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--GPS playerBlibs = {} amouunt = 0 function updateGPS () amouunt = 0 local gangname = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"gang") for i, blip in ipairs(playerBlibs) do if isElement(blip) then destroyElement(blip) end end if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"gang") == "none" then return end playerBlibs = {} for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if gangname == getElementData(player,"gang") and player ~= localPlayer then amouunt = amouunt+1 playerBlibs[amouunt] = createBlipAttachedTo(player,2,2) setBlipVisibleDistance(playerBlibs[amouunt],1000) end end end setTimer(updateGPS,5000,0) Olá, gostaria de perguntar. Quando um jogador inicialmente não tem time ele não se mostra no blip, mas quando criamos um grupo e ambos saem do grupo então não são time, eles ainda se mostram no mesmo blip. a mesma coisa acontece se eles estiverem em grupos diferentes e saírem do time.
Selam. MTA sunucuları basite indirgenmiş "Araç,Karakter,Silah,Blip (Haritada Simge),Kodlu Kapı,3D Ses" oluşturucu programımı bitirip sizlerle paylaşmak istedim. Klasörleri programın çalıştığı dizine oluşturur. Araç ve Silah ID'leri isimleri ile beraber sizin için hazır olarak ComboBox'a eklenmiştir. Programa dair görüntüler; VirusTotal: Link: Programın sorunlarını ve eksik bulduğunuz kısımları bildirirseniz mutlu olurum.
Buenas, tengo un problema que me está volviendo loco: Hace días subí un script mío a un servidor, se trata de conducir una furgoneta con un blip pegado al mismo. Todo funcionaba correctamente hasta que ayer en una modificación tuve que reiniciar el script dentro del mismo servidor ( tenemos un editor de código), y al reiniciarlo, el blip se crea junto con el camión pero el BLIP no se pega al vehículo, el attach no funciona. Hay otro script mío parecido también subido y ese si trabaja bien, sólo tengo ese problema con este, y no entiendo nada porque sólo cambie unas coordenadas, sólo eso. Intenté probar el código antes de los cambios y se bugea igual, cosa que no debería pasar. Será alguno choque entre otros scripts? Plot twist al probarlo en mi servidor local si trabaja correctamente, y en el servidor sucede algo raro: Algunos jugadores dicen que vieron el blip moverse con el vehículo, otros dijeron verlo estático en el punto de origen. ¿A qué se debe eso?
Buenas, tengo un problema que me está volviendo loco: Hace días subí un script mío a un servidor, se trata de conducir una furgoneta con un blip pegado al mismo. Todo funcionaba correctamente hasta que ayer en una modificación tuve que reiniciar el script dentro del mismo servidor ( tenemos un editor de código), y al reiniciarlo, el blip se crea junto con el camión pero el BLIP no se pega al vehículo, el attach no funciona. Hay otro script mío parecido también subido y ese si trabaja bien, sólo tengo ese problema con este, y no entiendo nada porque sólo cambie unas coordenadas, sólo eso. Intenté probar el código antes de los cambios y se bugea igual, cosa que no debería pasar. Será alguno choque entre otros scripts? Plot twist al probarlo en mi servidor local si trabaja correctamente
