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GTA / MTA Starwars Mod - MTASW

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Ello :D This is probably the last mos-eisely modelling for around a week, as i have exams etc. So here ya go! Tell me what you think!

Pic 7 is the wireframe, pic 8 is the underside of the city, and pic 9 is a small section of the city, textured. It's just to see how it'd look, but the real textures will be differently toned, and different textures.




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hmm vinny, you do realize that the purple stuff is inverted, which means you wont actually see it ingame, incase you don't know how to solve that, select the face, doa right-click and click on 'revert face' (or invert face, not sure)

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Krimson: Nice blaster, thats one of the pair that Jango Fett has in Episodes I and II, we could stretch a point and imagine that Boba kept his fathers weapons however and include the weap, if you manage to get it to a decent standard.

Vinny: Great work as usual, it will of course need skinning, perhaps someone not helping already, with experience in texturing and skinnign models would like to help? Let us know if so.

Theres every chance that once the initial tatooine map is completed we will turn to creating other starwars areas, cloud city has been second on the list since day one :P (as you will see if you check the first few pages of this thread.

Other news; The site is slowly coming together, forum is up and running along with a slightly less plain sites front page (only slightly :P ). Brophy has put together a nice news system interlinked with the forum, slothman and talidan are tinkering with ideas for the other components of the page. Hopefully this will all come together in the next few days and we can concentrate fully on creating the mod rather than the site. :)

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Yes, typical! Everything was left ticking over nicely and working perfectly last night, only to return to lots of permission errors today.

Hopefully we will get it rectified soon, everythign is still there just half of it wont let the public access it. :/

EDIT: mysql is down, should be fixed sometime today when the hostadmin can be contacted

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btw, could anyone send me the rc podracer?

Unfortunately we cannot, we have the rights and permissions to use certain models within the modification, but only as part of MTASW, not individually.

p.s. site is fixed - touch wood

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