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Everything posted by orappa

  1. Er... I think you just banned a whole country there *ripple of sarcastic applause*
  2. It's an FPS set in the 1960s. You play a secret agent called Cate Archer (think of a female version of James Bond). The mission in question has you jumping out of a burning plane along with some bad guys. Only one guy has a parachute, and he's below you. You have to shoot the other bad guys whilst you try to catch up with the guy below you. Sorry, it's difficult to explain.
  3. It would be great to be able to shoot whilst falling. Hopefully someone will recreate the parachute mission from No One Lives Forever.
  4. Yeah, I had that with Win Me too. Also notice that in-game chat doesn't display either. MTA does not work on Win 9x. If there was some secret way of getting it working, we'd tell you (although technically it wouldn't be a secret then, but I digress).
  5. Sorry to break this to you, but your computer was good several years ago. I think it's the CPU causing the problem here, as I believe the minimum requirement for GTA3 is a 700MHz processor.
  6. It's because you have Windows 98. MTA only works on Windows XP and 2000, and that's why you don't see anyone. I had the same problem when I tested it out on my other PC that runs Win Me.
  7. Ah yeah, I'd forgotten about them.
  8. No-one said it was wrong.
  9. Why not? Maybe he likes 98. Anyway Nosgoth, how would installing Linux solve his problem? MTA doesn't run on Windows emulators.
  10. If they did sign another one, it would probably be for the Xbox 2 or PS3. I don't think they should have exclusivity contracts at all, personally, and I don't think there's such a thing as an exclusivity contract for the PC.
  11. If you want to play it on 98, download GTA3:MTA 0.3b. It'll also help you appreciate just how different GTA3:MTA 0.4 is.
  12. orappa

    MTA Favourites

    That needs a third party program created by eAi (I'm not sure why they haven't included it in MTA by default).
  13. orappa

    MTA Favourites

    You need to change the folder. The command is ChDir in VB (and ChDrive) - I'm not sure which language you're using though.
  14. orappa

    Game Servers?

    Try downloading the All Seeing Eye server browser (currently the only browser with MTA support): http://www.udpsoft.com/eye2/index/html
  15. I think this question should be added to the FAQ in large letters.
  16. It's way to early to say what kind of things will be in the next one (if there even is a next one). You can't tell me you're bored of SA already? Anyway, they put a lot of content into SA which makes me wonder if there's much else that they can include in the game.
  17. Parachutes have been suggested. It's currently not known if they are possible, but they are unlikely to ship with Blue and are more likely to be a third party mod. I'm not quite sure what you mean by that. Army skins and vehicles will be included, but army NPCs will not be.
  18. Actually no... the flaw lies in Spybot S&D: http://channels.lockergnome.com/windows ... f_it.phtml
  19. *cough* SP2 popup blocker *cough*
  20. A lot of servers and players are American, so if you log on in the evening, you're more likely to come across servers with admins. The Partyservers for both GTA3 and VC normally have admins in the evenings (GMT evenings that is).
  21. I'm sorry, but is that really the best argument you've got?
  22. Are you sure The Cheese is a cheater (and isn't The Cheese The Vass's new name?)?
  23. Remember that MTA uses system resources in addition to GTA, so the game will not run as fast as it does in single player.
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