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Everything posted by orappa

  1. I installed it on a PC with loads of apps with no problems at all. I also installed it on 2 other PCs with no problems either. Also, what is the point in having an option of "No" and an option of "I think not"? Surely they're exactly the same?
  2. Just change the game type to GTA3 in the mtaserver.conf file.
  3. It's probably easier to make you invulnerable until you hit the ground. I'm not sure how falling speed could be reduced without adjusting gravity, which would affect everyone else.
  4. orappa

    Forum Upgrades

    The upgrades are great, but I've noticed that the forum's a lot slower. Is that because of the mods or just coincidence?
  5. Yeah, but in MTA Blue you could code it to detect that and respawn you, most likely.
  6. Sorry to bump this, but Fragland has some footage of Scarface in action: http://www.fragland.net/index.php?page= ... s&did=1651 It's interesting to note that it looks exactly like Vice City, although you do have the advantage of being able to do 360 degree drivebys.
  7. orappa

    MTA Error Report Tool

    But wasn't it anonymous unless the person specifically chose to include their name in the optional Name field?
  8. orappa

    MTA Error Report Tool

    Why does it matter? Most of your reports were probably exactly the same.
  9. I think Quake 3 has custom skins. I remember because I had to spend ages downloading one before I could even join a server. That's what I hate about Quake 3 - it's very difficult to find a server that you can just play on without having to download loads of stuff (slowly). It's not nice for those of us who only want a quick 20 minute blast. Client-side custom skins would be ok though.
  10. If your system's fine, then SP2 will be fine. I know that some people had problems with SP2 because they had spyware on their system beforehand, so you could try cleaning it up and then installing SP2.
  11. It's not to prevent you from spawning too fast. It's to stop you moving before everything's completely loaded, which caused loads of people to crash. They said themselves that it was only a quick-fix.
  12. Well... there are fewer GTA3 servers and fewer players at any one time, but you can get a good game if you know which time to log on. But GTA3's gameplay has had less of a chance to evolve than VC's. Although there have been 3 previous releases for each, the GTA3 releases were more about overcoming technical difficulties than expanding on gameplay. The character classes and synced skins in the new version look very promising, and are a positive step forward.
  13. orappa

    MTA Error Report Tool

    That's a pity. The freezes are worse than the crashes in my opinion, but at least they're rarer than crashes.
  14. then there is the cost It's cheap to produce the chips, and because it's wireless, there are fewer sunk costs (i.e. the costs of laying and maintaining the cables), encouraging more businesses to branch out into that area, which means lower prices for consumers.
  15. Just seen a cheater in the GTA3 Partyserver. His name was <(x-x)> (I don't know his IP though). He was witnessed speed hacking by several people, including me. He drove off at normal speed away from me, then accelerated super-fast. I also saw him dropping from the sky onto the road - I don't know if he was flying the truck or not though. He even admitted it (why is there always some moron who encourages the cheater?): I left the server shortly afterwards.
  16. orappa

    MTA Error Report Tool

    Well, after seeing those stats, eAi, I decided to play a bit of GTA3 to even up the ratio somewhat. It crashed once and I submitted comments as per usual, no problems there. The next time it crashed, it just froze and there was nothing I could do about it. Is there a way for the utility to detect freezes? Or if not, perhaps a button that you can click manually to get the info and then submit a report manually?
  17. isnt ctf.......this? No, he meant he hates it when people say obvious stuff like CTF and Team Deathmatch. Modes based on this but not identical (i.e. where the person has actually given it some thought) are ok, such as Counter Theft Auto.
  18. it does have....doesnt it? No, they removed it in 0.4.1 because it caused a lot of the crashes.
  19. Well, over here we always have a minute's silence on the 11th of November at 11:00 to commemorate the end of World War 1, but to be honest, no one really thinks about it much after the minute has passed.
  20. I did just now, to see if it had been posted before, and it came up with 58 pages of results
  21. I think it would probably be better in the Future Game Mode Suggestions thread in the MTA Blue category, but oh well. It would definitely be possible with Blue.
  22. These are the problems that I see: 1. The colours you chose are awful. That's what bothers me most. 2. It's way too... textured. You really need to apply a smoothing/blurring filter to it, especially on the first one. 3. I think it would look a whole lot better if the number plate and headlights were of a higher res. 4. That diamond thing in the middle is too big and looks unrealistic because it's just one colour. 5. The second one is too dark. It's so dark that the it looks like the tyres are part of the main body of the car, which looks weird.
  23. He didn't specifically mention deathmatch - he just said "in the next instalment".
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