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Everything posted by orappa

  1. It could be in relation to your graphics card drivers. By default, Windows XP is set to restart automatically upon encountering a critical error (you can switch this off in System properties). I know that some people with ATI cards experienced such things (normally at the start of the game though), so you could try updating your drivers.
  2. San Andreas reviews: Gamespot. They gave it 9.6 / 10. IGN. They gave it 9.9 out of 10. They have also updated their screenshot galleries. The most interesting screenshot in my opinion shows off the new co-op mode: Also, check out GTABoards to see what the fans think: http://www.gtaboards.com/index.php?showforum=51 I'm am so jealous because I don't have a PS2 (it's not out in Europe yet anyway). Also, it would be great to hear what people think of it. Try to warn people before you post spoilers though.
  3. orappa


    Did that just occur randomly in-game? If so, everyone gets it now and then. They're trying to fix it.
  4. The same way you would in a normal post: [img=http://www.mysite.com/myimage.jpg]
  5. How come there are no options for MTA servers on the ClanServer / Uberserver menus?
  6. It may not have started the single player game. You click on New Game and then it should say Start Multi Theft Auto.
  7. And http://www.game2xs.com and http://www.jolt.co.uk also offer UK servers.
  8. HomeLanFed has an article announcing that SA has been shipped to US stores: http://www.homelanfed.com/index.php?id=27042 It comes out on Thursday doesn't it?
  9. I didn't mean that it was impossible. I just meant that I couldn't imagine many hosting companies being in favour of the idea.
  10. orappa

    6006l3 h4x0r

    Yeah, they've got several like that: http://www.google.com/intl/en_extra/language.html If you fancy neck problems later in life, check out Google Rotated: http://blog.outer-court.com/rotated/ I have way too much time on my hands
  11. You can play MTA with Vice City version 1.0. Grab the latest version of MTA (0.4.1) from the homepage: http://www.mtavc.com Then download the All Seeing Eye server browser in order to find game servers: http://www.udpsoft.com/eye2/index.html
  12. or phpBB like they use here if you prefer. Both sites will have details on how to install the software and what requirements you will need.
  13. I've never ever seen anyone complain about this for any other game.
  14. Sorry, there is no helicopter mod. The closest thing is the helicopters that you get in Liberty City, a GTA3 total conversion for Vice City. If you want to get to the lighthouse, you're going to have to learn to fly the dodo. Try this tutorial: http://www.gta3kingdom.com/'3'-DodoTutorial.htm
  15. orappa

    November 16

    Also, apparently Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines is coming out on the 26th.
  16. Couldn't you just get VC to play a blank sound file and play sound over the top (i.e. not through the game engine)? And guys, no-one wants to download massive MP3 files, so it would be better if it was streamed.
  17. What has that got to do with anything? It seems to me that if you're prepared to spend "big bucks" on security, you've definitely got something to hide. And what has that got to do with MTA having / not having spyware?
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