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Everything posted by orappa

  1. Yeah, but you still get 56k-ers and people who play MTA and run Kazaa at the same time.
  2. orappa

    GTA 3 Stunts

    GTA3 doesn't have stunt mode.
  3. What about lag? If someone suddenly jumps forward, you'd probably end up in the water.
  4. Do people still need to be invited in order to join? I would have thought it would be out of beta stage by now.
  5. Nah, MTA is copyrighted by the MTA team, and Vice City is a trademark of Take 2.
  6. I think you could probably overlay a car, but I have no idea how you'd make it interact with the game, so it's probably not possible. If it is even possible, it would take a heck of a lot of coding.
  7. Yeah, you've got a point. It all depends on how much time and effort such an implementation would take. It wouldn't be prudent to spend a great deal of time on it when that time could be better spent on features that would benefit the majority.
  8. I don't see that the fact that they use Linux has any relation to whether they will ask "n00b questions" or not. Also, you knowing "a lot" of Linux UT2004 players doesn't represent a majority, and because there are vastly more Windows users (and hence more UT2004 users), there are likely to be more "professional" UT2004 Windows players (whatever that means).
  9. But is it worth the effort for such a small userbase?
  10. What is wrong with the PC version of Vice City? Oh, let me guess: the control system. Buy a control pad then.
  11. Not really breaking news, as we all expected it to be released on PC anyway, but Take 2's financial report has confirmed that a PC version of San Andreas will be shipped in the 3rd quarter of 2005: http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/040909/95702_1.html Also, the release date of the PS2 version has been changed from the 19th to the 26th of October in the US and the 29th in Europe.
  12. They're no longer using the SCM, so theoretically they could have more, but Kent said that the engine itself has physical limits (there'd probably be a disco sky effect or similar like in GTA3).
  13. Don't you just love online translators? I don't see why it wouldn't be synced.
  14. That's all well and good, except you're lacking the statistics of console players. http://steampowered.com/status/survey.html If you check out Valve's hardware survey, of the 800,000 - 900,000 people surveyed, the majority of them have 1.7 - 2GHz CPUs.
  15. Yes, but other online games are server-side, not client-side. MTA relies on the client sending a message to the server saying that the player has died, whereas in other games the server sends the message to the client.
  16. You keep spouting random statistics, yet never try to substantiate them.
  17. Believe me , thats a bad idea. Only 0.1 procent of the registered forum users knows how to use C++. Aprox. 10% is cheater. People may release "bugged" versions of MTA with trojans etc. Think about it , why would MTA work with Linux and not with MTA Mr.Xanni The community can contribute in Blue anyway, without it being open source. There would definitely be more cheaters, without a doubt. And more frequent releases, possibly, but I can see this leading to confusion and doing more damage to the community than good.
  18. Why would you need to alt+tab whilst playing MTA? Also, I'm not sure how feasible it is to keep Vice City running in the background due to the way that Windows handles multi tasking.
  19. I think this should be locked before it turns into a warez discussion. All I wanted to know was if MTA Blue detected the version automatically, and if so, whether they CRC-ed the exe to determine the version (although Kent's reply would signify that they don't).
  20. That first one looks a lot like GTA3 in terms of setting, except of course with higher poly models and better lighting / shadows.
  21. It is possible to disable alt+tab because Max Payne has an option to do it.
  22. Yeah, but they're server-side. Also, the filename of that image is http://www.multitheftauto.com/img/blue_micro_pause_small.jpg, so it couldn't really be anything else.
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