Hello guys! I have an issue with my radar script and I can't fix it. I wanted to draw the server's blips to the player's minimap, but i don't know how to calculate the X,Y coordinates on the radar when I rotate my camera. That's my client side script: local c = exports.gw_core local screenX,screenY = guiGetScreenSize() local fonts = c:getFonts() local options = c:getOptions() local s = c:getSize(300) local bx,by = c:getSize(50), screenY - c:getSize(50)-s local x,y = c:getSize(60), screenY - c:getSize(40) - s local arrowSize = c:getSize(30) local bs = s*2 local mapTarget = dxCreateRenderTarget(bs,bs) local map = dxCreateTexture('world.jpg') local blipTarget = dxCreateRenderTarget(3000,3000) setPlayerHudComponentVisible ( 'radar',false) function getMapCord(element) local x,y = getElementPosition(element) local imgSize = 3072 return ((x + 3000) / 6000) * imgSize, (-(y - 3000) / 6000) * imgSize end local blip = createBlip (1962.291015625,-1751.20703125,13.3828125, 0) addEventHandler('onClientRender',root,function() local _,_,r = getElementRotation(getCamera()) local _,_,pr = getElementRotation(localPlayer) local posX,posY = getMapCord(localPlayer) dxSetRenderTarget(blipTarget) dxDrawImageSection ( posX - bs/2, posY - bs/2, bs,bs,posX - bs/2, posY - bs/2, bs,bs,map,r) for k,v in pairs(getElementsByType('blip')) do local blipX,blipY = getMapCord(v) dxDrawImage(blipX - 10, blipY - 10, 20, 20, 'player.png'); -- I don't have blip images yet end dxSetRenderTarget() dxDrawRectangle ( bx,by,s+c:getSize(20),s+c:getSize(20), options.panelDark) dxDrawImageSection ( x,y,s,s,posX - s/2, posY - s/2, s,s,blipTarget) dxDrawImage ( x + s/2 - arrowSize/2, y + s/2 - arrowSize/2, arrowSize,arrowSize,'player.png',r-pr,0,0) end) There's the problem in the game :
- 10 replies
for index, info in ipairs(blips) do dxSetRenderTarget(MiniMap["RenderTarget"], true) local bx = info.x local by = info.y local actualDist = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D(playerX, playerY, bx, by) local dist = actualDist/(worldMaxSize/((worldWidth+worldHeight)/2)) local rot = findRotation(bx, by, playerX, playerY)-camZ local blipX, blipY = getPointFromDistanceRotation( (MiniMap_x+MiniMap["width"]+MiniMap_x)/2, (MiniMap_y+MiniMap_y+MiniMap["height"])/2, math.min(dist, math.sqrt((MiniMap_y+MiniMap_y+MiniMap["height"])/2-MiniMap_y^2 + MiniMap_x+MiniMap["width"]-(MiniMap_x+MiniMap["width"]+MiniMap_x)/2^2)), rot ) local blipX = math.max(MiniMap_x, math.min(MiniMap_x+MiniMap["width"], blipX)) local blipY = math.max(MiniMap_y, math.min(MiniMap_y+MiniMap["height"], blipY)) local color = 255 dxDrawImage(blipX - blipSize/2, blipY - blipSize/2, blipSize, blipSize, "blips/".. info.blipID ..".png",0,0,0,tocolor(255,2555,255,255)) dxSetRenderTarget() end Why not working? No errors/warnings..
Hola eh estado buscando de como crear un clip para una misión pero no eh encontrado nada nose si podrían ayudarme. Lo que quiero es que el blip se señale en el mapa pero quiero que según vaya trascurriendo desaparezca y aparezca el nuevo blip con el nuevo objetivo pero en la wiki no hay nada relacionado con lo que busco.
