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golf club = cheat?

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Something I've noticed while playing the latest MTA:VC on the new official servers: when I spawn as sailor, I drive around collecting SMG ammo, and then stop by Leaf Links to get a melee weapon (getting in the caddy)... I have noticed, whenever I have grabbed the golf club, and select it, I get kicked from the game for suspected trainer usage.

I then loaded up a server of my own on my lan and tried it out as well, and the same thing occurs... whenever I select the golf club I was kicked for suspected trainer usage.

I guess I should point out I have no mods for GTA:VC at all.

Just thought this was wierd, and slightly annoying, and wondering if anyone else has noticed this.

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On a related issue, I think I've isolated the sticky/unselectable Tec-9 bug to a particular pickup location, seen below. Get that SMG any other way and you shouldn't ever experience this. For those of you that never got it before and don't know what I'm talking about, this problem basically screws with your weapon selection, as you can't roll past slot 4 (shotties) going up, or below slot 6 (assault rifles) sifting down. You'll see the Tec-9's icon flash momentarily and then it'll go back to your previous slot gun so you're never able to choose it unless you TAB replace it with another SMG in which case the bug goes away. Also picking the same weapon while you're getting this won't help resolve it I believe, but you can try n' post your finds if you care enough to test this.


Since I don't remember reading anywhere something more specific about this, I just thought I'd mention it.

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Actually you cant use the golf club in stunt mode, as there is no caddy in stunt mode now ;)

Seems the club has been added as an illegal weapon erroneously in DM though. Another little detail to fix for 0.4, thanks for pointing it out.

As for the weapon selection bug this is the first mention I have heard of it, has anyone else suffered it?

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to paraphrase bump (cause some didnt understand)

the way the anti cheat works, is if someone uses a weapon that is not normally provided, they get kicked. the golf club was accidentally added to the list of illegal weapons. this will be fixed in the next version however

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to paraphrase bump (cause some didnt understand)

the way the anti cheat works, is if someone uses a weapon that is not normally provided, they get kicked. the golf club was accidentally added to the list of illegal weapons. this will be fixed in the next version however

So how come people don't get automatically kicked when they cheat and use the minigun?

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Simply because those who cheat and get weapons that aren't even on the map don't get kicked while innocent golf fans are being banned for taking a club!


I don't get that either. Although I'm not interested in using club as a weapon since I prefer a sword or a (MY PRECIOUS) chainsaw.

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Although I'm not interested in using club as a weapon since I prefer a sword or a (MY PRECIOUS) chainsaw.

Just out of interest, is there a sword pick-up on MTA? If so, where is it?

Also once you have blown up the shop in North Point in the normal game, I can't seem to find a sword pick-up. Can anyone help me with either?

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Its in the Garage with the Comet in it

I've found it already, thanks :mrgreen:

Now I have the perfect bunch of weapons for my 100% game. You wouldn't believe how long I've been looking for the sword :lol:.

[edit] When I found it there wasn't a Comet in there - could just be the randomness. Any way it's in the garage of the house next along from the mansion on starfish island [/edit]

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