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2003 official R* reaction


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  • MTA Team

Hi Blokker,

I had a look at the first version of Multi Theft Auto and was very impressed with what you guys did. It looks like there is a lot of work to be done yet but a lot of progress has been made already. I'm looking forward to playing GTAIII as a multiplayer game.

Being from Holland myself it's good to see the old 'hacking culture' is still going strong in the Lowlands.

I also have to say the web site itself looks very professional. It's a shame the project will no doubt get delayed somewhat when Vice City comes out for the PC.

Keep up the good work.

Technical manager

Rockstar north.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Valve software are a 'hacking' culture, they endorse these things because they agree with them, they like modders, they helped CS makers by giving out code..

but R* just because one person agrees doesn't mean the whole company will, aswell just because they like it doesn't mean they will endorse it..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, Rockstar really hate the mod community. They only expected people to throw some mp3s in a folder and make a simple, limitted bmp file for the skins and that would be the end of the modifications. They thought just because they closed up GTA's code, the modders wouldn't get to it. They were dead wrong.

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Yeah, Rockstar really hate the mod community. They only expected people to throw some mp3s in a folder and make a simple, limitted bmp file for the skins and that would be the end of the modifications. They thought just because they closed up GTA's code, the modders wouldn't get to it. They were dead wrong.
Maybe a reason for this is that it is ported from PS2. They had to do that quick I think because they promised that the graphics were much better etc. and they weren't. I hope the modding will be easier with Vice City.
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i doubt that r* hate the modding community.

its no big deal to them if we legally modify the game for mp, selling it for free, selling their game, and r* themselves.

We are really doing them a service by promoting the game.

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Rockstar obviously doesn't hate the modding community. On their PC Vice City section they are promoting modders and mod sites. They are giving out links and in the manual for GTA3 it says "Thanks to all the unofficial GTA3 fan sites" They OBVIOUSLY don't hate the modding community.

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According to physics the fourth dimension is the passage of time. Some games are already exploring this; like this crazy japanese game called Animal crossing (its crazy)

If you dont play for a few weeks and come back all the animals hate you apparently... those crazy Japanese game designers :lol:

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  T2k2 said:
I would say that the 4th demension is Consequence. Decisions take effect. You put a tank in the middle of the road, and come back later runnin from the cops, and OH SHIT I LEFT A TANK


Ya know what I'm saying?

yes :lol:


Join The Russian mafia we wil pay you wel 8)

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