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- playerblips
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I have a problem, I tried to make a local blip for each player, that is, if you are a business owner on the server (in my case), then only you have a note of where your business is. Errors in the console are not any no, it's completely clean. ----------------------------------------------------- this is server.lua function dbCreateBusinessesCallback(queryHandle) local sql = dbPoll(queryHandle, 0) if sql and #sql > 0 then for index, sqlRow in ipairs(sql) do local pos = split(sqlRow["bPos"], ",") local bMarker = createMarker(pos[1], pos[2], pos[3], "corona", 1.5, settings["business.markerColor"][1], settings["business.markerColor"][2], settings["business.markerColor"][3], settings["business.markerColor"][4]) setElementInterior(bMarker, pos[4]) setElementDimension(bMarker, pos[5]) local timer = setTimer(businessPayout, sqlRow["bPayoutCurTime"] , 1, bMarker) setElementData(bMarker, "bData", {sqlRow["bID"], sqlRow["bName"], sqlRow["bOwner"], sqlRow["bCost"], sqlRow["bPayout"], sqlRow["bPayoutTime"], sqlRow["bPayoutOTime"], sqlRow["bPayoutUnit"], sqlRow["bBank"], timer}) local bData = getElementData(bMarker, "bData") local id, name, owner, cost, payout, payoutTime, payoutOTime, payoutUnit, bank, timer = unpack(bData) if settings["business.blip"] ~= false then if sqlRow["bOwner"] == "For Sale" then addEventHandler( 'onPlayerLogin', root, function(getPlayerAccount) setElementData( source, 'account', getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player))); triggerClientEvent(source,"createBizBlips", source) end); end end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", bMarker, onBusinessMarkerHit) addEventHandler("onMarkerLeave", bMarker, onBusinessMarkerLeave) local timer = setTimer(businessPayout, sqlRow["bPayoutCurTime"] , 1, bMarker) setElementData(bMarker, "bData", {sqlRow["bID"], sqlRow["bName"], sqlRow["bOwner"], sqlRow["bCost"], sqlRow["bPayout"], sqlRow["bPayoutTime"], sqlRow["bPayoutOTime"], sqlRow["bPayoutUnit"], sqlRow["bBank"], timer}) end end end ---------------------------------------------------- this is client.lua ---------------this is bind bindKey( 'i', 'both', function( key, keyState ) if keyState == 'down' then for k, v in ipairs ( getElementsByType( 'marker', getResourceRootElement() ) ) do if getElementData( v, 'bOwner' ) and getElementData( v, 'bOwner' )[7] then if getElementData( v, 'bOwner' )[7] ~= '' then else createBlipAttachedTo( v, 52 ); end; end; end; else for k, v in ipairs( getElementsByType( 'marker', getResourceRootElement() ) ) do if getElementData( v, 'bOwner' ) then for k, elem in ipairs( getAttachedElements( v ) ) do if getElementType( elem ) == 'bBlip' then destroyElement( elem ); end; end; end; end; createBlips() end; end ); ------------------------ And this is the second part function getPlayerByAccountName( name ) for i, v in ipairs( getElementsByType( 'player' ) ) do if getElementData( v, 'account' ) == name then return v; end; end; return false; end; function creatbBlips() local account = getAccount(owner) for k, v in ipairs ( getElementsByType( 'marker', getResourceRootElement() ) ) do if getElementData( v, 'bOwner' ) and getElementData( v, 'bOwner' )[7] then if getElementData( v, 'bOwner' )[7] == getElementData( localPlayer, account) then createBlipAttachedTo( v, 52 ); end; end; end; end addEvent("createBizBlips",true) addEventHandler("createBizBlips",root,createBlips) createBlips() help me pleas :3 so, then I'm a terrible perplexity
So, first of all greetings. These days, i was trying to make a script that would allow you to create custom blips and save them to a database. The creation and saving (in the DB) part went well, but i am having problems when trying to load them back into the game. Here's part of the code that handles that: function loadOneBlip( ) local result = mysql:query_fetch_assoc("SELECT x AS x1, y AS y1, z AS z1, icon AS icons, size AS sizes FROM `blip`") --loading the data from the DB if result then while true do local row = mysql:fetch_assoc(result) --make it so i can select the data from a string if not row then break end --if there is no result end the operation local blip = createBlip( row.x1 , row.y1 , row.z1 , row.icons , row.sizes, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, visibleDistance) --creating the actual blip outputChatBox("loading one blip (#"..blips..")", thePlayer, 255,255,255) --count them ingame to see if it loads completely blips = blips + 1 end mysql:free_result(result) else outputDebugString("blip failed",1) --something went wrong end end addCommandHandler("loadblip",loadOneBlip,false,false) addEventHandler("onResourceStart",root, loadOneBlip) And for more thoughts, yes, the connection to the DB is running good. The script is made serverside. And i also think i did something very wrong here, that being in when i execute the command, neither the blip gets created nor the error message display.
