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Everything posted by orappa

  1. I use IE, but I thought I'd try out Firefox to see what the fuss was about. I still haven't found out. I found it slower than IE, I never used tabbed browsing and using my scroll wheel caused it to "jump" down the page rather than smoothly scrolling (a minor point, I know, but it's what I'm used to). Feature-wise, it was very similar to IE, with the exception of "revolutionary" tabbed browsing which I never used. I don't know where you guys get spyware and browser hijacks from, as I've only ever got tracking cookies. I've also never had a virus. It all depends on what kind of sites you visit, hence IE is secure for my usage.
  2. If people know nothing about GTA:C, shouldn't you be telling them about it? I've never had a problem with MTA, so I've never gone searching for alternatives (and hence never visited your site, but it appears to be down at the moment anyway). I find it strange that in a thread dedicated to GTA:C, very little has actually been said about it.
  3. Isn't it supposed to not be read only? (that goes for all files really)
  4. I think that's what they're doing. They're also using a new method of reading/writing gamedata which smooths things as well.
  5. I don't really care about synced radio stations, but syncing passengers' radio stations to the driver's would be good. All I really want is for the radio to start at a random point each time.
  6. orappa

    MSN 7

    exactly, the winks and budge will be gone in the final. No, they said they would be in the final version, but not in the next beta version due to a potential exploit.
  7. The latest version is 0.4.1. It's simply a matter of ticking the box marked "0.4.1" in ASE.
  8. It wasn't that I misread the question - I didn't actually understand it. "Source to mod" is incredibly vague.
  9. I agree. I now use MP3s with MTA because I'm bored of hearing the beginning of the radio stations every time I play.
  10. orappa

    gta 5

    But what is implied and what is actually true are two totally different things.
  11. In fact, seeing as you're having difficulty with your LAN IPs, you could use ASE to search for LAN servers. Just go to Tools > Find LAN servers. To play on the machine that is running the server, type localhost in the IP box.
  12. To cut a long story short, MTA does not work on German versions because they have been censored and the .exe has been modified.
  13. I think it should pop up but not make it compulsory to download the skins. I hate it when you have to spend ages downloading 3MB of stuff (slowly, might I add) from the server before actually joining the game.
  14. Smithers eh? Why did he post under a pseudonym?
  15. Do you mean like Half-Life, where they released the source code so that people could mod every aspect of the game for total conversions? MTA is not planned for an open source release.
  16. No, they could stream it a la internet radio (wasn't there a mod that did something like that with a dummy MP3?), but whether that is actually legal is another matter.
  17. http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?p=133830#133830
  18. I think there's a rule against having 2 accounts. Nosgoth was made a forum idiot for a couple of hours accidentally, but given your previous posts I can safely say that yours was no accident. Maybe if you start making some worthwhile posts they will change their minds.
  19. orappa

    gta 5

    That's because it was an expansion pack and not a sequel. Also, evidently "most gaming places" have got it wrong. It doesn't say that on the box.
  20. What about GTA3? That doesn't have synced weather.
  21. Why would they say it if it wasn't?
  22. orappa


    Blue allows modding.
  23. orappa

    MSN 7

    This is why: http://www.infoworld.com/article/04/10/ ... eta_1.html
  24. I've only ever seen it in other games when someone uses voice chat or built-in commands - not when they're using the chatbox.
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