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Everything posted by orappa

  1. ..... so? With all due respect, when was the last time you did something for the team? They owe you nothing.
  2. Yeah, I prefer Game2XS, who also offer MTA support.
  3. Not in the current version, but probably in Blue.
  4. I've just noticed that there are a lot of people playing GTA3 on the Partyserver at the moment. Normally at this time in the morning, there are about 3 or 4, but there are 27 at the time of writing, which is great. Considering the stats that I posted in another thread, it's great for Europeans to have another option (btw, http://www.game2xs.com also hosts servers for MTA).
  5. But the problem is: where does it download the mod from? And what if the "http://www.blah.com" site goes down (I suspect that a lot of people will try to host mods on Tripod)?
  6. Only people with no PS2? I suspect that there will still be a large proportion of people. Anyway, I do agree with b0b0 that one of the problems with MTA is the fact that most people are (or at least act) as if they're 12 years old, probably because it's "cool" to own an 18-rated game.
  7. orappa

    New ideas

    Extra game modes are planned for Blue. I don't know whether the specific ones you suggested will be included, but Blue is moddable so they would be easy to add. 32 is the max player count for GTA3, 26 is the max player count for Vice City.
  8. Unfortunately not. Mr. "I'm a lamer and scared of dying" will find it incredibly useful.
  9. But they haven't stopped talking about it.... there's a whole new section of the forum dedicated to it.
  10. Check out these preview screenshots of 0.4.2: http://www.mtavc.com/archive.php?nummer=186
  11. Yeah... otherwise we wouldn't be here. I'm not flaming Draco, and he's done a great job, but if I preferred GTAT, I'd be on the GTAT forums now, not the MTA ones.
  12. They said that. When you've been here for a long time, you see the same thread topics popping up again and again.
  13. It depends when it is released. I look forward to the version after that, as Draco has implemented something similar to MTA 0.4's error reporting tool in the next version which should result in a massive bug reduction in subsequent versions.
  14. The official site has a new gameplay trailer entitled "Homecoming" (the music has adult lyrics btw).
  15. Yeah, it's not often that they release details, so make the most of it. Concentrate on what's being presented, not how it's presented.
  16. Whilst Blue would no doubt be worth paying for, they have no plans for charging for the product (which would probably result in loads of legal problems anyway).
  17. yes, maybe the new method didn't work out well. but the videos were bullshit, even those weren't smooth. suggestion for the future: maybe its better to release some videos about blue that display the reality? They were way smoother than in 0.3 / 0.4 when travelling as a passenger. That's where the main difference was. And that was a 0.4 video, not a Blue one. The only Blue video so far has been the teaser, which was more like a slideshow. And also: I have no idea how you reached that conclusion.
  18. http://www.mtavc.com/archive.php?nummer=170 They did not say it would definitely be included, did they?
  19. You need the All Seeing Eye: http://www.udpsoft.com/eye2/index.html Then select 0.4.1 from the list on the left under Version.
  20. The only problem I see is that San Andreas has so much content that it makes you wonder what they can possibly add in the future.
  21. Sounds more like a problem with your system than with MTA.
  22. Ah ha, a console gamer. Just pop in the install disc. Sometimes Windows unhelpfully disables autorun for you, for no apparent reason. If this is the case, go to My Computer and double-click the CD/DVD drive that contains the disk and double-click on Setup.exe to install it. After that, download MTA from the home page and follow the Step-by-Step guide (please note that it is slightly outdated).
  23. orappa

    Help ? Please?

    It's outdated, but the information it gives is still relevant.
  24. Why would it be a waste? Money spent on VC could be considered a waste if you choose to take opportunity cost(s) into account.
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