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Everything posted by orappa

  1. I haven't heard of any games that delete the mod when you leave the server Also, no indication as to player counts has been specified yet (and probably won't be). However, I'm sure it will be more than the current amount (26).
  2. Edit: http://www.teamspeak.org How embarrasing
  3. What's the point of getting the minigun if kills don't count?
  4. That would need serious balancing. The guy with the most kills will get even more kills with the minigun and 2000 health, so it would have to be balanced whereby killing "it" gives you 5 frags and killing anyone else just gives you one. Or something like that.
  5. $50 is roughly equivalent to £25 (it's easier to round it up to £1=$2 instead of calculating it as £1=$1.7759), and that's what I pay for 768Kbit cable broadband. The cheapest Demon package in the link you showed would be roughly equivalent to $80 for 500Kbit, and $156 for 2Mbps.
  6. There wasn't an "MTA Revolution". It was MTA - The Revolution is Coming".
  7. Well... they experimented with that before, and it was really weird: http://www.planetgrandtheftauto.com/ima ... 2beta1.jpg http://www.planetgrandtheftauto.com/ima ... 2beta2.jpg (pics nicked from this article: http://www.planetgrandtheftauto.com/fea ... tahistory/)
  8. I think he means that he wants the admin to be able to place ramps and stuff whilst the server is running, on the fly.
  9. Yeah, I knew it wouldn't be totally representative of Blue, but it was the nearest thing I could find.
  10. http://www.mtavc.com/archive.php?nummer=170 Check out those video clips for a taste.
  11. I'm sure they'll incorporate a filtering system or similar.
  12. Are these just vanilla modes like TDM, CTF, etc.?
  13. It says "Cannot detect version. Defaulting to 1.0". It crashes because it's not set to 1.1 (in the top right-hand corner).
  14. Yeah... turned on via MTAMA. There are scripts that do that kind of thing anyway.
  15. Oh god yeah. I hate that. They don't have to be synced or anything - just a random starting point.
  16. 2003 is the default port. 4003 is the default port for admin functions (if you plan to use them).
  17. Just read the link I posted above. That'll be specific to your router.
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