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Everything posted by orappa

  1. And don't forget that it also works with GTA3 too.
  2. Do you get that message when you try to connect to servers for other games in ASE, or does it just happen with MTA?
  3. Kris has it (it's from 0.3, but I don't think much has changed): http://dev.kquery.com/index.php?article=40
  4. orappa


    Er... couldn't you have put all of these links into a topic called "Gunn3r's links" or something, rather than posting about 10 individual topics? Or were you trying to raise your postcount to make up for the fact that your old account was banned?
  5. That's probably why hardly anyone plays GTA3. I think it should say something like "Note: This client supports both GTA3 and Vice City", because people get confused when they visit mtavc.com.
  6. A public master would be nice, and is a quick way of getting server browser support.
  7. Just get your own server then *cough* Game2XS *cough* How would that solve the problem?
  8. Yeah, I see the animation too. They don't warp - they just look stupid for jumping up and down.
  9. *cough* http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=9395
  10. Perhaps they appear after a certain time limit (I've had my account for ages). It would stop people doing what we're doing.
  11. Yeah, I know it can be switched off, but it's on by default.
  12. And add some scroll bars or something for people playing the game on low resolutions. I play on 1024x768 and I still can't see some messages because they're too long. Also, I reckon by default the MOTD should be switched off because the default "I haven't made a MOTD yet" screen gets annoying, and its kind of pointless.
  13. You don't need to forward any ports. You may need to open ports if you have a firewall though (port 2003 by default for UDP traffic). To connect, the clients type in the local IP address of the server.
  14. It's because you can't die whilst you're in a car (although I think you can if you're a passenger). You would have died when you left the car.
  15. Ignore that article - it's for an earlier version.
  16. orappa

    A dilema.

    Posty, I managed to get UT 2004 running smoothly on a 1GHz machine, so your 1.8 shouldn't have any problems. Edit: Quote from the link you posted: Oh well. atleast i didnt waste *too* much time.. The idea however, is not dead. i shall have an active city in UT2K4..
  17. No-one knows if it'll be technically possible, but they will definitely try to.
  18. I have 6 invites, you're welcome to PM me if you want one.
  19. Yeah, but I think Xbox 2 will support HDTV (High Definition TV).
  20. I really have no idea what is the problem. I'm hoping that one of the devs will drop by with some ideas.
  21. You can download utilities to disable the Windows keys, Alt + Tab and Ctrl + Alt + Delete (whilst the program is running - it doesn't disable them permanently).
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