Hello guys, what's up ? I've made myself an blip event script, that attach a blip on the admin on the map, and the user who kills it get a random item. The most complicated part of the script is working fine, but i have a problem... The problem is: When the admin kills himself, the event doesn't end, if i die 10x, i'll have the function still running, so everytime i die it gives the message and the item... The script: (i've already commented all the lines to get easier to understand...) --function blip has paremeter: theplayer function blip (thePlayer) --variable accountname receive the value of the getaccountname of the player, to see the player login accountname = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)) --if the player who triggered the blip function is a supermoderator or an admin then if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. accountname, aclGetGroup("SuperModerator")) or isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. accountname, aclGetGroup("Admin")) then --output the message "special event - kill the adm identified as a $ on the map, the winner will get random items" outputChatBox ('#00BFFF==============================================================',getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) outputChatBox ('#00BFFF【 EVENTO ESPECIAL! 】#FFFFFF Mate o ADM identificado com o #098700cifrão ($) verde no mapa',getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) outputChatBox ('#FFFFFFO vencedor ganhará itens aleátorios!',getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) outputChatBox ('#00BFFF==============================================================',getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) --attach a "$" blip to the admin or supermod who started the event blip = createBlipAttachedTo (thePlayer,52,10) --set the admin data blood to 100 setElementData(thePlayer, "blood",100) --set the admin data blip event to true setElementData(thePlayer, "eventoblip",true) --set the max slots of the admin backpack to 350 setElementData(thePlayer, "MAX_Slots",350) end end --add the command /eventoblip that triggers the function blip addCommandHandler("eventoblip", blip) --table that determine what items the player will be given local itens = { {"Banana"}, {"Kiwi"}, {"Pizza"} } --function that calculates the size of the table itens above function tamanho( tabela ) local count = 0 for a in pairs( tabela ) do count = count + 1 end return count end -- function endevent has parameters: ammo, attacker, weapon, bodypart function fimdoevento(ammo, attacker, weapon, bodypart) -- if there is a attacker, and the element that killed him was a player, and the killed player has the data blip event then if attacker and getElementType ( attacker ) == "player" and getElementData(source,"eventoblip") == true then --declaring a local variable item that uses the tablecount system to pickup a random item of the table items local item = itens[math.random(tamanho(itens))][1] --declaring a local variable quantity, that's equal to 1x local quantidade = 1 --destroy the blip on the map after event is over destroyElement(blip) --remove the data blip event from staff setElementData(source, "eventoblip",false) --give to the attacker and the admin(test purposes) the random item, and quantity setElementData(attacker, item , quantidade) setElementData(source, item, quantidade) --output message "congratulations attackername killed the staff and wins X quantity of the X item" outputChatBox ('#00a5ff==============================================================',getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) outputChatBox ("#00a5ff Parabéns [#FF0000" ..getPlayerName(attacker).."#00a5ff] matou o Staff e ganhou [#ff0000 "..quantidade.."x "..item.."#00a5ff]!",getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) outputChatBox ('#00a5ff==============================================================',getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) -- else if there is a attacker, and the attacker killed with a vehicle, and the killed player has the data blip event then elseif attacker and getElementType ( attacker ) == "vehicle" and getElementData(source,"eventoblip") == true then --destroy the blip on the map after event is over destroyElement(blip) --remove the data blip event from staff setElementData(source, "eventoblip",false) --give to the attacker and the admin(test purposes) the random item, and quantity setElementData(attacker, item , quantidade) setElementData(source, item, quantidade) --output message "congratulations attackername killed the staff and wins X quantity of the X item" outputChatBox ('#00a5ff==============================================================',getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) outputChatBox ("#00a5ff Parabéns [#FF0000" ..getPlayerName(attacker).."#00a5ff] atropelou o Staff e ganhou [#ff0000 "..quantidade.."x "..item.."#00a5ff]!",getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) outputChatBox ('#00a5ff==============================================================',getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) -- if none of this conditions is true then the admin accidentally killed himself from falling or other causes else --output message "the staff adminname killed himself, the event is still running" outputChatBox ('#00a5ff==============================================================',getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) outputChatBox ('#00a5ffO Staff ' .. getPlayerName(source) .. ' se matou, o evento continua.' ,getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) outputChatBox ('#00a5ff==============================================================',getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) end end --add an event handler of type onplayerwasted, that triggers the fimdoevento (translating: endevent) function addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", getRootElement(), fimdoevento) Thank you guys, and please if anyone is thinking to use the script, please have my credits in: Gabriel Bigardi
I'm trying to create a blip with a icon id of 51 in all the cars in my server, but as soon as I add more cars it starts lagging, how can I iterate through all of them without lagging?!
