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Everything posted by orappa

  1. And possibly an option to delete logs that are x months old or more, so that you don't get millions.
  2. orappa

    What we do

    And there would also be in-team problems, such as the fact that some members can afford to spend more time on it than others, and then there's the problem of proving how long they've worked on it, etc. Also, I can bet that Rockstar will want a piece of it too via license fees, and basing all of your income on donations is a very unpredictable / unreliable business model.
  3. But isn't it just the textures and sounds that get preloaded? That's what I heard.
  4. orappa

    Article: The Car Kill

    Beta. They don't have the time at the moment to fine tune the weapons and classes.
  5. Yeah, but I usually avoid servers with 1 or 2 players in, preferring 7 or more.
  6. Everyone gets this. It happens when the GTA3 engine gets strained by MTA.
  7. Well, I don't play on them because there's never anyone else playing on them (presumably the reason why no-one else plays on them either), so it's a never-ending cycle.
  8. I'm not as familiar with VC as I am with GTA3, but I think they're probably players who have joined the server, but aren't actually in-game.
  9. Two words: Core 0.4. (Well technically, one word and a number)
  10. Well, any publicity is good publicity, whether they get the details correct or not. I think that the team should put something on the home page saying that it's for both GTA3 and VC (possibly underneath the bit that says it's only compatible with Win XP and 2000), as I've met some people who didn't actually know that it supported both (and presumably the writers of this magazine didn't either).
  11. Don't set it to Win 98 compatibility mode, because it is not compatible with Windows 98 (or 95, Me or NT).
  12. It's worse in 0.4/0.4.1 because they're still using the same core that they used with MTA 0.2 and are pushing it to its limits.
  13. Doesn't it just say "Start Game", you click on it and then it says "Start Multi Theft Auto" instead of "Start New Game"?
  14. Sorry, I didn't explain myself fully. I was saying that someone could hack the client, but still send the old string. tbot's idea is good though.
  15. But couldn't they just crack the client and send the correct string to the server?
  16. No, I quit the server at that point and tested it out across my LAN. I could get the death messages up, but I couldn't make myself teleport.
  17. They might have some kind of firewall and only opened the game port.
  18. Hmm..... (quote from the Report Your Cheaters Thread) The crashing is probably due to your trainers then.
  19. I was once playing on a GTA3 server, and I noticed that this guy was spamming the chat box with messages saying that he'd died. I also noticed that he was teleporting across the map. I thought it was one of those bots, as they can do that, but it turns out that he was just using the replay function.
  20. No, he meant are you running it on XP, but with Windows 98 Compatibility Mode switched on?
  21. You should also be able to put coloured text on the map as well, instead of having to draw the text (I hate drawing text).
  22. I don't even think you need Internet Connection Sharing. The second machine can connect via the local IP, and the others can connect via the external IP.
  23. That's exactly what I said, but my comment was deleted
  24. Is that a VC server or a GTA3 one? We could use some more GTA3 ones (hint, hint).
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