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Everything posted by orappa

  1. Google's email service (1GB of space).
  2. To change compatibility mode, right-click on the .exe file for MTA, click on the Compatibility tab and deselect all of the boxes (it might be a good idea to do this for the GTA .exe as well).
  3. Ah. Didn't know about that one, thanks.
  4. On that note, I think it would be good to maybe have an option to display the MOTD again (a key that toggles it perhaps), as some admins put loads of info in the MOTD and it goes away before you've had time to read it. It's also useful if you need to verify the rules.
  5. It's probably not better, but hey - it's free advertising.
  6. I think it might have been 18 hours a week...
  7. I'm glad that 0.4 came out, even if it is more unstable than 0.3. The new aiming system and GTA3 support mean that I can keep going until the next major version is released. Also, I don't know anyone who's ever had their "known cheater" rank taken away...
  8. It was probably removed because it was "adult" to an extent.
  9. You can switch that off (it's one of the most annoying things in XP). It's so that the newbie users don't see the scary error messages, but to me it seems more confusing for the computer to restart randomly than to display a cryptic message so that you know that something's gone wrong.
  10. So him telling you what to do twice constitutes him doing it all the time?
  11. orappa


    Single player VC.
  12. I think someone had a theory that that was due to the chat log getting too big.
  13. They skipped about when I played on my LAN (ping of 8ms), but not as much as they did on 0.3.
  14. It all depends on the program really. A badly-written program will be unstable on both operating systems.
  15. I remember them saying that they'd discovered a new method of reading / writing gamedata which made everything a lot smoother (and even showed some video clips where cars no longer "jumped" if you were a passenger). They said they'd try to include this for MTA 0.4, but as they didn't, I hope it's a feature in the new core.
  16. Choppy movement could be because you're used to other games where the movement is super-smooth. I was experimenting over a LAN once, and I noticed that when the character side-steps slightly, he "jumps" on the other screen, but if I were to side-step further, the animation would then kick in.
  17. As I've said hundreds of times before, how many other games do you know that allow cheating? None, so why should MTA be any different? I think you're blurring the line between cheating and modding. Cheating benefits no-one. If you have a cheat server, it just becomes a contest to see who can download the best cheats. Modding can be good, but the team want a stable release before they allow it (otherwise it becomes confusing because they won't know if a bug report is a fault with MTA or a fault with a mod that someone's downloaded).
  18. I don't crash often on either of my PCs (GeForce 2 MX 400 and GeForce FX 5900), and no, I don't have either of those services. For a list and explanation of common services, try http://www.blackviper.com .
  19. But would removing 6 actors to take it down to 26 like VC (I have never seen a 32 player GTA3 server) make a difference to the stability and colour changing?
  20. If you switch on sounds for message boxes, you should be able to hear the box pop up in the background (that's assuming it does).
  21. I have a question: If you set the maximum number of players in the server to 10, does it only load 10 models in the tunnel or the full 32? Because if not, couldn't you reduce the maximum player count to 26 like Vice City? Would that make a difference?
  22. Why would you need a car with a body in the back?
  23. It's just Counter-Strike with better graphics and physics. If you didn't like CS, CS:S isn't going to win you over.
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