so they ruin everyone else's fun.
  11. Yep, most of them are: http://www.phpbb.com/phpBB/catdb.php?cat=22
  12. They actually come with PHPBB, but an extra link wouldn't go amiss.
  13. I think you should see this before you think that flooding has stopped: http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=6894 It would appear that the cheaters are quite resourceful.
  14. But could it be included in MTA?
  15. Yep, it does. There are loads of missions on the second island involving boats.
  16. He said it was a virus, but I still can't see how any software, malicious or not, could blow up a computer.
  17. Also, now I come to think of it, it might stop lots of problems with n00bs not selecting the correct version or pressing the wrong button, or even not knowing which button to press.
  18. Seems a pretty good idea. However, you have to select the version of GTA / VC in the box, otherwise it doesn't work properly. It would be good if MTA had a version detection mechanism, coupled with extra command-line arguments so that the game could be launched with one click.
  19. Ah yeah, but if you consider the recent lawsuit between Rockstar and the Hiatians, people think that we can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality. They think that if we play GTA or MTA, we're going to start shooting up people in the street and running them over and stuff. I think that someone who can't tell the difference between real things and simulated things shouldn't even be allowed to go to sleep, let alone play videogames.
  20. Yep, Tribes 2 has a mode exactly like that. Not much fun though. Well, it's ok, I suppose.
  21. Ah, I can't. I'm on my other PC because my hard disk burnt out on my main PC, and this one doesn't have XP / 2000, and so can't run MTA (not that it'd be fast enough to run it anyway).
  22. That's weird. I would have thought that the second one would have taken longer, as it would have had to find out the IP from the DNS name. What it does is flick from DNS server to DNS server until it finds the one containing the information, so technically that should take longer.
  23. Yeah, it was almost impossible to phrase that sentence without some kind of misunderstanding
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