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Everything posted by orappa

  1. they cant be that brilliant then if they r stupid enuth not to try Well... no. Einstein got crap grades at school and he was later expelled, yet he was a genius. He couldn't be bothered with stuff like English as he much preferred Physics.
  2. Yeah, it would have been great for LAN games too.
  3. Yeah, but bear in mind that he'd have to pay shipping costs. I usually pay between $15 and $25 dollars, so it won't make a great deal of difference to the final price. However, eBay.co.uk is a good place for a bargain. I picked up VC for less than a tenner, and that was about 10-12 months ago.
  4. Presumably if it has been suggested countless times, the team would have implemented it? However, I do agree that it would be good to have something more substantial than IP banning, and I heard that Kryptos is working on a banning system for GGM that uses hard disk serial numbers.
  5. I don't think it would be fitting for the team to use a cracked forum system. I don't have any problems with the current system. Yes, it doesn't have as many features as VB, but how many of those features are truly essential? The purpose of the forums is for discussion, and PHPBB accomplishes this.
  6. Co-op would be a massive undertaking. For example, in missions where you have to ram a car until it explodes, it'd be a simple matter of using the other guys to create a roadblock or boxing the other car in. Thus, every mission would have to be redesigned in order to be challenging. Not only that but the peds and traffic would create a huge amount of lag (which is why they're not included in MTA at the moment). That can be done at the moment via MTAMA and Admin+. For more details, see the Add-Ons section of the forums. I don't think many people realise how revolutionary it is, as I've never seen any custom game modes running on any servers, which is a great pity.
  7. Thanks trx. It's not exactly a major deal, but I always post about the smaller things because sometimes they escape people's notice.
  8. That wouldn't make any difference, as you have to be running 1.1 in order to run GTA3:MTA. All I can suggest is that you either overclock or upgrade your machine. I doubt that "performance mod" would have made a great deal of difference anyway.
  9. Also, the cars in GTA3 seem to take more damage from weapons before exploding than in Vice (or the weapons are weaker), meaning that car n00bs are difficult to stop. The best tactic I know is to do what those Spanish guys do with bulls - stand still, dodge at the last minute and then try to jack them.
  10. Well, the title says it all. It'd be good if you could repair police cars in the Pay 'n' Sprays. Obviously blocking it is necessary for single player, but the police car in multiplayer is just the same as any other car.
  11. I'd probably find it funnier if I actually understood what you were talking about. BLM? Warp 2?
  12. How do other games cope with bots? Would encrypting every packet do the trick?
  13. what do you mean pirated CD keys - pirated CD keys for what?? They were going to block known pirated XP CD keys so that you couldn't install SP2 on illegal versions of XP, but they changed their minds because unpatched PCs could be a target for hackers / virus writers.
  14. I didn't notice any performance difference. Some people even said it was faster. There aren't really any "fun" features as it's all security enhancements, but as I said above, since installing SP2, I've had zero spyware every time I ran Spybot S&D (probably a result of the new IE features).
  15. I'd say uninstall GTA3, then reinstall it and install the patch. Then you know for sure that it's installed properly.
  16. No... MrBump said that HE didn't want anything more to do with 0.4. As far as I understand, the majority of the team will be focusing on the new core, with only a few working on 0.4.
  17. There've been cheats for MTA for ages. No matter how much time the team spend on the anti-cheat code, it is no substitute for a good admin.
  18. Actually, in 0.4.1, they removed the synced weather for GTA3 because it caused instability issues. However, installing this mod could result in you lagging or crashing other players' machines.
  19. No, this isn't the beta. The beta's been out for ages. This is the full version. The network version will be released tomorrow on the MS site, and this is the version that they will put on CDs to send out to people who request it.
  20. Well, it's fairly new, but there were 3 clients released for GTA3, then MTA made 3 VC clients and now they've combined the two. Needless to say, the final VC client was significantly more advanced than the final GTA3 client. As trx (I think) said, the problem with MTA at the moment is that they're spending a lot of time overcoming technical barriers, and so they don't get a chance to tune the gameplay to perfection.
  21. Without them, there'd probably be no GTAT, GGM, etc as well. If you compare GTA3:MTA to MTA:VC, it's obvious which one had the most work on it. GTA3 has Turismo, a weapon buying facility, money, Pay 'n' Sprays, etc. VC has had more subtle changes but nothing large overall. They pretty much started from scratch with GTA3, and whilst it's not without its faults, they've pulled it off exceptionally well. MTA is the only multiplayer mod to provide for both games in a single client, which is a huge undertaking due to their vast differences. I would expect a much more even balance between the two in the future, now that a lot of the conceptual difficulties have been overcome (i.e. getting them both to work).
  22. Here it is: http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?p=104847#104847 And yeah, some of the sections do need a brightness adjustment.
  23. Microsoft has just released its long awaited SP2 to manufacturers (for creating CD versions). However, it will take a while for it to appear on Automatic Updates / Windows Update because Microsoft are staggering it incrementally across IP ranges (so as not to overload their servers). For those impatient people, you can now download the manufacturer's build of SP2 (it's exactly the same as the one via Windows Update). Why should you download SP2? I've been running the beta for a few months now, and Microsoft have drastically improved security. The Windows Firewall is greatly improved, and is pretty much the standard you could expect from a purchased firewall. The popup blocker's great. I was originally running the one built into the Google toolbar, but occasionally certain popups would circumvent it and manage to display themselves. Because it's now built into the browser, that never happens. One thing I've noticed is that since installing SP2, whenever I run Spybot S&D, I have 0 infections (which is good, but it rather takes the fun out of running it). Also, they recompiled a lot of core elements to make them less susceptible to buffer overflows (commonly exploited by viruses). They also decided at the last minute to allow pirated CD keys to be used with it, in order to stem the amount of "zombie" machines on the net at the moment. (However keys that were blocked with SP1 will still be blocked with SP2) If you don't use the XP firewall, Windows Media Player or IE, there are still some beneficial changes under the hood. For an exhaustive list, visit: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodte ... chngs.mspx Anyway, here's the download link (several mirrors available): http://downloads.guru3d.com/download.php?det=846
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