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Everything posted by Tut

  1. Welcome to the forums. This section in particular is for scripting tutorials, what you're looking for is the Portuguese Lua programming section: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/127-programação-em-Lua/ Please don't create a new thread, as we'll have this one moved to the appropriate section for you.
  2. Please translate your message into English, otherwise use the Spanish board (we can move it there if you prefer; no need to create a new thread)
  3. There's currently no native way of adding new ID's. There are however tricks that you can perform to save on ID's. One is to only replace ID 1337 within a defined colshape, while it's still mapped with its original model all around the map outside of the colshape. Using this method can be beneficial if you're adding new landmasses to southern LS, by using ID's from northern LV etc. You could also replace useless objects such as the collisionless Liberty City cutscene models (3923, 3917, 3911, 3907, 3906, 3905, 3903, 3902, 3900, 3899, 3898, 3897, 3895, 3894, 3893, 3892, 3890) You also have the option to replace casino objects: There are about 70 of those chip models. If you leave just 1 out of those, then you can just shader them into every single color with a texture shader script, meaning you'd use only 2 ID's for something that currently occupies 70 ID's, by utilising shaders.
  4. Congratulations :love5:

    1. turret001


      it was you who suggested me, wasn't it ?? thank you anyways, you helped me start 3d modelling :bounncy::signthanks:

  5. I assume you mean MTA nightly: https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/
  6. Please use the Turkish language board if you don't wish to write English posts: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/95-turkish-türkçe/ If you want help from an English scripting community, please post in here: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/71-scripting/
  7. Please use the Scripting section for future questions related to programming MTA. https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/71-scripting/
  8. Tut

    network trouble

    Please translate your thread so that you can receive the appropriate help. If not please make use of the Portuguese language board: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/97-portuguese-português/
  9. In the future can you please use the Spanish section for non-English posting. This does not include the current thread as we'll move it there. https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/166-spanish-español/
  10. Tut


    What you could do is shader over an object, like one of those square garage doors, with some sort of fabric or wood. Have a look at https://dev.prineside.com/gtasa_samp_model_id/ for a quick browse through GTA objects to find their ID. I'm not able to help on coding aspect of creating this, but there may be examples on this page for creating the shader code. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Element/Shader#Shaders_for_world_textures https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/EngineApplyShaderToWorldTexture
  11. Tut

    UZI Weapon

    I believe you can configure weapon properties: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetWeaponProperty (moved to Scripting section)
  12. Please use the Spanish board for future posting in said language: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/166-spanish-español/ We'll move this thread to the correct board, so please don't make a duplicate. Thanks
  13. Blender doesn't support collision export, that's what I read from those working with Blender. They use 3ds Max for exporting to GTA SA formats.
  14. If you want your collision to retain surface properties and mesh used by original collision, you'd have to import the original collision used by that object. This collisions guide may help you get started, otherwise please leave a reply if you got any questions: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/119808-collisions/ If you don't really care about surface materials lost, what you could do is tell COL IO (3ds Max script) that your high detail model is your collision model. Simply select it when exporting to .col as the collision model. Make sure that your model is exported at 0,0,0 world coordinates and that it shares same pivot as your high detail model. @swag_k_dog
  15. You need to update model 1's collision by filling the gap that now appears after you attached the new mesh. Your model's boundings are also not calculated for the entire new model, resulting in camera clipping issues which can only be addressed by updating the collision. Please check my signature for a link to user guides section, click the thread titled 'Collisions'. It explains how to import collisions of any world object. @Lisuu1
  16. Please show your project scene and upload files that can be imported in 3ds Max 2017. Also specify which vehicle you're replacing. Besides that I'd like to know the importer and exporter that you used. @mucuk6547
  17. What you're refering to is likely a well made interior wall system. These aren't simple to make, and thus they're probably charging money for the system. If you're not up to pay for that, I think you're out of options, unless you want to learn adding models to your server by yourself.
  18. Those walls are SAMP custom objects. In SAMP you can add custom ID's for world objects but not in MTA. What you could do is replace the Liberty City cutscene objects from GTA SA, those objects occupy around 10 ID's. You can find the wall models in SAMP.img I think it's called. Name should be the same as on its prineside page. https://dev.prineside.com/en/gtasa_samp_model_id/search/?q=19447 For replacing models you can use engineReplaceModel function. I hope this post made sense. Good luck and if you have any questions, let me know. The below code example would replace ID 3907 with a custom object. Lua and metadata respectively. col = engineLoadCOL ("3907.col") -- sandbags engineReplaceCOL (col, 3907) txd = engineLoadTXD ("3907.txd") engineImportTXD (txd, 3907) dff = engineLoadDFF ("3907.dff") engineReplaceModel (dff,3907) <file src="3907.col" /> <file src="3907.txd" /> <file src="3907.dff" />
  19. Tut