Hello. I have a script that create a missile that follows the player when he enters the specified collision shape using createProjectile. The projectile elements have a white blip by default and I need to change it to Red. Is there a way to do it?
السلام عليكم عوز استفسار بسيط ازاى اغير شكل العلامات الى بتبقا فى الخريطه لشكل تانى Blip
function North () local north = createBlipAttachedTo ( north, 4 ); dxDrawImage(north, 20, 20, 'files/images/blips/north.png', 0, 0, 0, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), false); end i tried this, but doesn't working. how to add north blip to a radar script?
How can I increase blip visibility range on my MTA server?
Narwhal Bacon posted a topic in Scripting
Hello everyone, I have been trying to make the radar/minimap on my server less lonely. The only things that appear there are the player icons. Nothing Else, unless you are close to something. There goes my issue, is there a way to show all of the available blips in the radar? I don't mind it being crowded. I just need for all of the blips to show on the radar even if we are not close to it. I don't know why the player icons are shown no matter what and the rest are not. So any help is appreciated. I [I AM A COMPLETE NOOB AND DO NOT KNOW HOW TO CODE AT ALL] Notes: I am running a small server, just for my friends and I, nothing special. MTA 1.5.3 -
Hello everyone. I programmed a script that create VIP houses and when it does, it creates a green house blip on the map where the house was created. When this house is bought out by someone, the blip is changed to red house blip. But I want to keep an Yellow House blip instead of the green house blip. The blips only appear on the map when I hold the key " i " (example of how it should appear) The script calls the blips with this: bindKey( 'i', 'both', function( key, keyState ) if keyState == 'down' then for k, v in ipairs ( getElementsByType( 'marker', getResourceRootElement() ) ) do if getElementData( v, 'HSV_INFO' ) and getElementData( v, 'HSV_INFO' )[7] then if getElementData( v, 'HSV_INFO' )[7] ~= '' then createBlipAttachedTo( v, 32 ); --Red house blip else createBlipAttachedTo( v, 31 ); --Green house blip --createBlipAttachedTo( v, 64 ); --Yellow house blip end; end; end; else for k, v in ipairs( getElementsByType( 'marker', getResourceRootElement() ) ) do if getElementData( v, 'HSV_INFO' ) then for k, elem in ipairs( getAttachedElements( v ) ) do if getElementType( elem ) == 'blip' then destroyElement( elem ); end; end; end; end; end; end ); I tried to create a new blip and call him, but the MTA doesn't recognize it and send a white square instead of my new blip. Any idea?
Hello everyone, I am creating a rpg server and I would like to use the blip Id 42 to be able to mark the places of work but I would like to replace it with a new image so I was searching the forum and found something that helped me more n me I leave satisfied Client Sid function ReplaceBlipInTakeJob() for key,hud in ipairs(huds) do texShader = dxCreateShader ( "shader/shader.fx" ) createdHud = dxCreateTexture("img/hud/"..hud..".png") dxSetShaderValue(texShader,"gTexture",createdHud) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(texShader,tostring(hud)) end end addEvent("StartJobId",true) addEventHandler("StartJobId",root,ReplaceBlipInTakeJob) shader.fx texture gTexture; technique TexReplace { pass P0 { Texture[0] = gTexture; } } So my problem is that he even did replace the blip more only on the radar and not on the F11 map Anyone could help me with this I have no experience in radar or shaders and .fx