    If you require technical support for client issues, please post here and include a detailed description of the issue, thanks @Aiken As a side note, please familarise yourself with the forum guidelines & rules on appropriate posting: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/12275-forum-rules/
  20. Do you want me to export the subtitles in plain text so that you can have it translated to your language? I can also just note down the steps though. On a second thought let me just do that. It's written on this thread (which I linked in the guide that you just read): https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/119240-mta-modding-in-3d/ In short what you're going to do is extracting all .txd files from the gta3.img using TXD workshop. Then you'll create a folder called 'png'. Open the program 'MagicTXD' and use the 'Mass extract' feature. Set up your output path to the folder 'png'. Set the file type to png. Set the images to export with the option 'with texture name only'. What you have to know is that there are many textures in the game using same name, but look different, so you're going to have few objects with the wrong texture... this is something that you can fix later though. That's about it. Any questions please let me know.
  21. Hello @mucuk6547 For textures to show on render, you need to set up a user-path under the Customize tab on the top. In essence this is your project folders that you're telling Max to look through and search for textures named that of the textures stored in the model's materials. It's important that you take note of the filetype that Max wants. If it wants .png or .tga then you must have the respective file type in your project folder. If you then want to show the textures in viewport (not recommended with large scenes like those imported through IPL) you can use the viewport settings to display materials.
  22. You'll need developers who are experienced in file optimization across sound, texture and model field. Those with knowledge in the fields can bring down all 85 of your 20mb sound files to just a few megabytes, or kilobytes, cut down polygons from 120k to 12k or effectively compress textures to barely no size while retaining most of the vital details. If your developer can do this, he can do it for the rest of the server's assets as well, which equals a very low download size for the server. And if these heavily optimized assets are frowned upon by players with high end computers, you can utilise a LOD system which lets users choose higher graphic settings for higher quality assets, but keeping the lowest LOD setting as default for newly joining players. Optimization is one thing, retopologising and recreation of assets is another. While the former destroys areas on the asset, it's by far a lot easier on development time and thus can get the desired result ready a lot sooner. TL;DR you'll need to find someone experienced in optimization of model, texture, sound files etc.
  23. Tut

    Handling for RP?

    There's handling documentation here: http://projectcerbera.com/gta/sa/tutorials/handling To get started with handlings you can use hedit (or create your own script; of which i cannot help you with): https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=3716 Wiki: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetVehicleHandling I'll be able to answer questions specific to vehicle handling, but not able to help coding it. Also I've moved your thread to Scripting section.
  24. Hello and welcome to the forums. Please use the Portuguese language board for future threads in that language. This is an otherwise English community. Thanks. For reference: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/97-portuguese-português/
  25. Hello and welcome to the forums! Please use the Portuguese language section if you do not want to get help through English language. https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/97-portuguese-português/ This would be the appropriate section: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/127-programação-em-Lua/ In your case we'll move your thread there, so you won't have to create another. Stick to this and receive the help needed. @Dadinho2828
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